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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Here on the east coast US, many States are starting to open back up. Weather has turned pleasant, too. Maybe people are out and about and not locked down playing GW2?
  2. I prefer my fantasy world not to reflect my real world.
  3. I leveled a new toon this weekend using tomes, so that's sort of like doing it "manually". I received exotics in the last levels, so I guess the insta-80 derives from that?
  4. Removing/hiding the aura was requested when soulbeast was released. If they haven't done it by now, I don't think that they will.
  5. Cape + Helmet skin combo could work as a hooded cloak. I tried a hood/cloak combination but the neck lines didn't match up.
  6. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/gemstore-requests-new-items-items-offered-again
  7. I thought that I had read somewhere that giving updraft mastery to mounts would devalue the glider, so they wouldn't do it.
  8. At least that hame has two players then if u play it as well ?Yeah, I know right? It's another F2P game for me though. And, believe it or not, I have seen a few other players running around. But not nearly the population of other games, for sure.
  9. It took me far longer than average to get my skyscale (casual player with limited time) and I kept seeing people say how they use theirs pretty much to the exclusion of other mounts. I found that difficult to fathom as I found versatility and use for all of the land-based mounts as well as the griffon. Once I got my skyscale, I still didn't use it as much but over time I found myself using it more. Now, I understand what other players were saying about it. I use the skyscale for just about all mount-related travel or needs.
  10. I don't engage in the competitive modes or in raiding, so I cannot speak to those venues. I do spend a lot of time in core Tyria and what I've seen over the last month or so is an uptick of immaturity. The language, personal attacks and general foulness is... disheartening, especially when new players arrive and have to "hear" such tripe in map chat. I tend to blame this on the pandemic and people having way too much time on their hands.
  11. I don't think Anet would want to limit their potential sales by making race-specific skins. I have one Asura and one Sylvari, both of which hardly see any play. I have no Charr. I would be locked out of new mount skins for these races, as would other players who might be in a similar situation. I would think Anet would prefer to sell skins for mounts that everyone could use to maximize their potential sales. From an aesthetic stand point, I do like your thinking. Hamster ball. Funny!
  12. This poll is inherently flawed. The forums represent a very, very small sub-set of the community as a whole that any analysis of the data derived from this poll is inadequate at best.
  13. All of those games have subscription models which probably bring in a lot more money which would allow those studios to have the resources available to make these kinds of changes. I really wish people would stop using these games as comparisons to GW2. Anet states that GW2 is a AAA MMO like those games. So making comparisons to those games is perfectly fine, since Anet claims GW2 is on par with them.Citation please? You seem to be making a very broad statement. If GW2 were like WoW, we wouldn't have so many posts clamoring for changes in GW2 to make it like WoW. Sure, ANet wants GW2 to be considered in the same category as other AAA MMO games, but that doesn't mean that the games are 100% identical. GW2 is in the same genre, but the business model that Anet has for their game is unlike Blizzard's.
  14. For those who like the buttcapes, that's fine. Keep the skins we have now. No real need to change the existing ones. Going forward, please create skins without this feature.
  15. Yep. What Swagger said. Anet started making outfits because they are less time and resource intensive. You can search the forums on this topic to find the quote from Anet on how armor sets take so much more time.
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