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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. That's a gross over-simplification of casual players, no?
  2. Wasn't that how Orr was at launch and it ended up getting nerfed?
  3. It's a way to show that someone doesn't agree with your post, not necessarily that they're confused by it.
  4. Based on the many thread replies explaining that this mechanic is required perhaps the post shouldn't have been created in the first place.
  5. Maybe you should just stop responding if you feel that you're being attacked. Again, you made your point. Continuing to repeat the same point over and over and over is not productive.
  6. You made your post. You communicated with the devs. Why continue posting?
  7. It's a lot like politics. Politicians make decisions that keep people voting for them, but once those decisions are implemented then they are no longer in office and have to deal with the repercussions. With the way that Anet goes through Devs, it's pretty much the same thing. They won't need to worry about balancing because they won't be around to have to manage it.
  8. Plus ça change, plus c'est la meme chose.
  9. Which requires a weapon swap which wasn't necessary with the previous way that sword worked. With Sword 2 and 3, there was a lot more mobility IMO with dancing in, out and around the target, especially when complimented with OH dagger 4
  10. It's not hilarious. It's sad. 😞
  11. Except that it would be another lobster amusement park like LA
  12. Ah, gotcha. So unless you're a Soulbeast build, then you don't have this option. Which you did have with the previous sword incarnation.
  13. And GW2Efficiency =/= a statistically significant portion of the playerbase
  14. What are you using to swoop away now?
  15. Indeed, on release it was significantly more challenging!
  16. And therein lies the problem. They can't create/design a weapon that suits all play style across all formats. The way that I see it, not many were using MH sword in competitive play (as you mentioned) so Anet decided to radically change it to encourage its use, probably to shake up whatever Ranger meta there was. The unfortunate (for me) side effect is that the MH sword is no longer enjoyable for me in OW.
  17. This is one of the reasons I don't put a lot of effort into building beta characters. Sure, play around with the skills and such, but I give them goofy names because they don't matter. /shrug
  18. How is that easy to prove? How do you monitor how many people don't have a skyscale? Just because they may not be currently using one doesn't mean that they don't have one. And to have real data, you'd have to ask thousands and thousands of players in game.
  19. I'm sure they could come up with something if the payoff was great enough for their shareholders.
  20. I suggest asking Support. That way, you probably won't waste money on an incorrect purchase?
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