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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. No. The expansions and their contents should be enough incentive. It's not like they cost a fortune. Let's stop asking for free stuff and start paying for things like expansion content so that Anet can keep the servers running.
  2. Agreed. As a Ranger main, even I yell at other Rangers for it's erroneous use.
  3. Again, with the fallacies. Please stop disparaging me. It's beginning to border on harassment.
  4. Yep. Especially in PoF zones where the enemies have ridiculously large aggro ranges.
  5. I never said that anyone wasn't. I didn't quote the post, but I was responding to No. Anet does not have to provide recognition to anyone in the public forum. Their duty is to their shareholders. If you happen to be one, then you have other avenues to pursue to make your point to the company instead of the public forum.
  6. Anet doesn't have to do anything other than make profits for their shareholders.
  7. If you want the devs to see your request, you should post it in this thread where we know they monitor: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/96299-suggestionsqol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged/?do=getNewComment
  8. Maybe ANet shouldn't have conceived of an expansion that would require mounted flight? Or, maybe this was their way to justify giving out the skyscale to all players (who purchase the expansion) and hoping for the least amount of complaints? I'm guessing it's the latter being used as incentive to purchase the expansion. As in pretty much all things, when you want to discover the reason, follow the money.
  9. And that's fine. Your experience is subjective. I've tried several times to get into FFXIV and just can't do it. I find GW2 to be better. /shrug
  10. Don't forget the Ranger bunnythumper spec 🙄
  11. If you read through that thread you will probably note the many posts opposed to any mentor-incentive program, and with good reason. It would be ripe for abuse.
  12. https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025699913 Real Money Trading & Fraud Real money trading (RMT) and Fraud are both strictly against the rules and policies of Guild Wars 2. We encourage you to review our article on RMT as well as the Rules of Conduct for more information on our policies and the consequences of these actions. Please be aware that purchasing a high-cost run directly, or purchasing gold or items to exchange for a run, is likely to result in account action against the purchaser or seller. We encourage buyers to only exchange gold or items that have been legitimately acquired when purchasing runs, but sellers should also be aware that their accounts may also be at risk if it is found that the gold they receive for selling a run originated from Fraud or RMT. https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011560933-Policy-Purchasing-Gold-from-Real-Money-Traders-RMT- EDIT: OP you may want to read through these
  13. None of those who were laid off were working on GW2. They were working on other projects. True, some on the GW2 team did leave, but they weren't the target of the lay-offs.
  14. I love these forums. They are so expert on GW2 coding!
  15. Depends how long you've been away. Maybe start a new toon from scratch to re-familiarize yourself with things and then pick up the veteran characters when you're better acclimated?
  16. If ANet were to do this, you know that they'd monetize it, so it would have to use transmutation charges.
  17. You're assuming that there is an "underlying issue with GW2's Rewards" that need to be addressed.
  18. Because, to be otherwise would be like pretty much every other MMO out there, none of which really appeal to players like me. It's great that we can have a game that we can casually enjoy outside of full-time jobs/full-time families and other obligations all of which can make it difficult to engage with a game that can require a lot of upkeep and upgrading -- time that many of us simply do not have.
  19. Heresy! Blasphemy! How dare you opine that the forums should wait instead of rending our garments in doom and gloom posts about the End of GW2!
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