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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I have never seen a pegasus anywhere in any lore that has bird feet. That would look odd, IMO.
  2. Welcome back! Glad they didn't take away your character name(s) and give them to someone else.
  3. Might want to look through this thread for other opinions: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/95888/thinking-of-coming-back-what-is-there-what-do-you-do-in-the-game-usually-other-than-pvp-wvw
  4. You have anecdotal proof to support your benefits claim? More people would do this? I believe that the people who would do this would be a very small minority of the player base and not worth the dev time. {shrug}
  5. You can fly with the griffon, but you'll need to complete the story first.
  6. Also, you will gather mastery points by doing the story.
  7. But I don't believe he is criticizing the content. Just the trailer.
  8. Most advice I've seen is to not level any mount masteries past 3 until you have the jackal. Then, start working on 4 and 5.
  9. This is already being discussed here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/95870/trailer-for-episode-2-released
  10. This has been my experience, too, although it appears now to have stopped.
  11. This one "player' in particular only makes me angry because cheating is wrong and those who cheat, no matter how, should be warned, suspended and if doing again banned forever. Period. But there was once when I needed some Luminous Dust and, as usual from an occasional farmer, I searched about places where it was easier to farm. Found a wall with incoming Ascalon Ghosts and an engineer was sitting there doing nothing, farming with his turrets. He was online and I'm sure of this, but it's still wrong. How can it be considered cheating? How do these players "win" GW2? What advantage is gained? Again, understand that I am NOT advocating farming, but I just can't stand the argument that somehow these players are at some advantage or that they somehow are cheating. Now, if they are truly AFK, then that is against the game's rules and would be considered cheating. When reported, if they don't respond to a GM then they are punished accordingly.
  12. Hey, did you know that the Lunar Festival is underway? Just letting everyone know as I got way more than the one email from Anet that would have been necessary. I thought that perhaps I got emails for other people by mistake since I received so many.
  13. Now, when they camp farmers at heart quests, that affects others ability to play the game (imo), so I would report them and let Anet figure it out.
  14. Advance token to the profession sub forum. Do not pass LA. Do not collect 200 gems.
  15. OK, so that was way more math than I had wanted. ;)
  16. Not trying to snark, but how is this proved that players who link to gw2efficiency have more playtime than the rest of the base combined?
  17. Great story, and great RNG find! Kudos for helping out a new player, too. Sometimes karma (not the in-game kind) rocks. :)
  18. Even if they were to produce a console game and even if it were GW3 it would be as similar to GW2 as GW2 is to GW1.
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