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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I enjoyed ranger melee a lot more before the last change to main hand sword. I really liked the flow and movement. Now, not so much. 😞
  2. And we're doing that again? People really need to understand what that term means.
  3. Not your topic, is it? Topic title: "Odd that gw2 hasn't added new races" leaves a lot of room for discussion on this point.
  4. You can subscribe to this thread which is updated when the gem store changes https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/90-news-gemstore-items-newreturnedsales/?do=getNewComment
  5. Wait, why are they considered lesser races?
  6. I typically play my main for just about everything. I'll swap to another character if my friends are doing something specific and I need to fill a particular role. For me, at least, a new race might not hold much appeal. I've tried sylvari, asura and charr and just can't enjoy them. Not sure tengu or something else would interest me at this point. /shrug
  7. IIRC this only works if you have that portion of the zone un-fogged.
  8. So, you know that Anet can do this and it would be financially profitable for them and their shareholders? Please cite your sources.
  9. If so, then this could be accomplished with a simple tonic. No new race would need to be created.
  10. You can always subscribe to this thread and get daily updates on changes in the store: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/90-news-gemstore-items-newreturnedsales/?do=getNewComment
  11. I'm not sure Anet painted themselves into that corner. The races that they implemented on release were by design and it was possibly decided that those would be all that were necessary for the game/story.
  12. Yeah, because that would go over so well with the player base.
  13. But is the work already done as outfits or as armor sets?
  14. With as much labor that is involved with armor sets (as opposed to outfits), I really don't see Anet spending their limited resources to do this for town clothes.
  15. I'd like to think that this is true for a lot of current players. I know that I would not sign on to GW3 if it is sub based or P2W.
  16. No one knew how cars would be superior to horse\carriage until they were made and used.
  17. So, you think a GW3 would not be superior to GW2?
  18. Horse and carriage worked well. Why were cars and trains developed?
  19. Did you not read the last post in this thread before posting? The one that is now above yours?
  20. Ranger and mechanist only have 1 pet to control. You're proposing control over multiple pets (minions/elementals). I'm not sure that they could code for that and it might upset some of the balance in the competitive modes. /shrug
  21. Aren't moa birds just large chickens?
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