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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Yes, of course this is all my opinion. 🙂 Goodness knows I certainly am no influence to Anet 1 & 2. Placing old content in a game to encourage players to purchase and play an even older version of the game doesn't make a lot of business sense to me, especially after 10 years and a well established player base in the current version. I don't see it bringing back players but I don't have any stats to support that. Play GW1 for GW1 content. Cantha didn't seem to live up to the hype. The maps are mostly empty. There were many complaints here (and on reddit, I understand?) about how lackluster the expansion turned out. I'm not sure that I'd trust Anet to do much better with any GW1 re-launch through expansion or IBS-type of content. 3. We all know that Anet doesn't have the personnel and/or resources of other, larger MMO games. I often disagree with suggestions that I feel would take those precious resources away from areas that could really use it. There are bugs galore which haven't been addressed and profession balancing could really use some help. Heck the poor PvP an WvW forums are begging for attention. Those are just a few areas where I believe Anet's resources could be better spent that would benefit a much larger portion of the player base whereas many suggestions would probably only cater to a much smaller subset. 4. Again, I would rather see GW2 move forward. If there are players who want to experience GW1 badly enough, then they can just buy it and play it. Adding GW1 content to GW2 is, in my opinion, redundant and shows a lack of imagination. There's a huge world that is yet unexplored. How many new stories, new allies, new enemies, new lands and so on could be discovered?
  2. I get that this is your opinion, and you're welcome to it, but why must we continue to revisit the past? The GW1 story has done its thing; there's no good reason to re-hash it all again in GW2. Players pined for Cantha, and look what we got. I prefer Anet to use their finite resources to go forward and explore places our characters have never been. New horizons are much more exciting for me than going back to events from more than 250 years ago in game lore even if it were presented as an IBS type of thing.
  3. You know, with absolute certainty, how many resources would be needed for this? For a game on maintenance mode?
  4. I do not play competitively, so my feel is different. I loved soulbeast when I could swap pets during combat. Swapping when merged was never something I wanted/needed. I didn't have an issue unmerging/swapping/merging and really enjoyed that mechanic. When the swap was removed, it killed the fun for me and I went back to core ranger. I still very rarely use soulbeast. Untamed for me is great! I get the pet swap just like with core, but with additional things and more pet control. I am getting a lot more out of this than any of the other ranger specs. While I agree that the utilities could be more helpful, I don't find that untamed needs a "full rework".
  5. Which, ironically, is how GW2 came about if I recall.
  6. https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014185033 Policy: Unattended Gameplay As a general policy, ANY form of unattended gameplay is prohibited in Guild Wars 2. This includes: The use of auto-casting abilities to farm while not at your computer or not actively playing the game. The use of a macro to automate character skills while not at your computer or not actively playing the game. The use of a macro to farm repeatable events or activities for rewards while not at your computer or not actively playing the game. The use of a third-party program to automate or create a “bot” that performs autonomous actions in the game. Note that this does not mean that you cannot be away from your computer (AFK) while you are online. Idling in a city or even in the open world is not prohibited, though your character should not perform actions, participate in content, or otherwise engage with the world while you are away from your computer.
  7. Disclaimer: I am not a AFK farmer or botter and never would endorse such things If these accounts wink in and out, how then are they affecting your ability (or any other player's ability for that matter) to play the game and complete content? Why should it matter? If, as we all seem to believe, that Anet isn't bothered by this why should we be concerned? For me, this is such a non-issue. Yes, the reputation for these kinds of actions can look bad for Anet/NCSoft, but their apparent lack of action against these practices should tell anyone that the company isn't worried about it. In the end, this really doesn't affect game-play or the in-game economy to any extent that is harmful to the game (insofar as Anet is concerned).
  8. They very well might be. We can't possibly know. That's for Anet to decide. Thus, the report and move on mantra. /smh
  9. Slow down leveling? Seems to me that everyone wants to rush to the end-game content as quickly as possible. Not sure slowing things down would be a good idea.
  10. You can play whatever OW content that you want to earn anything in the TP just by converting gold to gems.
  11. I would prefer people having to opt-in. Having this turned off by default.
  12. We don't know that they don't see them. Heck, there have probably been more than enough reports. I'm guessing that it isn't affecting the bottom line, so they don't care about it.
  13. Kinda answered your own question, no?
  14. Why not? Because there is no financial benefit to Anet to remaking something that they intentionally put into maintenance mode so that they could provide an improved product. I would much rather Anet spend their resources on the current game.
  15. Don't we already have guild events? Maybe Anet could build upon what already exists before incorporating something new?
  16. You could simply ask a player what their toon is wearing.
  17. Wouldn't having this data available be used as a gate-keeper to content, similar to asking people to show kill proof and such? Do we need yet another factor in that regard?
  18. I can barely manage the few buttons on the mouse that I have now. Twelve! Good grief!! 😲
  19. No, don't hurry. Learn the game. Learn the profession(s). Learn the mechanics. Your post-80 experience will be less frustrating.
  20. Fun is subjective. There are those players who find such activities fun with that level of focus. /shrug
  21. This should be more than evident due to the many previous threads on exactly this topic and nothing has changed. Why this needed to be re-hashed every few months is beyond me.
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