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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I have yet to see any of the starter zone world bosses take five minutes since Anet changed them.
  2. Well, it's a case of not being careful about what is wished for. There have been many threads asking for this.
  3. I would have loved off-hand shield to go with sword, but after the sword changes .... One of the reasons I rolled a dragonhunter when it came out was to have a toon with long bow and sword/shield, like I wanted for my ranger. Now, dual mace? Who even asked for this? Yeah, I hear you. Seems like that's the only combination of weapons that interest the devs for ranger. Such a disappointment. Fortunately, I do enjoy playing other professions, but I have always mained a ranger in pretty much any game all of the way back to D&D in the 70s. It is my favorite class, hands down. Like you, I am very disappointed.
  4. Well, that was more disappointing than I had expected. The new sword skill changes have removed pretty much all of the evasiveness of the sword-wielding ranger. Loved the play and the jumping in and out of combat with the target. Now, it's just face-tanking. Very disappointing.
  5. I don't disagree with this point. I was questioning why players can't simply explore the zone without mounts should they choose to do so. To the thread's point, I hate HoT but can very much appreciate it for the effort and novelty that was put into it. It is an amazing expansion in that regard. I just don't enjoy it. I'd choose PoF if it weren't for the ridiculously large aggro ranges of the AI. EoD was sub-par IMO. Having said all of that, I tend to spend a lot more of my time in central Tyria or in the LS maps.
  6. I never understood this. What prevents players from choosing to play HoT maps without mounts?
  7. I'd rather resources be spent elsewhere.
  8. Isn't that what these are for? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tome_of_Knowledge
  9. Not familiar myself with Destiny 2. Is it F2P/B2P or sub based?
  10. That depends on content and context. I find it fun in OWPvE and not useless in that format at all.
  11. And how many of those items sit on the shelf at the mega stores until it is rotated out of stock because it doesn't sell? Those companies have to pay for that inventory ... oft times at a loss.
  12. And I'm sure that they're fine with that because they probably get a lot more profit this way.
  13. We know that the devs keep watch on that thread. I highly doubt that they go over all 316 pages each time.
  14. When were those underwater events added? Adding one underwater spear in a year is not really adding content.
  15. The lack of the continued creation of underwater content also disagrees with that sentiment.
  16. No, I fail to see the OP's problem. If the OP doesn't like high level characters interacting in lower level zones, then maybe the OP shouldn't play around in lower level zones. If the OP has specific goals to meet there, then sure, but don't stick around in the zones once those goals are met.
  17. Well established marketing tactics would disagree with you. If FOMO didn't work to make more profits, companies wouldn't engage with it.
  18. Playing there,sure. Hanging out? Why don't they simply do what they came to the zone to do and then move on to higher level zones instead of staying in the starter or lower level zones and complaining about level 80 characters?
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