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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Trivialize for whom? If you don't want to run around with a mount, then don't. I will often do so in low- and mid-level core maps. Other players on mounts don't affect my playing of the game.
  2. Any form of subscription would see me leave. [EDIT] Don't everyone applaud at once.
  3. This would limit to those who had the expansions. Also, I wonder what such buffs might do to the economy?
  4. Part of the complaint, as I understand it, isn't so much the cost (ok, maybe it is), but the limit on the number of slots as compared to Arc which was for all intents and purposes limitless.
  5. Well, there's this comment: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/532417/#Comment_532417 And... Literally took less than 2 minutes to find these answers by searching "capes"
  6. But, no. Again, it has been said in previous threads that the tech is not there. Even if they believed that it was, reading previous threads would show that it is not. But whatever. I'm not going to continue to argue with you as doing so is getting neither of us anywhere.
  7. But... mounts are completely optional, at least for core maps. Some of the challenge in post-mount maps could be going places without using them? Yeah but by now I'm so used to the speed of mounts I can't imagine having to slowly walk again. I get it and I agree; however, using mounts as an excuse for not exploring (or saying that exploring is missing from the game) ...? Not saying you specifically, but more the general tenor of the thread with regards to mounts and exploring.
  8. I disagree with this line of thinking. Playing a computer game should not be viewed as an investment. Any money spent should be considered for the entertainment value of it at the time of spending it. Whether or not that money goes toward one thing or another ought to be irrelevant. Seems to me that this is pretty much GW2 status quo as they keep making gem store items and people keep buying them and playing the game. /me shrugs
  9. But... mounts are completely optional, at least for core maps. Some of the challenge in post-mount maps could be going places without using them?
  10. Which, had the OP actually read the many threads on capes, then he/she would know that the technology is NOT there as it has been stated many times in those very threads. Which is why I replied:
  11. If that were true they wouldn't have had to lose a third of their staff.The game targets whales and we all know it. Finances weren't the entire reason for the lay-offs; I thought everyone knew that. Of course they target whales, but again, they have all of the metrics and all of the facts so what is being said here is pure speculation. You are right. We do not have access to data, so we speculate. And since you are not an ArenaNet employee privvy to their business strategy and marketing campaigns your statements are also mere speculation. Please keep in mind that ArenaNet having data does not mean that they take action based on that data or even that they have someone qualified enough to make sense of that data. There are plenty of examples of companies doing weird things against their own business interests despite having all the data to avoid poor decisions.Oh, I admit that I don't have that data either. What boils me is the people around here who try to make their points based on knowledge that none of us have, and then expect others to not argue those points.
  12. Nah, because if it's a week old someone will scold for necro-ing. Everything is mouse wheel. Point being that this has already been discussed so if one were to use the search function and read the old threads they would have the answer and not need to necro anything. Maybe they did search, and didn't find what they wanted.With all of the previous threads on the topic, I find this really hard to believe. The capes question has been resolved in more than one thread.
  13. Nah, because if it's a week old someone will scold for necro-ing. Everything is mouse wheel. Point being that this has already been discussed so if one were to use the search function and read the old threads they would have the answer and not need to necro anything.
  14. It would be against forum policy to post said pictures here with player names viewable.
  15. Blatantly obvious is not empirical evidence when perception is biased by an individual's perceptions.
  16. So, there is no consensus on it. ;) Well useless means it has no use. Outclassed means everything else is better and gets no use.Calling that no consensus is a bit nitpicking isn't it ;) But the changes were a good start. Honestly I would love if they would slap a teleport onto crippling talon or an ammo mechanic on stalker strike but yeah wishful thinking. I just thought that it was funny how one post was positive and the very next post was the opposite.
  17. If that were true they wouldn't have had to lose a third of their staff.The game targets whales and we all know it. Finances weren't the entire reason for the lay-offs; I thought everyone knew that. Of course they target whales, but again, they have all of the metrics and all of the facts so what is being said here is pure speculation.
  18. I'm sure that ANet has done their research and has a much better idea of what price points they need to hit to maximize sales while meeting their financial goals than anyone here on the forums. I don't think it is completely a matter of people showing off their wealth.
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