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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Still seems to be an issue from earlier: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/108115/desert-highlands-map-lags-unplayable-at-times
  2. Forums search tool is your friend! :) https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/93773/gw2-mobile/p1
  3. Why do High Elves need to be a dying race loved by gods? because that is the standard fantasy elf since Tolkien. the elf comes from nordic mythology, much older than sir tolkien. and as much as every fantasy setting ignores those and goes with Tolkien. But hey, go with nordic elves than. Or Germanic elves. Vengeful undead forrest spirits trying to lead people to their doom. Yeah, Cantha had something like those, the Wardens, so maybe people will get their "elves" there. They won't be playable, of course. How many people would rage quit if they were playable in lieu of Tengu?
  4. So, if you get suggestions of what sells well in the market, then others will start selling the same products and drive the prices down. You may be sinking your own ship by asking.
  5. Well, I know that there is a TON of dialogue in Divinity's Reach. One just needs to explore the entire city. Sure, if one stays in the same place then one will hear the same dialogue on loop.
  6. That system was better because players had a reason to actually do content. Now everything that was associated with that system are just forgotten champs, minidungeons and events that seem to have no purpose beyond "being there". The game always needed more reward systems, not less, and Elite Specs are the ultimate reward. Perhaps, but to me that would lead more toward forced content.
  7. Why wouldn't someone who is offended by one word not be offended by another word which would be used to define the same thing? Yeah, I think that this is a troll post, too.
  8. People are already annoyed at having to quest to unlock the griffon and skyscale, which are really just QoL items. Imagine the uproar at locking elites behind such? ANet switched to the hero point system for a reason -- remember back in the day when players had to actually unlock skills and traits?
  9. Bumping threads is against the forums CoC. Just sayin' Examples of Content that May Receive a Notice: Duplicate postsPosts that quote removed contentNecro-posts (comments in an obsolete thread)Posts that are off-topic, derailing, "bumps," etc.
  10. Good idea. Maybe you should post in the Looking for Guild forum where guild officers might be more likely to see it rather than in General Discussion?
  11. My first lv80 was an engi, level from 1 to 80 using pistols / rifles. Was painful & slow. Glad I was able to level mine back in the day when engineers could throw their turrets.
  12. I think that some people burn through the content when it is released and then complain about no new content or communication about new content. /shrug
  13. Making it account bound would sort of defeat the purpose of it being a birthday item, no?
  14. Are there players who want OWPVP? Maybe. Are there players who want OWPVP to harass beginners? Again, maybe. But you can't possibly know what an entire segment of THIS game's playerbase (those who play PVP) want based on your experiences in another game. Furthermore, are you absolutely certain in those other games that -everyone that PVPed- was killing and harassing beginners and then t-bag on their corpse? Or was a segment of the playerbase -again-? Because I've seen players like that, but it's not everywhere in any game that I've played, so again labeling an entire segment of a community in any way isn't justified in any way or form.No, it's not everywhere but apparently it is common enough of a phenomenon that people have pointed it out on this forum as reasons against OWPvP. Again, there already exists a PvP section in GW2. PvP does not need to be in open world. Should the developers spend more resources on PvP? Probably, but then they will focus most of their efforts on what will bring them the most gain which doesn't seem like PvP.
  15. From what I recall, Yolomouse is acceptable. $4 isn't a lot of money, really.
  16. TBH the game cannot be much easier for new players. Insta-80 level boost, world boss portal device, core Tyria waypoint unlock.... mounts aren't even needed for players to quickly get to events.
  17. Or you know, not.Then why not obtain mounts the way that the game has them now? Why the push for loaner/rental mounts?
  18. Vampires aren't really a race, though, are they? Isn't vampirism more of a disease? I mean, vampires make other vampires, they aren't born that way, right?
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