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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. That's valid. Only Anet has the real data on what content the majority of players engage with. That more development goes towards open world would indicate to me that this content is where many players play. Adding super hard solo content, as suggested in this thread, may not align with Anet's direction - -maybe in light of that very data.
  2. I would agree that PvP and raids are probably much less populated than open world and I would prefer Anet to stop spending resources on those modes. GW2 was supposed to be different than every other MMO. If players wanted PvP and/or raids, then there are plenty of other games that provide that content. /shrug As for adding this type of content on the hope that many players would engage with it, I'd respond that this was most likely the thinking when raids were introduced and we already agree that raiding isn't as populated as open world. I think that this would cause Anet to pause and really consider this request in light of how well raids are doing.
  3. Well, this is the model that Anet has chosen to build upon. They likely believe this to be the best use of resources to return the most profit. Taking resources away to create content that doesn't follow the model would be, to me, an unsound business decision.
  4. Why do you need a beach when everyone will be running around throughout Kryta and Cantha in their swimwear?
  5. Just so you know, necro-ing posts is against the forums CoC.
  6. The snipers, at least, made lore sense. I'd rather not have anti-aircraft guns set up all over the place just to appease some players who don't like skyscales.
  7. There is absolutely nothing preventing you from exploring maps without flying mounts. There is no need to force your preferences on everyone else.
  8. Awww someone's feelings got hurt over a little ol' icon on the internet? Please.
  9. I wasn't talking about what Anet has thus far revealed. The suggestion was to gate a portion of the map behind some sort of OW raid. I think that would be a bad idea.
  10. While I appreciate the tone here as tongue-in-cheek and all, it has been something that has been pointed out many times in the forums. Apparently many here use dark themes. /shrug
  11. Because your post is in all black text on a black background, so it's difficult for anyone on the forum to read. This is the part to which I was responding: "The narrative about the open-world version would be that the place was a "security system" and behind it, there was a barrier that restricted access to the third map. The raid is powered by something that upholds a barrier to the third map and causes a "reset" after each clear. The players continually assault the zone to exhaust whatever powers the raids. Two releases after the main JW where the players finally exhaust the power system and it's no longer able to both sustain the "barrier" to the third map and the reset. The system chooses to maintain the reset system rather than the barrier." There should not be a barrier to accessing the map that is tied behind this meta/raid idea. That's my opinion. I would hate that.
  12. People still haven't learned that the players never get what they wish for when asking things from Anet.
  13. No. I think it is a horrible idea to gate a portion of the open world map behind a raid completion.
  14. SWtoR is also a subscription model game that doesn't need micro-transactions like transmutation charges.
  15. Nope. Players are still demanding that the game cater to their personal wants/desires https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/147160-janthir-wild-why-itll-suck/?do=getNewComment
  16. I'm sure everyone would like things to be free. I'm just saying that if Anet can get more revenue, then as a business they would entertain the idea at least. I can't imagine a business saying no to more money.
  17. I'm with you. Most of my characters (maybe all?) aren't all that flashy as my internal canon has them wearing more "practical" gear. I'd like some more simplistic items with enough dye channels to make them unique.
  18. I love exploring maps, too, but then when maps are gated behind masteries or story line (which I really don't delve into), then I have a problem with them. I feel forced to pursue a particular way of gaming to get the full value of what I paid and that isn't fun for me. As for the warclaw in PvE, I really don't get it. PvE has enough mounts already. I would have preferred to unlock some additional skills on them rather than this warclaw push. /shrug
  19. I think that there has been no bookshelf in the past in order to encourage players to purchase slots to keep all of these things. Having said that, I suppose that they could add a piece of furniture that you could purchase shelves for? That way, players would get book shelf storage and Anet would still get some $ for it?
  20. I'd imagine that spears are well past the concept phase at this point.
  21. It's posting while enjoying that "preferred beverage" that often gets me in trouble with the mods. 🍻😆
  22. Have you not been paying attention to the skins in the gem store for the last 5-7 years?
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