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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. The tonic idea has been suggested in the many tengu-as-character threads already.
  2. Well, I wouldn't consider the US to be in a dreadful condition. :) However, yes, things are really locked down due to the pandemic. It will be some time before things get to a position where Anet would be safe in allowing VAs to record for the game.
  3. The good old days of mmorpgs when you needed to sit down and relax after each fight to regenerate your health. Or not so good days as the purpose of regenerating health after combat is to reduce downtime between battles. Yes we have ways to replenish health but that would mean standing still to use them after some fights, less fighting, more boredom. How could this be boring? Try sitting around in PoF after fighting and see if you get the chance to use your healing OOC without getting mobbed again. Fun times!
  4. Was it? I thought it was "other projects"? They made a proposed model for it of what it could be. But considering other projects and NCSoft telling Anet to stop pulling the majority of their devs away from GW2, it didn't make it beyond what little it was.Right. Again, I don't consider that to be "in development" at that stage. /shrug
  5. Thread already exists here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/106573/elite-spec-ideas-for-3rd-xpac
  6. Thanks @crepuscular.9047 That's pretty much how I've thought about what a shaman is.
  7. You just hate to see the fishing topic because you don't like it. Well guess what, a lot of us do and i will defend it because i see it as a very good implementation to the game that would certainly make it more alive. Just look at all of the sea Tyria has. That's fine. A lot of us don't and we'll defend our position, too. It still doesn't make us "haters". I only wish we didn't have to do it across multiple threads.
  8. I'm not going to get into a tit-for-tat argument with you just so that you can extol the virtues that you find in fishing over the content that I prefer that Anet should focus on. That's not the point of this thread. I've already made my point(s) in other fishing threads. I don't need to belabor them here, which is why I wish that people would use the forums search feature to read previous posts on this topic rather than make new ones.
  9. Well actually something similar still exists, bosses and events scale up "usually" depending on the number of players so the system is on, they should only make a better algorithm, btw as i said before i doubt they still have the knowledge of the entire code due to the various defections and maybe changing the "core" it's just a risk Perhaps, but scaling up affects all players in that instance, not just individual ones.
  10. Easier to implement, I think, in instanced content where different modes could be selected. GW2's open world format doesn't really allow for this kind of thing.
  11. That's the idea. To have a choice to play a bit harder version of the game for those who seek a more challenging environment.See: RaidsAlso, it is a really easy implementation, there is no such thing as "spending resources" as in a way it would take away from other things. It is really an easy option to create, not taking more than a few minutes.I'm not sure how you know this? @Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:How do you know it would take 'only a few minutes'? How do you know changing how health is regenerated would not affect other parts of the game? How do you know creating achievements/titles takes 'only a few minutes' or does not spend resources? I'm guessing only a current or former ArenaNet Dev specializing in those areas would know. Good luck on your suggestion, though. You are looking at this too much. it is just an option to disable out of combat health regeneration. Very easy implementation, far easier than you think. There is no need for titles, that is not an important request.You are just against it for the sake of being against it. It would not affect you in any way. If implementing this breaks something else, then yes it does affect me and every other player. You don't know if that will happen or not. Perhaps it is an easy implementation. You don't know that either, unless you have intimate knowledge of the game's code (already defined by Anet as a mess) and have the knowledge and skills to know how it would have to be done. But as was said before: good luck with your request.
  12. This isn't the thread for me to voice my preferences for content. That would be off-topic. I have stated my opinion about fishing. You don't agree (or seem to like it) and then resort to name-calling.
  13. But we already know it has to do with anchor points for the different types of armors. They would have to re-do them all, so yeah... there is a reason that is keeping them from doing this with existing armor sets.
  14. I've always considered a shaman to be in tuned with spirits, not elements. To me, the Revenant is as close as we have in GW2 right now.
  15. That's the idea. To have a choice to play a bit harder version of the game for those who seek a more challenging environment.See: RaidsAlso, it is a really easy implementation, there is no such thing as "spending resources" as in a way it would take away from other things. It is really an easy option to create, not taking more than a few minutes.I'm not sure how you know this?
  16. I respectfully disagree with the term that you are using to define those who disagree with you.
  17. I believe that this suggestion would only "benefit" a very small niche of players. I would not want Anet to spend resources in implementing such a thing. I would prefer playable content that "benefits" a much larger portion of the player base.
  18. It's not that people don't want new things implemented in the game. They want actual playable content that is more entertaining for their time/money/involvement than what has been suggested here (edit: and in the many other threads on this topic that already exist). This is a public forum. People are allowed to respectfully voice their opinions. Just because those opinions might differ from yours doesn't make them "haters".
  19. Not everyone does this. In fact, I'd wager that the number of players who congregate in the cities is a lot less than the number of players actually playing the game and enjoying the content.
  20. I think that the other sections cover PvE -- Fractals/Dungeons/Strikes/Raids, Professions, Lore, Players Helping Players. Also, a lot of PvE discussion happens in General.
  21. Was it? I thought it was "other projects"? @starhunter.6015 said: Was it? I thought it was "other projects"? It was other projects GW3 was never announced or even hinted at. It was being worked on, Mo made it no secret he did not like how guild wars 2 has turned out.. (more of a pvp guy) and its actually been stated they were working on early concepts of guild wars 3. He left because it was put on the shelf for the foreseeable future (Likely until the end of time, at this stage as it would seem)I wouldn't consider that "in development".
  22. Weird? Maybe not. Threads and posts that are specifically about LW content aren't really "general" discussion content. It makes sense to me to delegate them to their own forum. /shrug
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