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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Anything given for free without any effort seems like a good idea to anyone receiving it.
  2. There are plenty of threads on this topic already which have discussed this pretty much to death. Please use the forums search feature to check them out.
  3. I've been remembered for far worse. 🤣 Still, this made my morning. Thanks!
  4. So, it's not about exotic gear, then? It's about sigils/runes?
  5. GW2 does drop gear. No one needs legendary (or even ascended for that matter) to complete the story.
  6. Actually, the last time I got up to 1300g, I did buy that title. I wanted to keep a 300g cushion. Now, I'm back to 1300 and waiting for gem prices to drop again. Hope springs eternal!
  7. Is this serious? GW2 throws gold at you. I'm a filthy casual and am sitting on over 1300g right now from just playing the game. Casually.
  8. TLDR but it appears to be another complaint about items being in the gem store and not by other means and thus feeling like game play is unrewarding?
  9. This is why I believe that many of those who want legendary armor want it for the convenience factor rather than the cosmetic factor. What does legendary give that ascended doesn't? Convenience. /shrug
  10. Ok, that seems to be true. I suppose a lot of us around here called it legendary due to the quest to obtain it. However, it was not released with PoF like all of the other "core" mounts. It was released as part of a Living World update, so to me that means that the game really isn't designed with the need for a skyscale to complete content because not every player would have that LW chapter.
  11. Maybe check this thread for other opinions/ideas:
  12. Not everyone uses hammer for their untamed.
  13. I won't disagree that EoD is certainly easier with a skyscale, and that the maps are probably designed more for them than any other map (with the exception of Dragonfall maybe?); however, my guildie has not really struggled to achieve things in these maps with a combination springer/griffon. EoD doesn't require a skyscale to complete content.
  14. Fun is subjective. There have been many players who enjoyed the skyscale quest. This is simply untrue in my experience. I have a guildie who has completed almost all of EoD with me using the other mounts because he doesn't have a skyscale. Almost impossible? Hardly.
  15. It's a good thing that mounts are not required to complete core Tyria content so that players can actually progress the story in the correct order without needing to use a mount.
  16. To me, it didn't seem to be feedback; rather, complaining. I didn't read any constructive points or thoughts on how to make it any better. Also, you admitted that it was a rant which, in my opinion, is not constructive feedback. /shrug
  17. Well, to me, it did come across as whining. I don't seem to be the only one who had that impression.
  18. Then don't do it. It's an optional mount. All content can be completed without one. Don't you have a griffon? Start your own HP trains without flying mounts? Nothing is locked behind the skyscale. That's hyperbole.
  19. Because, as was said before, the skyscale is considered a legendary mount. It is not required to complete any content -- you said yourself that you can do things with the other mounts. It's a QoL bump for sure, just like legendary armor.
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