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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Perhaps those commenting in Twitch aren't really representative of the GW2 gaming community?
  2. Take a gander through the forums using the Search function on a spider mount and see the reactions already posted about it. ;)
  3. What QoL does this achievement really grant? I can already go underwater without a skimmer. There isn't any real reason/content currently in play that requires me to use an underwater skimmer. I'll just keep doing my regular stuff and tackle this when it's fixed. /shrug
  4. With instances between towns/zones in some sort of air bubble, but traveling between needing underwater mounts or some elevator to the surface and then skyscale or some other over land option.
  5. No need to disable them. If you don't want to use them, then don't use them.
  6. There is a lot of speculation about underwater content and in light of the recent skimmer underwater skill release, I don't see any other reason for this QoL update except for the new expansion. IMO, there isn't enough current underwater content/areas to justify this new feature. Thus, I believe EXP3 will have allowances for mounts.
  7. Cantha expansion has nothing to do with the numerous threads which have been requesting it for years.
  8. Yeah, I can't get this to work. Guess I'll wait for them to fix the darned thing.
  9. Has to be on a character that has finished PoF though, right?
  10. The wings flap up into my view. :(So, you're on a skyscale above them?
  11. This is an old complaint and anet doesn't care. It would be nice but i guess people need to be allowed to flaunt their wannabe dragon, even though it makes the game less enjoyable for others. The same could be said about a lot of character effects, really. This is not a skyscale-only thing. /shrug
  12. You WANT a pointy hat. WE don't NEED a pointy hat.
  13. This has been reported in the Bugs forum https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111710/error-code-42-1053-9001-4479-101
  14. I believe it is also to let other players know what facets are active.
  15. Have you checked your collections? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Experiencing_the_Crystal "This item does not enter your inventory. It is added directly to the collection."
  16. Well, the OP mentioned Fractals and Raids, so I thought the community there might be a better place to get answers.
  17. Maybe try the Raiding forum? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/fractals-dungeons-raids
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