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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Curious. Why? What could a horse mount accomplish that the existing mounts in the game don't already handle?
  2. Which, in my opinion, is what makes a legendary a legendary. Which is also why I will probably never have one, and I'm ok with that. 😉
  3. I have no legendary items and don't foresee ever working toward one. I have a fair amount of ascended, for me anyway. Those are good enough for the casual way that I play.
  4. Love the copyright! How much to pay for the license to use it? 🙂 Yeah, I could use it a lot.
  5. I would rather them spend their resources on things that would impact a larger portion of the player base than what I perceive to be a small minority who wants these items re-designed just for dye channels.
  6. Not a very practical (or profitable) business model. Sure, let's ask Anet to pay us to play their game and then cry when the company goes out of business. 😉
  7. I disagree. If one wins versus a pandemic, then one "beats" the disease so there is a winner and a loser, even if that loser is something more abstract. The pandemic did not defeat you; you defeated it. If you win in a solo game, then you have defeated your opponent which, in this case, would be the game. You win, the game did not.
  8. But there has to be some ... thing ... in which others are engaged so that one can actually declare victory. Otherwise, this entire exercise is moot.
  9. No, I think that the argument is more like running a race and subjectively considering oneself the winner of the race because one bought the most bling looking shoes and running outfit.
  10. I don't believe that anyone can win in any subjective contest. Having a subjectively "better" looking toon than anyone else does not win the game nor cause any other player to lose the game.
  11. But what do you actually win? How does what is done in this example beat other players and win the game? How does it make me lose?
  12. Don't be disappointed by the lack of answers, then.
  13. No, but it does qualify. If a producer highly inflates prices for something that is needed, then it could easily be said that the producer is being greedy because the purchaser is forced to pay the price for the necessary item. Optional items have no such constraints. What you might define as over priced, many others may not agree. A good or service will be dependent upon what people are willing to spend for it, regardless of whether or not you or I believe it to be priced too high. Some people will just be unable to afford it. We could get into an entire discussion of market forces and price points, but that is outside of the original premise. Unless you are advocating that the purchaser should set the price at a point that is desirous which might then make producing the good or service un-affordable for the company producing it? I'd prefer not to get into the lootbox argument as that opens an entirely different thread of discussion, much of which can be found using the forums search feature.
  14. I disagree. Sure, the OP is unhappy with the value of some items in game, but pretty much everything that is criticized is optional. Which means players can either purchase these items or not; the decision does not impact the ability to play the game and complete content. There are many things that I want in real life, but have determined that the cost of them is not justified. But that's me. That doesn't make the corporations that provide those goods/services "greedy".
  15. So, I don't understand why it would matter. Even if it were P2W for PvE, why should anyone care? I mean, if I accept the premise, then so many players have finished the existing content. That has absolutely no impact on me or any other player and whether or not anyone else can finish the existing content.
  16. That makes no sense to me. How can someone else's subjective opinion on what is "perfect equip" be a win condition? Whom do they defeat? Does that win versus every other player in GW2? Heck, the equipment that I use right now is perfect for me. Does that mean I win now?
  17. But what does one win? How is it that I lose GW2? What constitutes a win condition? Perfect equipment? By what definition?
  18. We already know that Anet doesn't want a "real" flying mount to keep players from skipping over content.
  19. It's a little late to ask for any major map fixes prior to EoD.
  20. @zengara.8301 You quoted yourself in your last response as if it were my post? I can't even understand your argument any longer. Good luck with your request.
  21. 1: Where have I ever mentioned time? Not sure what you're on about there. My response has only been about profitability. Not sure I'm the one not understanding. 2: I don't expect a report. I, however, believe that Anet's team would be more aware of the stats and metrics that would influence the decision whether or not to implement this suggestion. I find that most suggestions don't think about the business ramifications mainly because most do not have all of the fact/variables that probably should be considered. 2a: We really cannot compare GW2 and WoW. They are two completely different business models. Of course WoW can offer double carry mounts that many people jumped on. WoW is a subscription; GW2 is not. WoW can afford it. GW2 may not be able to afford it. I don't have a problem with the suggestion per se; rather, I advocate that for suggestions to be considered by Anet one needs to answer the question: what's in it for Anet? If they can't make money with it (or make more money with existing business models), then why should Anet consider it in the first place?
  22. Is this a serious question? It's well known that the Guild Wars title was only kept to maintain the franchise name. The games are vastly different and it is somewhat unbelievable that players wouldn't notice just how different the games are to each other.
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