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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. There is a lot of design impracticability in fantasy settings. GW2 isn't the first.
  2. I'll bet you didn't try using Legolas
  3. Seems fixed for me now. Someone showed me this ANet tweet from last night: We just fixed an issue where beta characters were sometimes getting reset on map load. This will cause a one-time reset for all beta characters.
  4. Thanks, Khisanth. I don't follow Twitter. I'll test that out. (EDIT: test out the character load thing. Not the Twitter thing. I stay away from there!) ((EDIT AGAIN: Yup, seems fixed for me now. Thanks again!))
  5. I'm not skeptical about ANet's ability. I see it as a cost/benefit analysis. I'm sure that Anet could produce a new race, complete with skins and PS 1-80 with quality, but at what cost? And would Anet recoup the expenditure of finances and resources to produce a new race, complete with skins and PS 1-80? I think that it is highly unlikely. Making a new race (complete) for a niche portion of the entire playing community or making an expansion which would involve a significantly larger portion of the same community, and have that portion pay money for it? It's a no-brainer business decision, honestly.
  6. Perhaps, but for a game with the progression model that GW2 has, there needs to be something to keep players logging in and playing. Legendary gear is one of the more major reasons, at least in my estimation.
  7. Now you're just being obtuse, and bordering on insulting. Yes, Anet had stated that there would be no future expansions. Only Anet knows the entire financial picture of the company and can make the decision to reverse that statement and build an expansion. Only Anet knows the resources necessary to do so. Only Anet knows the resources necessary to implement a new race, and only Anet can make the determination if doing so should require access to PS 1-80 and all content up to the upcoming expansion. They have the metrics, the data and all of the information that neither you nor I have and only Anet can determine what is best for the game that will bring in the most revenue for their stakeholders because at the end of the day, the revenue for the stakeholders is all that matters in business. At this time, it appears that Anet has decided that the cost for implementing a new race, with the biggest chance at the largest return on investment, is not worth it. Good luck with your request, though.
  8. I wasn't talking about initial release, although thanks for the clarification. I never went for legendary items so I didn't know that the stat swap came later. The point, now, against the thread proposal is that granting the same swap-ability to ascended gear would essentially defeat the need for legendary outside of cosmetics.
  9. I don't work for Anet and I have never stated that I have. The devs have already posted about the resources that would be required. I suggest you use the forums search feature and educate yourself a bit more.
  10. No, but the effort for Anet to incorporate a new race has already been stated by the company so...
  11. As there is only a 5% difference between exotic gear and ascended/legendary gear, why can players not test builds using the significantly cheaper exotics and then gear up their ascended once they find that non-meta build that they like? I guess my point is that there are options which don't discount the point of legendary gear which is the on demand stat swap. That "grind" is what keeps a good portion of the player base playing the game.
  12. Agree with lokh. I want to test the builds, but I don't want to have to set them up and gear them each and every time I log in.
  13. Yeah, I didn't have a lot of time to dedicate to trying out the beta builds last night and hoped to do some of that today. Finding out that everything I prepared last night had been reset was ... disappointing. I'm not going to set up the character(s) each and every time I log in to test them.
  14. Or, spend the time/gold and make legendaries and stat swap pretty much at will?
  15. Why make it 5 years? What's wrong with 3? Or why not even 1? Once started down this path, the demands will only increase. 5 years may seem reasonable for you but haven't we already seen a suggestion here for 18 months? As for entitlement, to me it seems that some who are promoting this topic feel entitled to have names that other have already chosen regardless of how long the account may be dormant.
  16. It has nothing to do with entitlement.
  17. I thought that the biggest draw to legendary items was the ability to stat swap? Otherwise, they are mechanically the same as exotic items? With this suggestion, why then would anyone work toward legendary items? As an owner of exactly zero legendary items, I disagree with the proposal.
  18. If you are so curious, maybe use the forums search function to see other threads on this topic?
  19. I don't believe that a new race could be released without the personal story 1-80 without a large outcry from the player base. Maybe that's not the case, but it wouldn't surprise me at all should Anet decide to go that route. This also assumes that the Charr body structure is close enough to make the wardrobe work. Do we know that for fact? And then there's the voice acting which would need to be done. I just don't see Anet going with Tengu without addressing those things. /shrug
  20. Seems consistent to me, actually. Same thing happens to holosmith. All forge heat is lost when mounting.
  21. There is a significant difference in resource management between creating an expansion and implementing a new race.
  22. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/youre-invited-to-the-first-elite-specialization-beta-event/
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