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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Assuming you are not being sarcastic, Adding so many slots will break the game completely.Anet gave us new skills but we are still stuck with mere 3 utilities.No, just taking the suggestion farther. "Mere" 3 utilities? Balance is bad enough; you want to trust ANet to balance with yet another utility?
  2. Why stop at four? Why not six, eight or even ten?
  3. Did you even read his question? Yes, and I reject the premise.
  4. Crash at the end of Race to Arms. Twice. Just now. EDIT: Twelve hours later, after going to bed and getting back up again, I was able to complete this without a crash
  5. It's a legendary mount. It's not supposed to be obtained quickly.
  6. Same, here, check mine. Oh let me spare you the effort, it's above 33k AP. Not sure how this is in any way relevant to the issue but w/e. One might argue that players with higher AP have more resources available with which to buy keys at large (and not really care about the fickle nature of RNG) whereas lower AP players may not? Thus, lower AP players might feel more inclined to buy keys with cash which could potentially lead them on a path of spending a lot of cash. /shrug
  7. I understand the disappointment that you share with other players in this matter; however, to me, this is backward thinking. In my opinion, it is better for the game to move forward with regards to elite specs rather than bring something from GW1 which would (mostly) serve only for nostalgia. But, to each their own.
  8. Sure there is? The thread has details on how to get to the POI. Some might like to figure it out on their own? {shrug} Spoiler alert or not. Doesn't matter to me.
  9. Mate you can jump in and say this in how ever many threads you want.It wont make it true for everyone or more likely to be implemented Agreed. I like how it is thought that such an implementation would be very minor.
  10. Because it would defeat the purpose of actually playing the game?
  11. Wait, what? Lootboxes at least are guaranteed to give something whereas "normal" gambling does not guarantee any kind of reward.
  12. There is a thread stickied at the top of the forum for these kinds of requests: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/gemstore-requests-new-items-items-offered-again
  13. This is one of the reasons why I don't WvW. I know that I am nowhere near good enough to compete with players such as this.
  14. Complaints about high gem prices but not about gold farms. /smh
  15. I pine for the days when I wouldn't purchase gems with gold until they fell below 70g -> 400 gems. I hated when it went to 90g! Just look at the exchange rate now. I'd love to see it back at 90 again. :)
  16. With 20 necromancers, it might be easier to continue with the current process instead of trying to re-make the process through templates.
  17. I am a very casual player with limited time due to family and work obligations. GW2 is not subscription based, so I am not losing money during the times when I am unable to login and play. This is the primary reason for me. Additionally, I have a few friends (and my spouse) in the same situation so we coordinate a game night from time to time where we can not only play but socialize. Not having PvP in PvE areas is also a big attraction for me. I've tried other MMOs where this is rampant and I did not enjoy it. The combat mechanics are more enjoyable to me than in other MMOs I've tried. Yeah, I'm a filthy casual, but I'm not a 111111'er. I actually do use my utilities and other skills. The community keeps me here, too, both in game and here in the forums. I'm sure that there are a few other reasons, but these are the highest ones for me.
  18. It is very easy to level up in this game. There is no need to make it any easier with AI controlled heroes.
  19. The game engine isn't set up for this. Please see the other posts in the forums about heroes for more insight.
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