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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I feel for you. I have limited time, too. It took me many months to acquire my skyscale. Just keep banging away at it. You'll get there!
  2. They added raids, so they can add personal housing.There are a lot of things that they could add. I don't believe that this is one that will be profitable. Just my opinion. [shrug] No one knows what drove the decision to include raids in the game. At least raids are playable content whereas housing really isn't. Perhaps that might be a reason why one has been implemented over the other.
  3. There are no rental mounts now, that is the point. Right. So, Anet implements rental mounts and new players do not purchase PoF because they have a mount that they can use for a few coppers. Where is the incentive for Anet to do this?
  4. Can you link to Anets Official statement on that please. I could find no evidence, just work-a-rounds by players and lots of 'I want' threads with personal speculation. A few months ago they had a job application and looked for someone with experience on consoles. Sorry but what was the link to an official statement from Anet regarding GW2? I know, right? Without source, who is to say that Anet hiring a console specialist equates to GW2 moving to console? @Blude.6812 said: Can you link to Anets Official statement on that please. I could find no evidence, just work-a-rounds by players and lots of 'I want' threads with personal speculation. A few months ago they had a job application and looked for someone with experience on consoles. Sorry but what was the link to an official statement from Anet regarding GW2? https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/ep6drp/that_shaman_this_keybind_wasnt_there_before/ Did you not read this link?Yes. That is not an official statement.
  5. Can you link to Anets Official statement on that please. I could find no evidence, just work-a-rounds by players and lots of 'I want' threads with personal speculation. A few months ago they had a job application and looked for someone with experience on consoles. Sorry but what was the link to an official statement from Anet regarding GW2?I know, right? Without source, who is to say that Anet hiring a console specialist equates to GW2 moving to console?
  6. Nothing is free. Data mining and selling your information is where it's at today. Is it worth your private information, which will potentially be sold for profit over and over again, for a measly set of headphones?
  7. All mmorpgs that released on console made them available on Steam. Tera, ESO, Neverwinter, FFXIV. As you can see in above link that Linken provided, ArenaNet are making GW2 available with gamepad and most likely releasing it on consoles. So Steam will happen.I don't understand why you and so many are against GW2 on Steam? I'm not against it at all. If Anet can make more profit by doing so, then I'm all for it. I'm just positing reasons why they haven't done it.
  8. If ANet could make more money by adding their game to the Steam library, does anyone here think that they wouldn't have done it by now?
  9. Like you, I did my own experimenting early on. As a very casual open world player, most on-line guides really don't fit my play style. Recently, I have been taking suggested builds from Metabattle (I think that's the site?) -- the template code is very helpful! -- and then changing the build to suit. It does help me to better understand the intention behind the build as written on the site. I had never really had any luck with firebrand until I read the "how it plays" part and then it made more sense. Of course, I tweaked it after toying with it for a bit and now it is fun for me.
  10. "Super active"?Ok, thats a clear sign that you never played WvW game mode even for a single minute in the past 4 years. SFR [EU] here, playing GW2 since game was launched. EU WvW population nowaday is only a tiny fraction what it was, and according to the fact that NA WvW-ers are massively migrating to EU servers because they say EU WvW is STILL extremely populated compared to NA WvW, I cannot even imagine how WvW in NA region looks like. Ehmm, completely empty ghost town? Something like what happened with EotM because bad ArenaNet game decisions?Just because there is a low population on your preferred game mode in GW2 does not make the point any less valid. Many open world maps are quite healthy. Granted, there are some older core maps that are less populated; however, from my experience in doing map completion (just did 4 in the last three months) even the older maps have had enough players on them to complete most (if not all) of the events in them. And you should realize PvE maps are active ONLY because "megaservers" were implemented into PvE game mode.So... you're saying that the game IS active, then?
  11. Maybe the PvP community in GW2 isn't large enough to support changes to that mode. Moving it to open world would not be the answer.
  12. Yes, please fix this or at least moderate the threads in General that really don't belong on your forum.
  13. Anet already tried to force some level of guild requirement when they adjusted things and pretty much wiped out smaller guilds.
  14. Nope. No thank you. Please see the many other threads about subscriptions for the reasons why many do not support that model for GW2. It will not translate into more content and certainly not a more engaged community. Besides, you can pay a monthly subscription RIGHT NOW!* Buy $20/$40/$100 worth of gems on the first of every month. That will also bring funds to the developers. No need to force a subscription on the rest of us. *But I'm guessing that you won't. Haven't heard yet of anyone on the forums calling for a sub and then don't just pay monthly on their own. So when you buy gems the devs are like ''oh great, now we can finally develop the raid etc that we wanted to do''. Or is it like ''oh great they love the skin, time to make some more for the gemstore!''. Im sorry, but if you enjoy sitting all day in lions arch showing off the skins you bought with money, thats fine. But some people like to do hard content or grind for piece of gear that gives them a sense of accomplishment.Monthly subscribtion or not, use the funds right. 1 gemstore skin/month and 3 days of content with a new episode every 6 months isnt that fun None of us have any idea how the revenue from the gem store is used. You make an assumption that gem store purchases only go for gem store content. Anet will continue to use all of their revenue in a manner that brings more profit to them and their shareholders. If their data shows that gem store items bring in the most, then that is what they will probably focus their efforts on.None of us can demand that Anet "use the funds right". You have no guarantee that any money that Anet receives, subscription or otherwise, will go toward content that you prefer. And even if it did, then you would have players complaining that they want more skins and less hard, grindy content.
  15. Another plug for an optional subscription (sigh). You can already do this. Right now. Today. Just buy gems at the beginning of every month and then use them to buy that extra bag space that you want. How is this not possible for people?
  16. Mini fire tornado for my elementalist. Edit: I also like the tiger spirit. It was fun to acquire.
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