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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I would most certainly call that a "freebie" because it literally requires no effort to engage in any game content whatsoever.
  2. Or, if the raid one is less grindy, then players can more easily obtain that. In my opinion there shouldn't be any avenue for players to skip requirements for legendary items. Might as well just give a legendary voucher on account creation because there will be those who would complain the even simplifying things by putting them in the TP or WV is still too arduous. See my example earlier about mounts.
  3. This makes the assumption that there are "masses" for whom this needs extra incentives. Neither you nor I have any real data on whether or not the current implementation is causing a sizeable group of players to not want to chase legendary items. I'd posit that the majority of players who want legendary things will do (or will have already done) what is necessary to get them.
  4. This. Very much this. There are so many who seem to be so entitled as to needing every facet of everything handed to them with no effort, just because. I heard a new player in QD just this morning moaning the fact that even if they purchase all of the expansions, they don't get all of the mounts fully spec'd out and that they would, instead, have to actually earn them and the masteries. So, a big, fat NO to putting GoB in the WV. Legendary items are completely optional in GW2 and are not required in any way to complete any content or any game mode. If a player wants legendary anything, then that player must put in the effort.
  5. Right clicking on containers just by-passes the step of showing what's in them before they are added to your inventory. Right-clicking will still have the items scrolling on the right of the screen.
  6. It may be easy to say, but not so simple to code/program/implement especially in light of the spaghetti code that is GW2. We don't know how this drop to zero might affect legitimate players on the map. The concept makes sense, but no one here has any knowledge of whether it is something that can be put into practice. Which might well be why it hasn't been done.
  7. Glad that you enjoy them. I don't. I would rather Anet not spend any further resources on them.
  8. Please use the forums search feature. There have been many threads with this request along with the reason why it will not be implemented.
  9. No one can make this claim. Any perceived impact is purely subjective.
  10. I don't think that word means what you think it means.
  11. Yeah, I hope they never implement a global chat channel
  12. What @Danikat.8537 said. 😉
  13. Seems to always be something going on in Divinity's Reach. /shrug
  14. Bumping threads is against the forums CoC, regardless of the reason.
  15. I'd rather Anet fix the pets that are in the game now rather than spend resources on introducing new ones.
  16. I'm not sure having players log in for the quick 5-10 minute daily to acquire astral acclaim and then use said currency to pretty much by-pass content is what Anet would want. /shrug
  17. There is no real game benefit to legendary gear anyway. It's simply a QoL. New players have no need for the extra +5% bump and if they did, they could more easily go with ascended which truly isn't needed for anything other than higher tier fractals (because of the AR). Heck, I've read on these very forums where people are completing all kinds of other content, including raids, in exotic gear. To me, this is the same mentality as those who come out of college and expect (nay, demand!) their first job making over six-figures in salary with loads of other benefits. Sorry, you want the rewards, you need to put in the time/effort/work.
  18. Yeah, I agree. I'd rather resources be spent elsewhere.
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