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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Except, IIRC, they wanted to be able to keep their infusions? I thought I had read that somewhere along this trip. If so, then could it really be considered HC?
  2. You've been playing since Beta and are only now coming to the forums to complain about this? I've not been playing as long, but even I -- a filthy casual -- am able to watch what I'm clicking on and have not been trolled by these actions.
  3. Have you submitted a ticket to support? Have you searched the Account and Technical Support forum? You might have more success using those preferred methods. Just because Anet hasn't responded in an open, public forum does not mean that they are disrespectful, especially on a weekend when it's likely that most of them are not at work.
  4. Yeah, I kinda figured that was the more likely reason for this thread.
  5. If the OP wants enemies smarter than the current game's AI, why don't they play PvP or WvW?
  6. This point of argument has zero value to the topic of this thread.
  7. Meaningful, how? Would this be something that would affect game balance/mechanics?
  8. Or, perhaps, use the search feature and read the existing thread because it is most likely that any comment that would be added is already in the thread.
  9. No need to create new threads on Chromium when several already exist: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/forum/8-account-technical-support/
  10. Good luck with that idea! I can think of several who shouldn't be considered for that role, including myself!
  11. What is boring or not is highly subjective. Anet seems to believe that the majority of their customers prefer a more "standard" map to ones like TD. Or, equally as likely, Anet no longer has the resources (money, devs, time, etc) to make more complicated maps.
  12. I'm not sold that the design of the maps is the reason. To me, evidence suggests rewards are more indicative of whether or not a particular map is well populated.
  13. And people around here say that no one from Anet reads the forums....
  14. Exactly so. Chalk this up to another one of those "be careful what you wish for" scenarios. Like the bunny-thumper ranger spec.
  15. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Specialization#Elite_specializations
  16. Same with me. But perhaps that's because I'm too casual of a player?
  17. I would report as botting and move on. Let Anet investigate it.
  18. Why stop at two? Why not enough slots so that every glyph could be socketed?
  19. boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants...
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