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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. first of all not everybody has this choice, only PoF players have the ability to do so, so why should non-PoF players have a harder time for the same achievement?Players can choose to purchase PoF or not, so yes every player has this choice. Non-PoF players don't have it harder; rather those with PoF have it easier. Or did until no fly zones. and for what reason should people that bought a specific expansion have it easier to complete achievements that are in no way related to this expansion? why do you feel entitled to get a 10 AP achievement for free because you bought something totally unrelated? I don't give a whit about AP. This is not about AP or entitlement. That's not what I have been arguing. Anet decided to allow mounts and gliders into core Tyria. Players should be allowed to use any and all in-game tools to complete any content. Every player has the choice to use those tools or not to use them. ANet did not allow them in all of core tyria. they're not in fractals, not in dungeons, not in the story, not in the home instance and not in JPs. yet while the other exclusions work, the JP one is bugged. that is the point.Ok not all of core... just the open world maps. An error on my statement, but a minor point if you want to nitpick. Fractals, dungeons and story are instanced content whereas JPs are part of open world maps. That is the distinction and why gliders/mounts are available in open world and not instanced content in core maps.
  2. first of all not everybody has this choice, only PoF players have the ability to do so, so why should non-PoF players have a harder time for the same achievement?Players can choose to purchase PoF or not, so yes every player has this choice. Non-PoF players don't have it harder; rather those with PoF have it easier. Or did until no fly zones. and for what reason should people that bought a specific expansion have it easier to complete achievements that are in no way related to this expansion? why do you feel entitled to get a 10 AP achievement for free because you bought something totally unrelated?I don't give a whit about AP. This is not about AP or entitlement. That's not what I have been arguing. Anet decided to allow mounts and gliders into core Tyria. Players should be allowed to use any and all in-game tools to complete any content. Every player has the choice to use those tools or not to use them.
  3. first of all not everybody has this choice, only PoF players have the ability to do so, so why should non-PoF players have a harder time for the same achievement?Players can choose to purchase PoF or not, so yes every player has this choice. Non-PoF players don't have it harder; rather those with PoF have it easier. Or did until no fly zones.
  4. I wonder if it has something to do with age rating for the game?
  5. I still don't see why any player should have to prove that they can complete a JP without the tools that are provided in the game. What purpose does this type of lock-out serve?
  6. We also don't know the whole story. Some people who are claiming that Anet is not restoring gold my not be qualified to that in this latest scenario for that resolution.
  7. Lol i now understand more and more what people in other big forums write about ppl in this forum. I am out of line by making a suggestion - lol - sorry what a community. I now understand why so few people even use this forum - and i think i will stop using it as well. I never said that you were out of line. I posited that your suggestion may be out of line.
  8. Often times, it is for bragging rights or e-kitten. Some want a "premium" or sub-model so that they can get things that others cannot, and they are willing to pony up for this privilege.
  9. That's a bit like the anti marriage equality argument that claims that as everyone is able to marry someone of the opposite gender, there is no discrimination though.What?People gave different tastes, and by making only certain content skippable, it gives only those who hate that content privilege, while others have to play through content they hate, to get their reward.You seem to continue to miss my point. Nothing about this discussion has anything to do with hating or not hating particular content. My points have always been that every player can complete jumping puzzles and claim the reward and that if the player chooses to use the tools provided to do so in the game (mounts/gliders) then they ought to be able to do so. Doing so in NO WAY affects other players' abilities to complete jumping puzzles and claim rewards. Whether or not a player loves/hates jumping puzzles is irrelevant. EVERY PLAYER HAS THE SAME OPPORTUNITY TO COMPLETE JUMPING PUZZLES AND CLAIM REWARDS.If a player hates jumping puzzles, and is able to use the tools provided in-game (gliders/mounts) to reach the end and claim the reward, then there is NOTHING preventing players who love jumping puzzles from doing the same darn thing. Every player has the same opportunity to use the same in-game tools. Whether or not they use them is their CHOICE. Also, as jumping puzzles are completely optional content, players who hate them don't even have to do them. The rewards are so trivial and can be obtained by doing other open world content that they might prefer. You keep injecting other GW2 content to further your argument. I don't know why. Other content is irrelevant to the discussion about jumping puzzles.
  10. While I am fairly certain that most posters here would agree that more communication from Anet would be appreciated, the company has to be very careful about any timing and message that is put out in the public sphere that may adversely impact their investors. There are many factors that go into this decision that we players will never know. Sometimes no communication is less damaging.
  11. Have those who are still missing gold submitted tickets to CS? That would seem to me to be the appropriate method for resolution.
  12. Wow. Way to over-exaggerate the responses. There's no hate here. But your idea seemed more in line with your own interests and not the benefit of the game or the majority of the player base.
  13. How so? Why were mounts a bad idea to begin with? Please elaborate.
  14. What practical business reason would Anet have to offer discounts like you suggest? Just because you offer to purchase gems because of your suggestion doesn't mean that there would be a sudden influx of players purchasing gems.
  15. Why bother with that? Players can go through JP without mount or glider if they choose already. The problem as I see it is the perception that players who decide to use the tools provided in-game to complete the JP are considered cheaters even though such players don't win anything more than those who choose to do JPs without these tools. Your suggestion would not be "fair" to some players which I still can't comprehend because everyone receives the same reward -- which is fair.
  16. You might want to ask in the necromancer forum. They might know. ;)
  17. Again, why? Players can complete jumping puzzles without mount/glider today. Right now. It is a choice and that choice in no way impacts how others choose to complete JPs just as choosing to use mount/glider in no way affects players' abilities to complete JPs without them. For the same reason you don't just walk to the final chest in a dungeon with the boss being optional. It would in no way impact how others choose to complete the dungeon. It would just allow players who don't feel like actually doing the dungeon skip right to the rewards. Just like how players who don't feel like doing the jp can skip right to the rewards now. So, what's the problem? No one has answered how this affects anyone else. So what if someone skips to the end? You will be rewarded for arriving at the end of the dungeon or JP or whatever regardless of what other players do and you will get your reward. How does this affect anyone else's ability to play the game or obtain the reward? It doesn't. It does affect others of course. Because then most people wouldn't do that dungeon or jp. And that is not the intention of the devs.Rewards are usually given for something, not for free. It's the basis of MMOs. Obtaining the rewards via a poartal counts though? Anet allowing players to finish jumping puzzles and obtain the achievements and rewards with little to no effort has been something they have allowed since launch. If they cared about players finishing the puzzles with no effort on their end they wouldnt have allowed portals to be used in puzzles, nor would they have made an item that allows players to reset themselves if they fail a jump. They did though. Perhaps they should rename achievements to something else. You get achievements for literally talking to NPCs, and its worth the same AP as completing a daily. IMO, using a portal to get to the ending of a jp isn't right either. Portals should only be for the caster in that situation. I get it, I think? You enjoy doing jumping puzzles and are ... dissatisfied when other players do them with a mount/glider/portal. Is that correct? If you want the rewards without the challenge, buy gems, convert them into gold, and buy things on the TP. Which is also an option, sure. Should that, then, be disallowed now? But still: no one has said how players using mounts/gliders to complete JPs in any way affects other players from doing the same in whatever manner that they choose. This entire argument is such a non-starter. It's not. Even if we might not care much about it, it is ultimately unfair.I have done a lot of content I don't enjoy to get things I want. I hate pvp, but I had to do it to get the armor I wanted. Same with wvw. Why should I do content I don't enjoy to get a reward, while others are allowed to skip content they don't enjoy and get the reward directly? That is the issue. Why can others play the way they prefer, and I am can't ? But you can. Until Anet caved and set up no-fly zones, every player with a glider (and later mounts) was able to do JPs with them. This argument has nothing to do with rewards from PvP or WvW. Read my post again then if you don't understand. It was explained very clearly what the issue is. Then we're not arguing the same points. You asked me how it affects me that others get the reward for free. And I answered. It affects me because I feel it's unfair I'm forced to do content I don't enjoy to get a certain reward, while others are allowed to skip content they don't enjoy and still get the rewards.I don't think I can make it any more clear than that. Your feelings do not impact your ability to play the game and obtain the rewards unless you let them. No other player action is causing this issue for you -- it is YOUR choice. You have every right and chance to use whatever tools in-game that are available just like every other player. Because you choose not to do so does not invalidate others who do. By your argument, there should be no gem store either because I'm sure that there are things available there that other players choose not to purchase because they feel that the price is unfair. Does that affect their ability to play the game, too? This entire argument is about entitlement and "fair". Heck, just see the many threads about the compensation given for the EU servers being offline and see how many people cry about fairness. Life is not fair. And there are many out there who will have a rude awakening to this fact one day. We Will have a rude awakening? Dude I'm a 39 year old gay guy. Believe me when I say I've had quite my fair share of unfair experiences by now . Better not to assume things about others and keep this about the game okay?I didn't single you out. I said that there are many out there. I couldn't care less about your personal situation. You can get off of your soapbox.Like I said before. This is a non issue. I see people skipping JPs everyday and I'm not planning to change that. But do I feel things should be different? Sure! Things could be more fair.Next time you ask someone for their opinion about something, try to not tell them "your opinion not important" just after it.When have I ever said this? Talk about assuming. I have never, in this thread, invalidated someone's opinion. I have only asked for someone to show me where using gliders and mounts prevents other players from accessing jumping puzzles and achieving rewards. Other posters injected the "it's not fair" argument, but never has anyone answered my point.Regardless, on this you and I simply will never agree.
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