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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. It's just a daily. It's 2g. Just play normally and sell your junk for 2g.
  2. Because marketing data shows that this type of availability brings in less than FOMO.
  3. Well, it did start out as an April Fool's Day prank, so that makes sense.
  4. And this is why real racism and real discrimination is so difficult to perceive because of these kinds of false comparisons. Shameful.
  5. You lost all sense of credibility by this one remark. Pitiful.
  6. Which is not possible with the current coding. It would have to be done from scratch.
  7. Sure, chief. The design is bad. That's why millions play the game.
  8. No, but re-working the entire armor set and outfit concept from scratch would take a LOT of resources away from where they might be better used in making the game better for a far larger number of players than your request might include. The only way to vote for change is with your wallet, and there are more than enough players who are satisfied in purchasing outfits that Anet probably won't change. It's not being blind or having no apparent reason. It's called having business sense. Anet will continue to do whatever makes the most profit for their investors.
  9. There is no problem. Outfits and armor are working as intended.
  10. Certainly your wish and all, but for me I'd hope that Anet wouldn't delay or skip expansion content for housing.
  11. Honest questions. What do you mean by 'lowering the barrier between the two'? What barrier and how would you propose lowering it?
  12. I'd wager that a large proportion of PvE players simply do not enjoy PvP. The current population of the two game modes seems to suggest that as well as the amount of resources Anet decides to place in each.
  13. B&S has them, too. The little girl thing, not Asura.
  14. Really? What gear, then, follows after ascended? Legendary has only the QoL benefit. What BiS gear comes next?
  15. I wouldn't mind adverts on the login screen, but in game? No thank you!
  16. Maybe because the business model doesn't support pvp as much as pve? I mean, with the resources being allocated in the way that they have been for the last 8 or so years, I'd think that this would be obvious. Anet makes more money from pve and, imo, are unlikely to implement OWPvP that might very well chase away that portion of the playerbase that brings in the most money.
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