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Everything posted by grx.8714

  1. I tried all the new specs, I am having the most fun with bladesworn as well, with dragon you play lot of mind game in sPvP. Of course it's not overpowered like vindicator or harbinger or the old meta builds, but it's decent and very fun and engaging playstyle like you said. I wish dragon rush wasn't so lackluster, sometimes I hit some crazy 10k, and other time on people I completely outskilled and need to finish then I land a stupid 1.3k, I know there is protection and lot of things, but still... for such a telegraphed skill. And considering how vindi damage and sustain is broken tho. I planned to main it.
  2. With the tormenting runes nerfs I think the best sustain face tank specs will be the ones that have a trait that return hp on damage done, even tho they nerfed some like Invigorating Precision on thief. At the top maybe we have mechanist due to the bot, on condi gear of course. Speaking of virtuoso, which is the one I'm currently main people forget the first botton heals you for 3% of all condi damage you make, I don't know why they didn't make it 5% like the nerfed Parasitic Contagion, but it's something that can provide decent sustain in viper, celestial or maybe even trailblazer. I don't know about the rest of the specs.
  3. With Anet deciding to nerf solo survivability for some odd reason with trait changed and especially tormenting rune nerf, which is now the best profession to do solo content? Before the nerf renegade was top1, followed by scourge, right now maybe scourge is better than renegade? Or some new spec is going to take their place in your opinion? For solo i mean a build able to clear the most difficult hero challenges, bounties etc. Thanks.
  4. They have to make blades instacast and not require to face the target to activate and it will be very viable and fun to play. Bursting with gs2 into f1 is so clunky, slow and too easy to avoid and interrupt.
  5. Didnt find it when its better to buy etc...
  6. Where I can find a website with a detailed report of the exchange rates? I remember when I got the 4000 gems from preordering I could grab 999 gold for only 3100 gems. Now if I want 999 gold it needs over 5100 gems. I wonder if there is a site that shows the best conversion rate and times to buy.
  7. MMOs are meant to play with friends and groups. True, but every single mmo has solo players and solo builds. I really don't know who is the developer nerf who thought solo players are harming someone in the game. Probably the usual developer who balance sPvP and WvW without even playing the gamemodes and he is bad at his own created game. Nothing to say just disappointment. Apart from this, what do you guys plays in solo with mesmer now that tormenting runes are gone? Staff/staff undead runes can be decent?
  8. Hi guys, I really would love to get this staff https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arcane_Battlestaff Which was on the statuettes last November to December, unfortunately I missed it because I wasn't playing. I don't have and don't want to spend almost 3k gold to buy the black lion exclusive chest on tp. Is there a way to know if it will return maybe to the gem store or in the statuettes again? I know maybe items return regularly, or after they were rare drops in the black lion chests, they will make through the statuettes next cycle. Is there a site or something to watch when the next cycle will happen etc?
  9. Well i think it's already the top farming builds with gs dagger focus, top burst at 1200 range. For harder content yeah, the usual staff staff mirage is probably still better.
  10. When i said it: "Dont worry necros main, harbi will be kitten broken as usual". They called me idiot and cried how bad and squishy is their new specs. Now they all shutted the f up and put head underground xD
  11. Slot many stunbreaks as you can this patch, what profession you play? Also don't worry, but if anet is consistent and happy on how many games copy sold will nerf vindi and harbi pretty fast, we just gotta wait. They were fun to play the first 5 minutes of the expansion, now I am playing virtuoso which is currently an underdog with catalyst and having a blast of fun, it's my new main now.
  12. Coz i gotta dodge the pull, true shot, the unblockable faith trap, longbow5, the blade spinning trap. That's why you should be able to dodge out of it.
  13. Maybe unpopular opinion, I am trying it out in sPvP because I don't have the hero points available for WvW or PvE and it's super fun to play on Berseker amulet with Staff + Sword/Sword. You are very survivable, I love sword3 leap, you got aegis for days better than guardian, evade frames, blocks, and the burst is pretty good and you can do it very often, I stuck up Blades very easily on the proper build. Ah and you have 2 dodges, yaysh xD If you don't like it whatever, nobody is forcing you.
  14. From my early experience: -Harbinger is strong, as expected because it's necro, and when I said it people called me stupid. I said: it's necro of course will be meta and op. And people laughed. Laugh now. It has a damage bug right now which make it 100 times stronger, but we gotta see. If they remove the bug will be still strong. -Vindicator is strong as well, the healing dodge sustain for you and team mates it's too much, but if gets nerfed, herald will continue be meta like nothing happened. -Specter is viable if you know what you are doing, I tried sindrener/azza build and it's super fun to play, but you gotta be insanely fast, shadowstep a lot, in an out playstyle. You just run Shadowstep as the only (double) stunbreak. It is a bit clunkier than necro shroud, sometimes I accidentally double press Shadow Shroud because it's too sensitive for me, and because doesn't have a CD while entering, so I think I pressed it, but I did twice and I'm out. -Untamed is ok, of course Boyce and Rom play it at high level and can reach high plat in no time with it, it had definitely more sustained pressure damage than soulbeast which is more window bursty and survival. The rest of the specs so far seems unfinished, virtuoso and especially catalyst are meme tier for now, bladesword I can't understand what role it has. Mechanist seems a niche build for now, people go flamethrower or nades. I guess it's a decent duelist/sidenoder. So far this is my personal review from the matches I did till now.
  15. For WvW roaming I think we might see a variant of the sPvP version, Sc/D + Sw/P or D/P if you really wanna rely on stealth over mobility. For PvE I have no idea, for open world I think Specter is stronger than Daredevil due to IP nerfs on sustain, but we will see.
  16. Dodge SHOULD, sorry for my bad english, but I meant they should make dodge able to cross the ring, but stun you after, same with rev staff5 evade, shiro evade, you cross it, but you get stunned, that's decent. Also I don't know why a teleport blink gets you stunned a well, but yeah, bad design is hard to solve.
  17. After they nerfed stability all around trap dh became low risk high reward, no skill always reward playstyle. Dodge should let you out the ring, maybe stun you when crossed it, but get out, same way as i have to waste a revenant staff5 to go out of it, i still get stunned afterwards, but at least I'm out the stupid ring, i think works for shiro evade as well. There are lot of kitten builds, good thing at least ft scrapper seems disappeared for now.
  18. It's broken, but if you nerf them it's just better to play herald again and forget of vindicator. If they nerf the damage on Gs same story, just play shiro rene or herald once again. It is viable only for his healing dodge. To be honest I will remove the Aoe and support part of it, the spec was designed to be a dps, not a dodge spammer to support others, it's stupid mechanic to support others with a dodge. Get rid of it and maybe maybe it 2k 2k and will be fine.
  19. You will make another spec fall into oblivion. Saint's Shield is very very strong, don't get me wrong. But if you nerf it in Anet style, which means from 3k heal + 3k barrier will go to 500 heal and 500 barrier what will happen to the spec? It will become on par if not worse of shiro shortbow renegade, herald will stay meta again for another 2 years. Harbinger maybe will have the same destiny, don't know why people cry about it when it dies so easily, you really wanna have another 2 years of kitten condi core necro and sup guard again? Instead of nerfing those, make some buffs to catalyst or virtuoso which are really meme tier and impossible to play anywhere. But yeah, they don't care of PvP, but at least let's try.
  20. It's basically a core ele with a F5 button and nothing much. The traits and utility skills are very underwhelming. So far there is no reason to play it at competitive level, for now weaver and tempest do much more and better. It's unfortunate, but expected.
  21. Thief problem is not disengage mobility, thief problem is Shadow Arts traitline, the climax of what is called a "carry" traitline. If you don't know die in a match as thief, you can. And that's stupid. In high level monthly at plays the only counter to thief is having a thief as well in your team or you lose 100%. Seems fair to you? You are passively forced to play a profession based on your enemy comp, it's ridiculous. Harbinger has oneshot potential, but in full zerk, and without shroud hp bar, you die instantly to any kind of focus even without a need to be +1. I'm farming harbingers left and right. Vindicator is a bit more problematic, oneshot burst as well, but lots of sustain blocks, evades, and the especially the dodge heal is just too good.
  22. The damage is super strong but goes down very easily as well.
  23. The new ranked season started last evening. People are already calling for nerfs on vindicator and harbinger mainly, but so far I was matched against the same usual meta specs, still core necro sup guard duo, fire weaver sidenoder, daredevil. Harbinger does tons of damage, but you can shut it down pretty fast. Vindicator feels way more sustainable of herald even when running berserker amulet, but the playstyle is like hit and run, try oneshot with gs, if you fail start chain blocks evades and kite away. Herald is/was way more pressuring and harder to avoid damage coming from. I didn't try the bunker version with viktor ventari and avatar amulet, but people say it's impossible to kill. I don't know, damage is very high. The rest of the specs looks underwhelming. Specter in the hands of good players has potential, untamed is a core 2.0, but can't see it being better or worse to be honest. Mechanist seems pretty bad overall. Catalyst doesn't bring anything to the table, a core ele with a f5 aura... ok, maybe will be top tier support and I'll be wrong, but I doubt. Virtuoso is meme tier. Bladesworn decent for teamfight, decent at 1vs1 I guess, but feels weird. Willbender is weird as well and if you play guardian just play support. What's your opinion so far? Of course EoD and season just started, but after unranked matches and few ranked ones what's your opinion?
  24. Haha there we go the first nerf post xD I was betting if it was this or harbinger. Enjoy the diversity, play it yourself. I am actually playing vindi same as herald playstyle and not as bunker. Maybe it's too early to say, but damage is over the top, if the enemy don't dodge I can oneshot with vindi gs5 combo. Just enjoy the change for a while...
  25. So far people get erased in seconds, where are the bunkers you see? I see untamed going for 26k damage in 2-3 seconds with teleport, harbing had massove pressure but dies in seconds, vindi has super strong burst that a +1 doesn't last 2 seconds.
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