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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. True enough. Ok, then go ahead and do it and take your chances.
  2. Yes, but they would first have to voluntarily jump on the turtle. I was speaking more to the points that the other poster made: dragging unwanted NPCs, teleporting. Those could be considered griefing and thus be actionable.
  3. Just be aware that actions like this are against the game's CoC and could get you banned.
  4. Maybe, just maybe, Anet's intentions were for people to actually engage with and play the content and not farm gold? /shrug
  5. As mentioned before, the two mounts use different rigging so they can't just make a skin available for both. It would have to be two, different skins.
  6. It is requested frequently. Use the forums search and you'll see plenty of threads. I never said that nobody wants it. I was debating the point that a "huge majority" of the playerbase wants it. The forums are nowhere representative of a huge majority of the playerbase, so I wanted to see the evidence.
  7. Please cite your source for "huge portion of the playerbase".
  8. I don't want new races. New races don't add anything of value to the game, in my opinion. I'd prefer Anet spend their resources on other things that would have a more substantial impact to the game and a larger portion of the player base.
  9. Report and move on. That's the official policy when you encounter players that you believe are AFK.
  10. Difference being Anet never said that they would never incorporate mounts into the game. They have said that they will not introduce new races due to the technical, and story, inability to do so.
  11. I don't whine about AFK farmers. I report and move on. So, now I'm punished for wanting to play casually by Anet forcing some undesired mechanic on me. Maybe I don't want to do the meta on the map. Maybe I'd like to simply solo around and enjoy other aspects of the map. The gas mask requirement unnecessarily dis-incentivizes any play other than the meta.
  12. With all of the requests for player housing, it may already be too late.
  13. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_Boss_Portal_Device
  14. That's the problem with nostalgia. It often disappoints. This is one of the reasons I was disappointed with Anet's decision to go to Cantha in GW2. I had preferred a new area/zone.
  15. You may want to create a new thread for that or change the title of this one as any helpful mesmer wouldn't see this request buried in a thread about something else.
  16. Not sure I understand the problem. Needing to do optional content for an optional mount and you consider yourself being held hostage?
  17. I believe that the two mounts use different rigs. As for the jackal being underused, that is perhaps subjective. It is my go-to mount when on the ground.
  18. You can do this now. Pay Anet monthly, get gems, purchase transmutation charges and change your look.
  19. Maybe there just aren't as many people interested in this format as many would like to believe? Anet surely has the statistics to show where the bulk of their customers spend their time. Perhaps PvP isn't it.
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