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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. No. Why? If someone wants to do map completion on a mount, it in no way affects other players who wish to do so without them.
  2. Perhaps new players might learn to play the game first before worrying about being competitive or survival, although, survival in open world really doesn't require ascended gear.
  3. No, they'll probably ignore it. We already know that the dev team keeps track of the QoL thread which is easier for them to do rather than scour the rest of the forum. The forums do exist for players to discuss the game. Yes, the forum can also be a place to voice one's suggestions. Anet just happened to have a thread devoted specifically for that purpose. Since you admit that this will probably be merged anyway, then perhaps you should have simply posted there to begin with. Maybe Anet has decided that the ideas presented won't bring enough return on the investment needed to implement them?
  4. Many, if not all, of these suggestions have already been presented. Most likely merged into the QoL thread conveniently stickied for just that reason. Please use the forums search feature.
  5. OWPvE is so ... forgiving. Why would new players require stat-selectable armor?
  6. I never understand why new players need to have best builds when they have no idea of the game mechanics.
  7. Well, your time and region might show different than mine I suppose. Still doesn't make it not viable. Also doesn't support the argument that untamed is not played anywhere.
  8. Because of the economy. Make the required materials account bound, then sure, gather 24x7 if you want. I'm not convinced that this type of set up would be healthy for the economy. EDIT: I also don't see how this affects player retention.
  9. It may well be that Anet already does this and is satisfied with the current status. Not that they'd tell us, though.
  10. Of course it's a gold sink. That helps keep the economy healthy. As for other games not doing this, what about their economies? For me, I've been playing SWToR recently and the economy there sucks. I had over 90 of these prior to the latest expansion. While it's true that I don't swim in them like PvP or WvW players, I accumulated them over time and had more than enough to set up my characters with their new professions. Also, I don't change my appearance on a weekly (or daily!) basis like some people seem to have a need to do. One could always purchase gems once in a while to help support the game studio. Nothing is free.
  11. Heavens forbid that players actually have to engage in content, over time, in order to get "legendary" items. 🙄
  12. Objectively erroneous? Ok, I'll bite. Where are your facts/proof that the claim is objectively erroneous?
  13. But it is viable in PvE. I was really arguing against the point that was made that untamed is not played anywhere when, from my experience, that simply isn't true.
  14. IMO, this is the content that druid was originally designed for. Also, IMO, all of the HoT specs were designed for group content since that's when raids were introduced. For OWPvE, there are better alternatives to HoT specs. IMO
  15. Yep. Which is why I don't engage in strikes/raids or even fractals.
  16. Not live, probably, but they will have written chat logs and if someone is reported then they can easily check. Not so much with voice chat.
  17. But aren't those functions already incorporated in the tag?
  18. Yes. Seriously. I like how you clipped my post to support your point. I did say OWPvE. Yeah, I do see quite a few untamed in open world. Just because it probably isn't your preferred game mode doesn't make it any less viable.
  19. ANet would not have the resources to monitor voice chat.
  20. Topic was already discussed recently over here https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/112899-why-are-basic-group-features-locked-behind-a-300g-forced-wvw-participation-purchase/?do=getNewComment
  21. In what format? I main ranger (and have for years) and am enjoying this spec quite a lot in OWPvE. I've seen a number of other untamed specs running around, too. I don't disagree, but I was against the whole bunny thumper concept from before it was announced. I don't even use hammer on my untamed and I have not really had any issues completing content in OWPvE. /shrug
  22. Some of us don't give a whit about fishing. Please do not force fishing rods when anchoring.
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