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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Are they, though? To the exclusion of everything else?
  2. Anet doesn't advertise when items return to the store. It's an incentive to have players log in daily. Or, you could just keep watching this thread:
  3. SW:ToR - I just did a one-time payment because I was enjoying the game and that put me at preferred status and the nagging went away. If you liked it, maybe toss a few bucks at it once?
  4. I do know that the AI will tend to go after the target with the higher armor rating. I've seen that happen a lot when running around with guildies.
  5. And what do you propose to do once you have acquired those meaningful rewards?
  6. OWPvE content does not require legendary gear. If someone wants legendary gear for cosmetic purposes, then that player ought to obtain it using the methods that currently exist.
  7. Your thread title borders on hyperbole. A major flaw would be something that would be inherently broken with the game and/or something that would prevent most (if not all) players from playing the game or completing content.
  8. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/arenanet-studio-update-the-future-of-guild-wars-2/
  9. I reject the premise that this is a major flaw with the game.
  10. Have you looked into joining any guilds? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/forum/30-looking-for-guild/
  11. No, but I understand how businesses work. With many of the requests that filter through the forum, I don't believe that a lot of other people have a realistic idea of how and why companies make decisions. /shrug
  12. Who determines what is "proper socialization" in GW2 and the necessity for it? You?
  13. Have these bots prevented you from completing any content? Be honest. It's not the players' job to stop the botters. Anet has provided a reporting tool and it is up to Anet to stop them.
  14. I frequently hit the jungle wurm and there are usually more than enough players there. It's on a world boss timer.
  15. The existing model satisfies the company's shareholders. That's all that is important.
  16. Sorry that you find this activity ruins the fun for you. I have never been blocked from completing any content in OWPvE due to such. I simply report them and move on. /shrug
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