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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Can't have that. People would complain and call it pay to win.
  2. I literally entered Weapon Dye in the search bar
  3. Please use the forums search function. This has been discussed a lot.
  4. Not sure that means what you think it means. How do you define maintenance mode?
  5. How do you define maintenance mode? I don't think that it means what you think it means.
  6. Whoa! Ease up, there bucko. That's nowhere near my intention. I was only pointing out that real money is probably preferred by Anet. I wasn't trying to shame anyone. As for what does it matter? Well, I would like Anet to keep the servers running.
  7. True, and I understand the conversion; however, rather than use gems that have already been paid for by someone else, I would wager that Anet would like us to purchase more gems instead. /shrug
  8. I'm sure that Anet would appreciate it more if you actually purchased gems with cash. 😉
  9. I don't disagree with you here. Point being that anything that allows players to skip content is often decried as P2W around here.
  10. People would cry and say that this would make GW2 P2W.
  11. Yeah, that's not how a public forum works. I'd rather resources be spent elsewhere.
  12. Sadly, this goes to the point, IMO. Some players insist on it just being given to them for little to no effort.
  13. What doesn't help is the new player boosting to 80 just to get to end game content without fully understanding the mechanics of their profession of the game in general.
  14. The devs would also have to go back and change all of the existing zones. You couldn't just have zones for this -- that's how gliders started. At first, they were HoT zones only. Your request would require all of the current content to be modified to account for it.
  15. Ok, so you're not understanding my point either due to my inability to be clear or by your refusal to try. Good luck with your request.
  16. I don't have statistics on how the population is affected when a player enters a personal story in Queensdale, but that misses the point. That player probably won't enter the personal story over and over and over and over again unlike players who might want to do a solo HP challenge, especially if rewards are involved. I'd wager that this would have a more detrimental effect on map population than personal story instances.
  17. Bad example IMO. How many players will run those same starter story instances over and over again?
  18. It wouldn't change the design of the open world maps. It would take other players away from open world maps, decreasing the population of those maps. This, to me, runs counter to the inherent design of GW2, which is an open world MMO with players on the same map as other players. I think this is what @Randulf.7614 was talking about.
  19. For legal reasons, ANet will never do this.
  20. In essence, it is as such would potentially split players away from the open world map design. For suggestions such as these, people really need to ask "What's in it for Anet?" or "What is the return for the resources that would need to be spent to implement my idea?"
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