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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I never thought that druid was intended to be DPS? I thought it was support, which is why it was released when raids came out? /shrug
  2. Great. I got to learn MH sword all over again. (sigh)
  3. There are many other ways to show "pride" if a player wants to do so without needing these wings. Seems that you are self-excluding.
  4. Because many of us would rather see resources spent elsewhere on things that would impact more players and actual game play rather than this. It's not the nay-sayers that are pushing an agenda, it's those in favor who continually ask for housing that have an agenda. And not having housing isn't restricting anyone's game play. Mounts did bring something very new to GW2 (and to MMO in general) by enabling a game feature that brought a major impact to how players interact with the game and move about the various maps across the game world. Housing would not do so. There are already instances which can be customized that, seemingly, aren't seeing as much use which is why many of us who are against this idea would rather Anet use what limited resources that they have on things that would be more beneficial to the player-base as a whole. Reviewing the many threads that already exist on this topic show all of these same arguments. Please feel free to use the forums search feature to read them.
  5. No, for all of the "no" reasons stated in this thread as well as the many other threads on this topic that already exist and can be found by doing a simple forums search.
  6. I don't tab target either. I'll click a target and use my side-mouse button (mapped to F1) to send the pet after it and then click on another target for me to attack. This was made more cumbersome with Untamed as they moved the pet attack to F6; still, I will use F6 to send my pet off while I focus elsewhere. I really enjoy that type of game play and would not like to see it diminished by taking away these options (which is what I understood from the post to which I had responded earlier). I agree with the universal attack/retreat option. It would be nice to have it consistent across professions.
  7. Please, no. I like being able to target one thing with my pet while I focus on another.
  8. I always thought that the move to the side was to help encourage Hunter's Tactics and/or weapon swap to short bow for Light on your Feet, which if you are weapon swapping and using Skirmishing you would also gain benefits from other traits (like Tail Wind, Furious Grip). Granted, I am a very casual OWPvE player, but I find Serpent Strike to work just fine especially with Skirmishing. /shrug
  9. That's all well and good. I just think that the entire concept is bad form. Crafting things only to break them apart just for the research notes? It's a waste of time, IMO. And, if one wanted the process to be more "realistic" then shouldn't research notes come when one crafts the item? I mean, why wouldn't someone take notes while they're actually crafting the thing? /shrug Research notes are stupid.
  10. Exactly so. This mechanic has in no way affected the materials that I have stored up because I'm simply not engaging with it.
  11. And remove a source of gold from other players? No thank you.
  12. My ranger main is pretty much all things tiger-y (tiger pet, mini tiger spirit, tiger jackal skin) but I just couldn't pull the trigger on this skin for the cost, especially as I probably wouldn't use the warclaw all that often. 😞
  13. Precisely. We don't need the proposed content changes because the content sought already exists. I'm thinking the the OP doesn't want full-on WvW though but some sort of OWPvP mix.
  14. No, it wouldn't be a good idea for GW2. It runs counter to the entire game's design.
  15. There is nothing that is keeping you from not using a skyscale if you find it makes things too easy.
  16. But, IMO, that's one of the things that GW2 has that appeals to casual players like me. I don't have to do a variety of content if I don't want to. I also understand that there are some things in the game that I will never acquire or achieve because I don't run certain content. Things like zone-specific currency are at least obtainable through interacting with those particular zones. Research notes are less like that.
  17. And that's great for you if you enjoy that content. For more casual, OW players like myself research notes don't come as easily.
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