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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Here's the latest (scroll down to the "Distant Future" part): https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/looking-ahead-to-spring-summer-and-the-future/"Development is underway on a third Guild Wars 2 expansion. The team is hard at work, and it’s much too soon to talk about any details right now, including features, story, release date, or development timeline. We’ll have to stick to that until we’re ready to reveal more information to the world. When we are ready, you’ll definitely know!"
  2. Did we need yet another thread? The previous ones weren't good enough to add so we had to make a new thread?https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/108393/bots-in-pvp-a-source-of-frustration-and-stresshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/108519/as-a-player-seeing-bots-in-pvp-is-a-sad-indication-that-anet-simply-do-not-care-enough
  3. Better rewards. Wow. I don't raid, so I didn't know that this was the case. If so, then to me it seems that strikes may have failed in their intention. I would think that the better rewards would be in raids to encourage that progression from strikes. Guess this is why I'm not a game developer.
  4. Anet will never publicly disclose any action taken against accounts that are reported by players as bots. If nothing is done about them, then in my opinion, that is tacit agreement by Anet that the account reported has been checked and is not in violation regardless of what other players may think. So, report them if they appear suspicious. After that, it's ANet's decision.
  5. tl;drIf strikes are meant as a stepping stone to raids, why then are the seemingly more hard-core raiders doing strikes?
  6. I have to say, they never actually promised it with the PoF expac. They were sufficiently nebulous in their ‘announcement’ to effectively never release it and not be outside of what their announcement said. Probably one of the reasons that Anet rarely posts in the official forums. People can take their words out of context and/or complain about promises not being kept (which were never made).
  7. For me, a very casual player, there are certainly some bosses that are much harder for me than others. Having said that, what @Ruff.3027 points out is pretty much my own experience as well. It frustrates me, not only because I know that I'm not that super of a player, but also because it doesn't help me to improve. So, I typically try a boss once and then not really go back to it. For me, it is not so much fun.
  8. Take hearts away for map completion, then players will start asking for POIs to be removed as they are boring and take too much time running around to claim. Then, remove Vistas because, well, we've already seen them all before. After that, since we have mounts, remove waypoints from the map completion requirement. It would happen. We know it would.
  9. This shows you haven't been near Teq or Drakkar. Chat is full of lag drama Or it could be Im on NA and your on EU. Or I don't get lag at them and you do. I have no idea why I get no lag in WvW either but hey must be the servers.There has been noticeable lag in NA on PoF maps for sure. There are already threads about it in the Bugs forum. This thread is the first complaint I've seen regarding lag during Teq. Curious if the OP is in EU or NA?
  10. I main a ranger. Always have in pretty much any game since I started playing D&D in the late 70s. Every game starts with a ranger or something close to it. And no, I am not a Legolas fan. Enjoyed the character in the books; detested the actor and role in the movies.
  11. Certainly seems popular, or at least something released today did because the gems shot up from around 119 -> 140
  12. With mounts, I don't see Anet making any smaller zones going forward.
  13. I was only refuting the point that you made that there were no options. There are options, and as you've indicated you are not willing to use them. You make a lot of definitive statements which just aren't true. I understand your frustration, but it would help your argument if you didn't use falsehoods. Skins are not needed to complete content in GW2. They are cosmetic only. You don't need them; you want them. And if you want them badly enough, then you will find a way to do those things which will allow you to obtain them. Good luck.
  14. what are the options then?Here are two:Convert gold -> gems, buy skinPay cash for gems, buy skin
  15. Old maps are already suffering from lack of players, so adding additional replayable maps would just give players more replayable options to choose from without having much of an effect on old non-replayable maps. Older maps can be temporarily repopulated by methods like weekly/daily reward rotations like they started doing recently. I don't disagree about the current state of old maps. My point was, adding one replayable map would work for that one map .... until the next replayable map where everyone would move and thus leave the earlier replayable map as an "old" map with lower population. Otherwise, if the first replayable map were, well, replayable, then the new map couldn't be. There can only be one map with replayablity pretty much by definition, in my opinion.
  16. How would you propose balancing all of these new skills?
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