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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. There are a lot of people around here who have no idea how businesses run.
  2. That's irrelevant to the earlier argument about not reaching expectations which you seemed to claim as fact ... which it's not. It's opinion/perspective. As for content quantity, I feel that your argument there is shallow as well. Anet hasn't released the full expansion yet -- something that was advertised up front.
  3. But they wouldn't really be racial mounts unless they are locked by the race of the character riding them? Might as just well say that we want bear mount skin or fern hound skin. It doesn't have to necessarily be tied to race.
  4. But yet fishing is available on many of the core Tyria maps. Perhaps the idea was to drive traffic into the older areas?
  5. The OP is clearly disappointed in the latest offerings from Anet/GW2 based on the latest influx of negative threads created by them.
  6. Whose expectations? If the profits aren't meeting the company's goals to satisfy their shareholders, I've not seen any evidence of that. Neither have you, unless you're on the company's board.
  7. Anet knows that this is not where the money is.
  8. I don't know about it being "truth", but it certainly does seem that way. For the most part, when I see players who appear to be AFK farming, it's a mild annoyance but it doesn't really affect my ability to play the game or complete content, at least not enough to make it an issue for me. I do, however, report them, move on and let Anet sort them out.
  9. Indeed. It's a bargain for me and also why I haven't gotten into the whole Baldur's Gate phenomenon. Just don't want to spend that much right now with the economy and such.
  10. I hear you. Unfortunately, GW2 isn't really targeting your demographic. It is much more centered on the casual, OW gamer.
  11. Didn't they take away the ability for engineers to toss turrets? And now this.... ?
  12. There is nothing stopping you from continuing to use the siege turtle as implemented and to not use the skyscale. I don't understand the complaint.
  13. That's not a valid argument to support your position. If it were capitalism, then there would be other companies who offer the same thing at different prices so that competition would ensue. This is not the case here. As for the cheapest price, I've already suggested that perhaps it is already at the cheapest price. Any cheaper and the company might fold. I am not advocating for anyone. I'm merely presenting a possible reason that may explain why your position may not be viable for the long-term success of the company.
  14. Who says that they aren't already rock bottom? They may be at the lowest point at which the studio can still turn enough profit to satisfy the shareholders.
  15. Or, people could just stop responding to it and let the thread fall off of the front page.
  16. All of this has been discussed to death in the many, many previous threads which is what makes this one so disappointing as the OP very well knows this.
  17. This is all I needed to read . This is the crux of the complaint. You should have stated this from the beginning. All of the rest is irrelevant.
  18. Me too. Shift+1 through Shift+8 (9 whenever I decide to get the turtle) Simple.
  19. Too many keybinds? EDIT and you don't want to install the radial dial either. So, what is your suggestion? How would you make it work?
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