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Everything posted by grx.8714

  1. "The game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time. This is most commonly caused by firewall or router settings, security applications, or connecting through a campus network. For additional support, please" I logged in 30 minutes ago, then the game started being crazy laggy with 4000 ping, suddenly I got kicked out and I cannot login anymore. I tried to change the dns servers, restart the router, nothing happens, still the same error. Firewall deactivated nothing changes. Anyone having the same issue?
  2. EoD is behind the corner, everyone is complaining how poorly designed are the new specs, some look and can be very fun, like specter, but they don't bring anything new to the table, they have zero role identity and they will be outclassed by the current builds without contest. I'm totally okay for expansion specs not be exactly a powercreep of core ones, but a variation, but the kitten that core necros bring in every match it's just stupid. It's too easy to play, too little effort with too high reward, spammy playstyle, hybrid damage, tankiness, range pressure, area denial,mobility as well (saying necro is the worse mobility profession is old and doesn't apply anymore), filling multiple roles without drawbacks, hard and strong CCs attached to unblockable skills. I'm okay with reaper if they nerf that kitten licht elite. I'm so tired of playing this garbage meta with double necro every single match. Gut it to the kittening ground, every profession had meta shifts, now it's time for necro hoping it never returns.
  3. I already said this multiple times, gives Shroud the same treatment of Celestial Avatar, make it 20 seconds cooldown. Also make Shroud Health Bar 50% of what is it now. Problem solved. Necro will be still used because there isn't another team fighter with that area denial and range and pressure. Also It will give space for the new eod spec as well, because if things remain the same, there is no point of not running the same braindead core necro over every other spec. This is true for all the EoD specs, but yeah, don't wanna go off-topic.
  4. No, average silver/gold players complain of ft scrappers, core necros, trapper dhs and we have all the reasons to balance or gut to the ground those classes. Never seen anyone complaining of core ele or berserker in the current meta, so your point is completely nonsense. A lot of top players are abusing to the max level ft scrapper so they hope for anet to make a move and destroy it from pvp like it deserve. And statements like "omg ft scrapper die so easily if fo used omg l2p issue" are useless. That is true for a communicating team and not for a random pug. Also it is a stupid 1 button build 1 kittening button that has the highest cleave/damage output superior even to a sic em soulbeast, how stupid is that?
  5. who cares of the same names tryhards communicating teams winning every tournament over and over, the majority of people is in silver/gold where the problems are, you cannot balance the game based on 20 best players.
  6. Rise the Cooldown of shroud both for Core and Reaper to 20 seconds, same as they did with Druid back then. It won't become useless like druid right now, but at least you have to think better when use shroud, instead of be in an out on too low cd. Also nerf power coefficient for lich in half, and this is a solid step forward to address necro problem. Whoever doesn't agree it's of course not only a fanboy necro main, but also a delusional and carried player.
  7. If add pips and cheststo unranked I would play it 24/7 over ranked, but then what's the point of ranked? Just titles who doesn't mean absolutely anything? And probably the toxicity on ranked will switch over to unranked because people wanna win for more pips are usual. I had a Knight of the Arena necro in one game who was talking a lot how he got top 200 last season, how good he was while I was bad in our match. I rewatched our match we lost, I counted 10 deaths for him who kept solo sidenoding our close and feeding an enemy ranger, then he moved to far and fed lot of kills there too, he didn't do a single team fight with us having a support, and me as rev I was trying to have my +1s plus helping team fights, but with him playing dumb like that it was impossible. I ended up with zero deaths anyway playing very carefully, while he gave the enemy free 50 points. So he has the title and I didn't get one, is him better than me? Thia being sad 80% of population, already insanely low will move to unranked to farm gold, pips and chests, ranked will be left with the super tryhards who will have to wait 15 mins or more to get into a match, people will tryhard to win in unranked too for more pips and profit per day, toxicity will born. So how in your opinion that would be a good addition?
  8. The population is too low, and conquest is difficult to understand even for plat players lot of times. I reached plat2 in soloQ with my rev, then I started a streak of matches with pve players in my team, core eles with pets, dagger/dagger core thieves and so on, I returned to g2... I don't care of rank, but this explain a lot. It's either a 500-0 game or a 0-500, only 1 match out of ten is fair and balanced because almost nobody is playing, so the matchmaker starts unbalanced games with people of different ranks or at their first pvp experience. There isn't a tutorial on classes roles, rotations, it gets treated by noobs like a deathmatch, red means dead, nothing more. I am up for removing completing conquest from pvp, it's up since beta and people still don't understand it, unless of course the usual 20 names who tryhard every single at and win every monthly, how fun.
  9. I know this might upset lot of top PvP players who tryhard PvP every minute of the day, but the population is super low and I am tired of being matched with bronze/silver players while I am on plat1. The gamemode is simply too difficult to understand for random pugs. Zero knowledge of rotations because the game doesn't explain it, zero knowledge of class roles, people running support specs and roam alone for the map. Conquest is in it's current state since PvP launch, and if new players cannot understand it and even lot of times veteran players( I hear a lot, oh no you shouldn't have rotated far that situation, while another guy said I did good, and in the end nobody really knows what was correct to do. Introduce completely new gamemodes where the objectives are easy to understand, cap a flag and bring it to your home node to get points, pure deathmatches, cap random spawning nodes around the map and hold them till they disappear into another location, similar to Elder Scrolls Online battlegrounds PvP. Make unique skins account bound as addition rewards, plus items that are good also for general PvE, so even new players are more inclined to spend time in PvP as well, and most of them will stay and contribute to maintain a healthy population. Right now buffs/nerfs and balances are not even worth to talk, if there are no players playing, what's the point of doing them. There are always the same 20 names winning every single daily AT and Monthly, always the same names at certain ranks Qs. Top players always tryhard every single daily AT like their life depend on it, new players gets immediately discouraged by continuing playing wasting their time. I know Anet won't do anything, coz they gotta promote the new PvE expansion as always, they will make crazy buffs to the new specs to see them used in PvP and that's it.
  10. I guess right now power shiro herald is one of the few high skill high reward classes for both pvp and wvw roaming, you gotta know every opponent profession to really shine with it. It's not easy mode like deadeye or thief in general, if you don't wanna die you simply won't on thief. Against good opponent's glint's heal is the worse healing of all game, against bad average ones you can make it as the best if you proper time their burst into you, for example walking intentionally in dh traps can insta full heal you. It requires proper energy management and not mindless skill spam like a nade scrapper/holo does and it's rewarded for it. It's not easy mode like necro that clicks 1 button for an extra hp bar and just autos in shroud or lich form and do more damage than you. People who said to watch tubby are correct, you will see a lot how he does his burst properly, to proc hydro sigil mid sword3 into shiro f2 into sword2 etc. Condis are a real pain for power rev, and yeah condi/cele builds are everywhere now. Anyway with the better cleansing sigil of wvw is a bit easier and possible to deal with them and of course you have a cleansing combo as well to follow when possible. Start with riposting shadows which removes up to 4 non damaging conditions and hard cc like taunt fear etc. Swap to staff to proc cleansing sigil for 3 additional cleanses into legend swap to cleanse another 1 because of the first trait in invocation and finishing off with staff4 for 2 more cleansings. After this you should chain evades blocks and kite because you used lot of your kit. His playstyle and strength comes a lot from ganks and surprise attack on unaware opponent, this because of his natural role of Team fighter and +1 build from pvp. Although in wvw you can take and win most of 1vs1s simply outplaying your opponent. The worst matchups in my opinion are against, core necros and fire weavers, they are too tanky to take down even if you play full glass. One last trick tip that helped me a lot. Play full zerk scholar runes and die a lot. You will be super squishy with super burst, but you will learn how to proper defende yourself, kite, using LoS and mobility to survive. Don't be afraid to die over and over. When you will feel you kinda mastered the profession and all his kit you can use a better solid roaming build with dura runes marauder pieces, maybe few toughness cavalier trinkets so you will be able to win even 1vX outnumbers.
  11. Like in many other other games there is a Group Q Ranked matchmaking, so you can Q with your friend against other premade groups, and a Solo Q where players cannot be in a group. Would be great to add that to Gw2, problem is right now Legendary players are Q with gold players, platinum with silvers, because of the super low population. As a s3 g1 player I got lot of matchs against players with over 1700 elo and in the top 10, it is just how it is. Anet don't care of pvp, we have the same gamemode since beta, always the same stupid 3 cap thing. Yeah they added 2vs2 and 3vs3, which are also ruined by premades and impossible to pug. They need to revamp pvp completely, add new gamemode and then we can talk about anything, right now we cannot...
  12. Nerfs and buffs are part of every single mmo. If you don't want them, mmos are not your type of game, consider something like fps, chess or games where there aren't builds and different classes to play. Balance patches are needed, but they should be more frequent, consistent and with an appropriate pvp team to make them. Lich is around for too many times already, they gutted to the ground a lot of skills with crazy high power coefficient, and I still don't know why they still haven't touched that ape elite transformation. I think putting a 3 seconds cd on the autos is enough if they wanna maintain the power coefficient. Doing 20k damage in 2 seconds pressing autos 3-4 times is disgusting not interactive gameplay which promotes spam over skillful tactic. And whoever defends it, it's just a bad player carried by it, simple as that. So yeah, for me nerfs and buffs and balances are so needed in an mmo, but what's more needed it's a dedicated pvp team who knows what they are doing, because currently they seem they don't, because they don't even play pvp.
  13. Well i think necro and guardians can't complain either... they are perma-meta in every pve, pvp and even wvw, for every single scenario. Rev is good in pve solo and groups, high skill required for pvp, and in wvw it's good for roaming only, in zergs there are better options. But yeah it's a pretty solid profession.
  14. Really thanks to everyone for the feedback, I will probably stick to Revenant, so far I have only the core unlocked with the exo cele gear from boost, and I am doing pretty good using this build https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Revenant_-_LI_Torment. Not to mention I am also using power herald in pvp as well, so can be a good profession to main for every aspect of the game, and in future for wvw roaming as well. I am tired of multiclassing and not to focus on only one profession. Thanks again to all the ones who answered. Much appreciated. 🥰
  15. Depends all what are you doing in the game. For open world pve just play whatever set of weapons you want on which spec you want basically. If you plan on serious fractal/raid groups there are meta builds to follow to have max dps, and so there are meta weapons, you can't use shield on herald on those scenarios or longbow on a dps dragonhunter etc. For pvp and wvw the same, some weapons ar better than others, nobody roams with main dagger on power soulbeast, greatsword is just better and axe too. So yeah don't feel forced to do anything if you are just casual.
  16. Yeah, I mean it's not maybe noob friendly pick, but if you play it for a while became so easy to switch attunements and know your full evade healing cleanse rotation etc. It's not ape tier like necro which simply press 1 button that gives him and extra hp bar and can auto you to death even if fails the fear, and shroud5 is undodgeable as well, then when out of shroud a guard just refill your health and keep you alive while you are max shroud again. And it's the only build sitting around with almost 30k hp, so stupid, you are forced to full zerk on every other profession to be competitive and do kills and you are below 20k hp with such low defense. And guard, geez, it is seriously too easy, aegis spam is kitten, and especially ress signet should be removed. They should remove every insta ress ability and cut in half downed state hp. I had one game with a necro downed and ressed 4 times, because of all the ccs, the pressure, the support into him it wasn't possible to either cleave or stomp him, it's stupid. But as I said many times, if you nerfs those builds, other kitten builds will appear anyway and it's a never ending cycle so.
  17. Ele hard to play? As a s3 g1 player I reacher plat1 yesterday soloQ on fireweaver and doing sidenode role. It used to be hard to play, now it's pretty forgiving with lot of carry potential. Not as broken like necro or guard which are completely ape builds, but it's there among the ones that doesn't require you to be that good. Herald right now is the only high skill cap build of all ranked with all the nerfs to the heal, mobility energy management is no more noob friendly and an easy pick. But yeah who cares, it's a game and there will be always strong and meta builds if one gets nerfed, others even worse appear.
  18. Hey guys, I played the game for so long on my cousin account while he wasn't playing himself, right now I had the chance to finally get my own account. I have created all professions mainly because of pvp, so I can easily switch if needed since I can play all of them to a decent level. This being said, right now I really want a main for pve, to do open world, story, map completion in core tyria, hot and pof maps. And I know there are pretty tough hero challenges there. I want a profession who is able to complete most of them in solo unless of course they are super hardcore group challenges impossible for solo players. Doing some researches I saw currently condi renegade is the top tier solo class and it's also very useful in fractals, raids which i am planning to do in future as well. Second is scourge, then mirage and then the rest... Right now I just have the core rev level 80, but as I am progressing I will unlock rene. So would you guys recommend it to be my main pve boy? Not to mention yeah, i really like the profession as well.
  19. I know you gotta defend your main, but right now no other build is able to survive a 2vs1 scenario on a side node better than weavers. It's not broken like necro, but belong to the ape tier category. Heralds are very strong, but on a full zerk and condi meta they need skill to survive, 1 burn tick can take you down if you are not careful. Glint heal is pretty much a dead heal right now, shiro teleport cooldown increase is super annoying. Thief is still better to +1 and help in team fights, and can also decap and to some extent stale on a node for a bit and even engage some 1vs1s so. This being said necro and guards are the top priority problems, I am tired of those apes pressing 1 button and auto and using a fear ring and completely shut you down while guard can insta reset a fight with signet impossible to interrupt unless you have a good thief.
  20. Every season, every meta has brainless builds which players abuse, it was condi thief, it was condi mirage, it was holo, it was infinite barrier scrapper or scourge back then. There will be always those type of builds no matters what, I just play for the gold, for the memes and to spend some time when I get home from work, I turn off chat to avoid the elitists toxicity or tryharders who don't understand this is just a game afterall. Patch after patch we already know they don't care at all of pvp, it's all about pve sellings for them because it's where the majority of players are, so it's useless to insist, if you don't like pvp, stop playing it, simple as that. If you wanna tryhard for ranks or titles, find yourself a friend, play a duo necro guard or even double necro in this meta and you reach plat2 in no time. At least gold is not as bad as in wvw, so whatever, it's still worth for me.
  21. Full zerk, scholar runes, slb elite into sic'em and kitten necros don't die to a fully executed combo. Damage feels high because everyone is in berserker to do fast kills as possible, so the damage you receive is as well huge and "feels so high". And this shows how stupid and braindead are tardcro and tardian, but nothing to do, it's the usual trash balance.
  22. The current problem of sPvP are necro, guardians and to some extent weavers too. Before necro used to be a really high skill cap profession with lot of positioning, LoS, terrain usage. Right now it can be played even by an armless monkey and reach platinum in soloQ even by a silver player. Too much tankiness and also dps and the strongest condis of all game. And how it is stupid that a stupid core class can support better than my druid which was born and meant to be a support? Not to mention guardian has at least other 2 viable builds to run, it's stupid. Weavers yeah, you just side node and against average players you can 2vs1 without dying for days and even maybe killing almost everything in 1vs1 scenarios, so yeah. It's the usual stupidity of a poorly balanced game.
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