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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. My pleasure. I enjoy the synergy with the melee weapons and the tiger pet working in tandem. Switching untamed around is a fun bonus. I have F1 and F5 assigned to side-buttons on the mouse which makes it smoother --- for me anyway.
  2. Yes, but this topic has been raised many times on this forum and a new thread wasn't necessary when one need only search and read all of the previous ones.
  3. Agreed. I don't see how these suggestions can make it any better. Only worse.
  4. I'd wager that you may have a better grasp of English than many native speakers!
  5. The norn inside the house near the Krennak's Waypoint in Wayfarer who tries to get his kid to pull his finger, much to the dismay of his spouse.
  6. "best" is rather subjective. 🙂 As you're well aware, I'm very casual and don't adhere to standard builds; rather, I find things that I enjoy and thus work for me. I use sw/d and lb because they fit more thematically for me than other weapon selections. [&DQQgHh46SDt5AHkApQG7AAEblgGaAJoADxvtAC9AFSgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=]
  7. Same here. We should compare notes sometime. 🙂
  8. What, then, would be the point of ascended and/or legendary gear?
  9. They are also a much larger studio with presumably a significantly larger budget supported by a subscription model. Let's not try to compare games which are significantly different.
  10. When fighting Minister Li, on the top most platform, and attacking at range from the ramp. Last phase of fight where character has to fight final group while NPC fights Li, chracter was suspended in the air between upper and lower platforms (ramp vanished). When character moved, it fell and was automatically transported to upper platform with Li, who was invulnerable. Character was unable to return to lower platform to fight other group. Had to exit instance and start over. 😞
  11. Actually, I could very easily see that happening because of how popular that meme build was and how much crying for it there was in the Ranger sub forum.
  12. If they have been grinding to level 80 (and finished the core story!) as you suggest, then converting gold to 200 gems is not an insane amount of gold. Additionally, buying 400 gems with cash for LS content is far less than a player would have spent for the time they've been grinding to level 80 had they been paying a subscription fee. Stop asking for everything to be free.
  13. Do you play with a headset or headphones? I tend to hear a lot more NPC chatter that is not necessarily close by.
  14. Thinking that you really don't explore enough of the world. A lot of this goes on. Sure, there are areas where events spawn or are close to events, but there is far more NPC interaction than I think you give credit to the devs. Sometimes you have to be patient.
  15. We have no idea the resources available and/or needed to make this kind of change. I would prefer those resources be spent elsewhere.
  16. Then why this thread if you already know the answer? It's superfluous.
  17. Please use the forums search feature to read all of the previous threads on this topic and understand why Anet won't be doing this.
  18. Anet had some other side projects (unrelated to GW2) which were axed. That's where the lay-offs happened.
  19. (sigh) This again. No, this was not the reason for the lay-offs.
  20. These are optional things, not features. None of it is required to complete content.
  21. Please use the forums search feature. This has been addressed in many, many threads already. Formats for dueling already exist. There is no need to add them to PvE. Players don't want to be spammed with dueling requests.
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