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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Again, not the proper forum for this debate.
  2. Nope. No thank you. Please see the many other threads about subscriptions for the reasons why many do not support that model for GW2. It will not translate into more content and certainly not a more engaged community. Besides, you can pay a monthly subscription RIGHT NOW!* Buy $20/$40/$100 worth of gems on the first of every month. That will also bring funds to the developers. No need to force a subscription on the rest of us. *But I'm guessing that you won't. Haven't heard yet of anyone on the forums calling for a sub and then don't just pay monthly on their own.
  3. Are you this ignorant?The point so no straight person has to deal with that where everything I said was denied to people based off race religion or sexual preference. Just because in another state you could get married or could eventually vote and that was (blacks/women at some point) and some company's and people will rent/hire gay/black people it makes it ok that some discriminate against them? They faced this not straight people so no straight people haven't been discriminated against.I'm just not going to argue when you pick and choose your points.
  4. So, you're saying that there isn't any discrimination against straight people? At all?
  5. Now granted, templates havent been around for 8 years but still its the same concept, you are dumping it all in one pile and thinking its a big number. You dont have to max out all characters instantly. If you feel you do... well thats on you isnt it? And its going to cost you, exactly according to Anets evil plans. It also depends on how many templates (or build-outs as many call them) a player needs on each toon. For me, I'm very casual and the default ones were all I needed. Some players want the full amount available on every character. For them, sure, I can understand their ire at the pricing.
  6. Which mount sets are unfinished? I recall somewhere that Anet wasn't going to go back to complete some of them? As for the template concerns, you may want to address them in the threads that already exist on the topic:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/91126/official-feedback-thread-about-build-and-equipment-templateshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100933/legendary-equipment-and-templates Unlimited gathering tools are QoL and not required to play the game. However, one can play the game and then purchase gems with in-game gold to then buy the unlimited gathering tools. That's how I got mine and probably how many other players got theirs, too! Making the game successful to you is very subjective. I don't see how lowering pricing in the gem store for QoL items helps Anet's bottom line. I'm sure that their marketing staff is more knowledgeable about these things than I am, though. Good luck with your requests.
  7. True, I'd have reported the post, but the forum didn't allow it, protected class? Seems the report function is broken.
  8. You legit asked for a straight pride cape so yeah you aren't the offended party here Whatever.EDIT: Yeah, actually I am offended but this is not the proper forum for that discussion.
  9. @"robertthebard.8150" At least you weren't called "ignorant". /smh
  10. Good point. How quickly I had forgotten about that thing. Probably because I haven't really seen any in game. I wonder why that is....?
  11. Agreed. Also, several of the guild invites I've received have a 100% rep requirement. No thanks. Sometimes, I don't want to rep a guild when playing.
  12. Kudos for the skin, but it doesn't appeal to me. Still, I'm glad that others will find it fun!
  13. Finding legitimacy in Reddit upvotes. Goodness.
  14. Care to elaborate? When in history were straight people discriminated against based on their sexuality?If anything this thread is starting to prove exactly why an Item like this should be in the game. I see a lot of derogatory remarks about the LGBT community from Ignorant people like yourself all the time in game. Thank you for assuming that you know me and calling me ignorant. Yes, there is reverse discrimination in the world. It just doesn't get the attention that LGBT discrimination gets from a pandering press. Straight people get verbally assaulted by non-straight people, too. The derogatory remarks don't always go one-way. Regardless, my point really was to emphasize that if Anet wants to be all-inclusive then they should be ALL inclusive. It really had nothing to do with the accusation that you toss at me. Also, this type of accusation is one of the reasons why discrimination is such a problem. You automatically assumed that I was anti because of your stance and rather than have any civil discourse about the topic, you immediately labeled me. This type of action doesn't help anyone, but hey... thanks. Good luck with your request.
  15. If implemented, does Anet then need to promote a straight pride cape?
  16. Another veiled attempt at a subscription model thread?
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