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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Why do you get to dictate levels of participation to players who are actively engaged in content (at any level)? Why does it matter to you? They aren't winning the game or beating you at any achievement?
  2. This is the reason why we got the un-asked for sword change. Not everything has to be DPS. Egad.
  3. I wouldn't object, but I would imagine that Anet would prefer players to pay for their work instead.
  4. I highly doubt that. I don't see Anet locking anything relevant down to race.
  5. I'd go with that whole captured skritt theory.
  6. You ignore the whole supply/demand argument. Supply being the company's resources (time/money/devs) and demand being the amount of players (current and potential) who are demanding the change. ANet has probably done the math, more than once, and found that it doesn't add up to enough profit to warrant the change.
  7. Yeah. Didn't see what I did there. 😳
  8. Level 80 mats in level 80 zones. Go figure. Hard wood is not difficult to find. You just have to visit the right maps. There are several in core Tyria.
  9. Or, more likely, they have a specific, target audience and the raid community isn't it. Their metrics surely show how popular that content is now and was on release and I'm certain that their decisions are based on things like that.
  10. I don't have any legendary anything and have no interest in obtaining any, so yeah rifts don't bring anything to the table for me either.
  11. There should be a larger pool of a lot of things for those of us who don't like mini-dungeons and/or jumping puzzles.
  12. I'm not sure that Anet sees this as a problem that needs to be fixed. We can only comment about it and hope that they change their minds.
  13. No, you're not the only one. A simple forums search reveals such. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/search/?q=vault&quick=1&type=forums_topic&nodes=11&updated_after=any&sortby=relevancy&search_in=titles
  14. 12 gathering spots. Multiplied by thousands of players. Yeah, that could have an effect on the economy.
  15. That's not how debating works. It is your responsibility to provide concrete, verifiable facts to support your position.
  16. This is where your entire premise falls apart. GW2 earns less? So what? If it is making enough of a profit to satisfy the shareholders, then that's all it needs to do. Just because YOU would like them to earn more doesn't even fit into the picture. ANet couldn't care less about what you want. They are in business for the sole purpose of making a profit for their shareholders and as long as the shareholders are satisfied, then that is all that matters.
  17. There are a lot of people around here who have no idea how businesses run.
  18. That's irrelevant to the earlier argument about not reaching expectations which you seemed to claim as fact ... which it's not. It's opinion/perspective. As for content quantity, I feel that your argument there is shallow as well. Anet hasn't released the full expansion yet -- something that was advertised up front.
  19. But they wouldn't really be racial mounts unless they are locked by the race of the character riding them? Might as just well say that we want bear mount skin or fern hound skin. It doesn't have to necessarily be tied to race.
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