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Everything posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. all what you state is true , ele has been empowered , as all 8 other classes has been too ... Weaver gained greater barrier ... compared that to a scourge barrier ... barrier only proc on 2x attune skills , u use one 2x attune skill per rotation , resulting in a 550 barrier for 5 sec every 8-9 secs ... talk about useless ... tempest has alacrity , as has scourge and specter now , only difference those two can spam their alac with 0 cast time or little cast time , tempest has to go trough 4 sec cast time skills to fully unload alac uptime.... Catalyst best quickness build ? Herald says hello , you need 0 concentration to upkeep 25 might , swiftness , fury and quickness and only one trait is needed to do so , catalyst use two traits to upkeep his quickness (looses 10% damage and +50-100% efficiency on EE) and cannot even come near the herald uptime (and just saying that when you don't attack , or boss has an invu. phase , well you pretty much screwed on your quickness...) and not even talking about the 360 aoe versus the 600 wide moving quickness engine the herald is . And the crowd control on ele is horrible , most of the time you are not in the right attunement when the cc bar appears and even the cc are very weak again compared to other classes. So yes ele has been improved , but is still far away from any other class in specific roles. Basically this trait make weaver a medium armor , hurray we are saved from one shots ... or not. There is a reason some classes are not played at all in some content , some people will say "it's not because it is not played it means it is bad" , i answer yes it is bad because nobody care to play it , nobody sees the benefit or the fun for playing it , and hammer tempest is gonna be nerfed , yepie , who cares nobody plays it ... a lot of ppl like me play like that : fun-efficiency-accessibility. Ele is fun , it's the less efficient meta healer , and is hardly accessible as dps , that's why nobody plays it , being inefficient isn't fun, being average dps while you sweat on your keyboard is frustrating (especially when you are beated by LI classes) , getting your overload interrupted and see the alacrity fade away is frustrating , getting one shot , and having the feeling that if you played a class with only +4000 hp you would have sustained the damage is frustrating , Ele definition is frustration. So play it if you want , but trust me the time you gonna try another class you will ask yourselves why you took so much time to switch from ele, not like me which after 5000 hours of struggle , golem training , surviving any windlblow who would wreck my tiny hp bar , finally opened my eyes and made my ele a moving storage, best decision i made in this game so far And for thsoe saying everybody complain about every class , i checked the revenant sub forum , nah can't see any complains about herald ... I know i am being melodramatic here , but i like overreacting , make it more fun to write.
  2. https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity it's fine to say ele is alright and everything , but explain those numbers to me , no ele is not ok , this class is designed for wvw and pvp mostly , because of his versatility who is incredible in those two gamemode , but pve endgame don't want a half baked dps, healer ,booner, support , nobody cares about ele healing 1.5 k every 20 secs attuning to water. I have recently a guildmate who completely letdown the ele after seeing they gonna nerf the hammer and made a necro as healscourge to see if it compete with his healtempest "it's day and night , i have 2 times less thing to do , i have 2x more hp , i can boon without having to cast neverending spells , and i am as effecient if not more than my htemp" quote and that's from a player who stick to his ele for 2 years , and i personnaly have 5000 hours on my ele (who is now in the garbage can , just used on sabir raid encounter once a week because ppl are too lazy to escape tornados). Ele is ok if you go open world , while if you play a full damage dealer as herald or reaper you can simply burn trough 80% of the content while mobs don't have even 1 sec to reach you. play whatever you want and how you want . But have in mind that ele require a lot of work to be as much efficient as many other specs and with not any kind of reward being more effective in damage or in support , and error is not allowed ! you don't have the hp pool to allow any mistake, yes go on vitality and burn up a characteristic slot that could have been more boon duration or power or condition damage, while other class are either +4000 hp or +8000 hp above you , or have medium and heavy armor , who is flat -7 and -15 % strike damage taken. Ele is sufficient in many situation , but the others do the same , with less complication and as much , if not more , efficiency. But the design is somewhat well done , the attunement switch make you feel like a real elementalist on "paper", you also made of paper ofc.
  3. This new relic system will age like wine , it is not really good at the moment , but we will talk about it in 1-2 years when anet will add more relics effect. I really doubt they will bring back the parrot or the stone hound just to satisfy some roleplayers who impersonate as pirates ... lthose minions where mostly useless , the only ones who where good was the golem (and even this kitten scatter trash mobs everywhere , which i s a pain in the ***) and the necromancer minion who applys blood on hit. So we loss some effect but we won other effects , relics applying a variety of condition when x or y happens , support relics filling a hole for lacking heals or a missing boon (karakosa on scrappy healing when blast combo , relic of Febe on healscourge if no source of swiftness) , so yes we loose some effects , but to my personal taste 50% of the 6th rune special effect were boring and useless , now i got a variety of relics to use while not removing my runes effects and can adapt to many situation with only switching relics . And don't forget anet has data about players , i really wanna see how many people use the parrot , the stone dog , or the golem runes in % before they added the relic stuff , they removed stuff to make room for improvement , and i defend relics as a player who has made 7 legendary runes , so ppl like me shoudl be the more biased about this change and the investement we had done , but i can see where this relic stuff is leading , as i said , we will talk back in some time and see all the variety of option we can have with relics , the possibilities are infinite , while when this 6th effect was tied to a set of runes anet had to make another 6 pieces of runes everytime they wanted to add a special effect . So personnaly i am happy with the currents state of relics (and eager to see future stuff on it) and i don't miss any summon boring lazy designed rune effect . And now a least we have something to work on for improving our character .
  4. Don't worry i am not mad , just having my thouhts here , Anet knows that having chosen the horizontal progression ends up with a lot of ppl wondering why they are still playing because the reward is basically cosmetics , more ap , money , nothing that make you stringer . Its' a 2x edge sword ppl will like it because they know they can pause the game and come back 1 year later , and their build will mostly still be fine or untouched , and on the other hand vet players who play hardcore are sometimes wondering why they do stuff in this game. Anet made this decison with a bit of marketing in mind , while you have basic relics in vanilla , the most interesting ones are in soto , they want player to feel somewhat playing the game empowers them. Relics are an intersting thing and the fact they are only unlock at the end make up for new players to reach the max level , little bit like elite specs. I think in 1-2 years we will all agree relics were bad designed at the start , but ended up being a really good addition to the game , i really hope.
  5. Man , have to go more in the rp forum threads , had a good laugh , ty lady Btw , your own body isn't a country , nor your brain is a president , hahahaha. Unless your whole curriculum vitae was actually the rp part ?
  6. If you feel like you are in the current position were the game is being way to easy for you , you can make your own challenge , make a lvl79 raid character , play core without any healer , remove piece of stuff , run with only two traitline , try funky builds , do lowman endgame content... I get and have maybe the same feelings on some stuff , but every mmo goes trough that phase , gw 2 is becoming old and while very dedicated players stay on the game anet needs to bring back new fresh player , and they can do that by making things easier , just look at the last cm they brought CO CM , i think every vet player can agree the fight was super easy compared to KO , or OLC , the only interesting mechanic was the orb to collect to make dagda vulnerable , the rest has already been seen , somebody has the red puddle and kite them away (hands of deimos a bit alike) , numbers (KO) , split phase (matthias and many others), the arrow is quite a bit new , but has basically the same fonction as in normal mode , just instead of a debuff the arrow target get insta killed if not well positionned. I too would greatly be thrilled by a new htcm strike alike , but i doubt anet is gonna work for a content a very narrow community will work on. And nerfing numbers while everyone has trained for his 40k bench would only alianete players and beginners who struggle will just scratch their heads on why they have been nerfed. Adding cm to the already existing raids who have none could help refresh a bit the stuff, will not require a lot of work (but will result in lots of bugs , cause raid code are old ...)
  7. I have to say i was curious to see what were your ideas for a new condition and when i saw smouldering i was even more... But you baited my curiosity for an only pvp/wvw condition who only purpose is to eat a condition removal ... 10/10 for the bait , but 0/10 for the actual new condition.
  8. Sorry but not everybody backlashed relics , it's still in devellopment and while i understand everybody (me include) was kind of angry to get a nerf on the 6th rune slot , many ppl can say this kind of stuff will be for the greater good in the future. The first set of relics are kind of meh , but you can already see nice interaction relics with the 2nd load , like the karakosa one who give healing whenever you blast combo , neither to speak about some spec who were obliged to run very weird rune composition (warrior berserker power playing thief runes only for the precision bonus and the +10% damage from hiting behind coupled with +100 condition damage who was useless...). With this kind of stuff we can run any stats runes we want and have the effect of the chosen relic , i personnaly use the speed relic on the healscourge whenever i see there is no speed covered in my sub , and that happens quite often , if not i change to more healing or rez faster with +30% hp . We can expect (i hope) to have nice interaction relics , like giving aura to a player heals him, they can even add specific relics for a direct class , like fantasm deal more damage and split into two clones instead of 1 for mesmer only , necro shroud skills costing less life force or dimishing the drain each second by 25%, elementalist triggering a spell whenever he change an attunement , warrior adrenaline/flux charge up 20% faster and have less loss out of combat , pet being more effective and soulbeast bonus pet fusion increased by x % for ranger , revenant less energy cost for skills by x % for each maintenace point active , engi giving more boons when blasting combo , thief having more damage when hiting with a stealth ambush skill , symbol from guardians giving boons to allys or appying condition to enemies. The possibility are infinite , i just hope anet make good ones and not boring ones like thief relic.
  9. Sorry for you , but rifle was adverted as a support weapon and we know what happens to weapons who are strong in every aspect be it healing , boon , condition and power : they got nerfed to the ground , just look engi mace who was top notch for healing , very good at condi and even power ... so i know by basis that weapons have a definition like rifle is obviously to shoot targets and hurt or kill , but i see it more like an Anna overwatch version of it. As someone who played chrono tank a lot , and who got eclipsed by firebrand , scourge and every other support with lil sustain able to heal : i am very happy with this new weapon. I will say don't shoot the deer shoot your fella deadeye to give him 12 might and fury so he can shoot the deer harder 😆. They took every spec of the game and tryed filling it with what was missing as a weapon , my only wonders are about engi shortbow being completely lackluster in term of boons and the ele pistol who looks like a mess...
  10. Certainly , i mean the kit is fun to use you have also choice to make with the weapon , blasting a skill so it heals instead of giving boons , using the mini portal but then increasing the cd of the skill who give barrier, meaningfull choice to make , really good design , it just lack clone generator i feel , but coupled with scepter : problem solved . Mesmer has already ranged weapon power or condi , so i really hoped for a support weapon to come out , was really not dissapointed by the rifle , that weapon only gave me the urge to craft soo won legendary rifle , only to "splash splash" my own allies and scream at them "go take a bath ". This mini portal will come handy in many situation , like someone kiting a mechanic able to come back immediately near the healer after the job done, rezzing someone far away with a blink while under the effect of continuum , then allowing the guy to come back immediately to the fight with a port after teleporting with continuum ending, 2 mesmer rifles playing with blink and porting each other turn by turn , trolling someone with the shiny pink spot while he tries to rez someone downed ... i am thrilled ! So no you are not alone mate 😛
  11. We have not the otpion to do 1-2 pve daylis with 1-2 wvw for example thats something anet should implement further (with a max 5 dayli treshold). On the rest i completely disagree , those new daylis offer a variety of new rewards who are interesting (more than 2g and 10 achiev point that i don't have anymore due to treshold of 15000). Also i don't get what is fun about waiting 5 min. to a vet to pop ... OP must thus have a lot of fun queing in the grocery for payment ... Those daylis give the opportunity to new players to get some achiev. who would not be able to be done cause lack of population on certain events or metas , if someone want the maw of torment spear achievement how are they gonna do it if they are alone on the map ? well maw of torment popped not long ago as a weekly and there were tons of ppl trough the whole week , map was lively again and that only is great. These new daylis and especially weekly tend to repopulate old forgotten events and allow empty maps to get sometime a second life , like kryptis rifts only can revitalize a lot of maps on their own, most of ppl here are somewhat vet of the game , but just imagine being a new player leveling on a lvl50 map who is empty just go trough a 20 ppl squad with shiny skyscale waiting for a giant t3 kryptis boss rift to pop , i would personnaly be thrilled ! The lack of jumping puzzle is also something who bothers me , ppl say it was fun for the community to have a com there (mesmer ofc) who spend 2 hours doing portals .... i don't get it how a puzzle jump is fun if you take a portal ... and anyways there are some puzzle jumps still in the weekly not as often but still.. I am greatly in favor for this WV currency with the dayli system going with , it rewards players being active not semi afk connecting->deconnecting and especially the rewards you can choose from , we had first a griffon skin who was worth 1600 gems and now we had an infusion who would certainly be like 2000-2500 gold , so anet is being very generous with this (not even mentionning the 25% free legendary weapon available... and other stuff you would normally pay a lot for).
  12. The elementals , same as conjured weapons , need a whole revamp or buff , and should actually work underwater. First make mounting not killing all of them , this is freaking stupid , you go trough a fight , made 3-4 little elementals (who takes 3-4 minutes to be done) and when you mount , bye bye ! gone ! The lesser glyph should be an ammo type , allowing you to start a fight with a counter of 3 or at least two. And the big one sadly should be as all other "pets" without command : less stupid . Should work as the flesh golem , no timer , just a cd when it dies from "natural" damage.
  13. It was supposed to be a joke , sugar mines don't exist , i mean c'mon people died because after mining solid sugar they fall on powdery one and get untombed alive , to think such a thing happended you must have a 2,5 yo brain ... Ofc i am talking about some magical... no forget it , i am talking about something who doesn't exist at all ... I am pretty sure anet is plotting you nutcracker thing for the next expac , we will fight giant toys who we previously gave to the orphans , woohooo plot twist ! sarcasm off (have to mention sarcasm as some ppl here don't have the equipment to spot it ... not you ofc)
  14. Sorry to be sour , but omg how snowflake is that .... you literally give them pop guns , wood swords ... we are sssssoooooooooo evil.... ginving them old socks (who probably stinks) , shirts fulls of holes , and a skinny pant is better than a fun toy .... it's this kind of behavior who lead to the cancel culture , nooo the world is not full of pink poneys pooping rainbows who smell cherrys .... It's called second degree joke , when someone say a lot of ppl died because they were mining in a sugar mine because they felt on powdery sugar and fall to their own grave, you are the kind of person who cry because it's horrible or you chuckle and say to yourself "pfff hahaha sugar mines ..." Some ppl are so sensible it's almost hilarous , ready to be offended in 3 ..2...1 , go !
  15. Allowing the beetle to take updraft and ley line , would franckly be super funny to see people crash all over the place , especially myself. Maybe another skill for mounts , like a nitro push making your mount +25-33% faster for like 5 secs , or a boost who make your next special mov. skill enhanced , rabbit going higher , raptor jump longer , skimmer floating very high , skyscale next 360 doing a 2x360 , griffon boost higher and more efficient while going up/down , next beetle nitro burn your wheels and goes fast and furious with 0 control. It could be fun , but i can't see how they would implement that with the skyscale being kind of a climbing mount, but we could be surprised !
  16. You didn't have a clue about that ? the perfect example is kryptis rifts , when you solo them the tier 1 the boss can be bursted in 5 secs with a good burst build , add up some randoms playing with celestial stats and the boss take curiously 20 secs more to kill , every boss in open world work like that . And again even if that wasn't the case the fact that you find normal to first ask if the ppl confronting the boss need help is ridiculous , tiping while fighting is not something easy to do when you are in trouble... and often result in a downtime/dead. Open world is fast food gaming , many ppl go there grab the loot , AA everything without care and do not expect many interactions with players (except forced combo fields). The sole interaction i have in open world is tagging for tier 2/3 rifts so it's easier to survive and burst the champion , and ppl flock to my tag (or i flock to an already available tag) for a free tier 2/3 rift , "ty have a good day" at the end and there we go, that and choyas partys.
  17. Meanwhile by watching the boss you artificially made him harder , boss in open world works like that -> more players around , more hp and damage added to the boss , ty for helping , but you are not helping , this is an mmo and expecting ppl to queue for a specific boss behind you while they won't even get the loot is beyond laughable , also don't forget some bosses are tied to legendary/collections/achievement stuff , you really expect me for example to wait 20 minutes for the boss to respawn and get my achiev later , because you want to test out your own survivability in open world... there is instanced content , you can solo those ! 100 levels of fractals , 7wings of raids , stroy instances , strike mode story , normal and cm . You basically asking for pokemon combat style , i can aleady see the thing , "Music" "sweet potato encountered legendary queendale troll" "troll uses leap , sweet.. countered with a roll" "it's really efficient !" . I am not an expert but if every champion/legendary critter had their own instance i think anet would have closed the door of their company , cannot imagine the cost of servers for such bad designed idea... Even if you asked to leave you alone while fighting a boss in OW i wouldn't care at you (i feel like trolling ... will add you as friend and stalk you to "steal" bosses ... nah just joking , i am not wasting my time) , we all earned to do so in open world , a boss is not your propriety or own punch bag , also the lootbag , you know you could drop a precursor from it , so i rather have 0,0001% chance to have it , instead of 0, these bosses does not belong to you , i payed the game -> their boss a s s e s belongs to me too and to everyone in the game. And what did you gave those people for an advice ... wanna know ... "guys if you 2x tap a direction you roll" ? There are such big mechanics bosses in open world ...hm hmmm i can't believe my own sarcasm, they are mostly glorified pinatas with real clear patterns that once you know you can cheese them out with ease. Sorry but you are one very entitled person to think such a thing. TY , but no , not thank you.
  18. Hammer , even if damage are somewhat good now, is still freaking slow , AA take ages to launch , skill 2 sometimes doesnt hit the targets inside , skill 3 while it is a dodge make you root in place for about 1 secs , take ages to land on the spot... , skill 4 is actually good now , and 5 same as other skills has a too long cast animation and take too much time to take effect once launched. I play herald quick and i feel like i have no quickness at all when playing hammer... Prefer playing shortbow , even as power , at least it's quite quick and i don't think you loose that much damage. Hammer just doesnt feel good to play.
  19. For me what really also maintained raid away is the gap in skills between the open world stuff and the raids , ppl just went into raids like it was open world meta "come as you are" and felt on Vale guardian who mostly wrecked thousands of squads easily , anet has done an open world accessible to anybody and then added stuff really hard compared to open world , just look at Soo Won meta who failed almost everytime at release , because ppl didn't even know that red aoe -> bad , the meta is easy , its' the level of players around it who made this difficult ! Thats why they came with the deisgn of strikes : you have a little insight about the fight in the story mode (with even an easier mode interacting with aurene's crystal) then you have the 10 ppl squad normal mode and finally the cm of those . Emboldened is a good addition to raids , but i think if the base design of raids was , easy mode -> normal mode -> cm mode , that would have been very profitable for raids , ofc it would have needed a lot more work than adding the emboldened mode. But would not be difficult to figure out , example : easy mode : Diminish VG pool for 20% , green exploding only remove 40% of total health , only one red ball coming trough the group , cc bar of VG is very low , arena shift colors happens less often (I spoke about raid release timing , not now , it's too late , with all the powercreep such a mode would be ridiculous ...) Ofc you make the reward less appealing (not that rewards are actually appealing , even in cm mode...) And for those trying to argue with Obtena , GL , the dude live in his own reality and it's not worth loosing your time arguing with him , also plz stop quoting his message , i can't block those , only player in the game who has +10% confusion damage and duration (bypass expertise) base.
  20. It's an almost dead content , ppl do it for the meta success two in one (doing toypocalypse 3 times and wrecking toys) , and all i do is wrecking mini village and put catapults everywhere without any tactics or pattern ... and it works , can afk after 5 minutes... quite boring to do.
  21. rezzing don't count for a rally ? mb then , i ll remove the message, ty I misunderstood the term "rally"
  22. Go in fractals with 0 agony , launch level 35-40 on the fractal monitor or trough the fractal gate (in Lion's arch or mistlock sanctuary) , don't go inside the fractal dungeon stay in the Hub, there is a downed charr on the edge of first island with a puddle of agony generator , just step inside 1 sec and you will get an agony charge lvl35-40 that will suck 35-40% of your hp/sec for 3 secs , do that how many time you want. And even if you die you'll get free rebirth. Mb doesnt count for a rally , just a regular rez.
  23. Waaa... i mean waaaaaa ? meteor sprinkles as it is called today is a skill with randomness to it , it was greatly used against large hitboxes due to this randomness , now with that -x % damage per strike and literally 0 damage when target is hit more than 5 times , this skills isn't doing his job , especially for such a long cast time and cooldown. if i can think of a rework it's pretty simple , you make the aoe ablaze on the ground to indicate visually the area , and every x seconde a meteor fall down to all targets in the area (max 5 or 10 i dunno , balance issue) add aoe damage to each meteor (or not) but shrink the damage on the aoe hit (not on the main target , like -66% damage , to not make it gold tier cleaving nightmare) , and add a 1 seconde knockdown to first striking meteor just once. So no randomness to the skill , hitbox size doesnt matter as much and balance damage around it not making it worthless using in any scenarios and you don't have this ugly -x% damage per strike who is completely random and a frustrating mechanic. Also make ele able to move when casting it ... i can't think of a skill nowadays who root you in place and is inefficient , yes axe 5 from ranger root you in place , but the damage is just incredible and is the reason soulbeast is the king of burst so this rooting here is quite understandable.
  24. For me it's the daredevil who needs a rework in pve , the forced movement coming with the obligation to use dodges to inflict and gain bonus damage feels like a vindicator cheap version of it. Deadeye has some niche gameplay in pve , like mentionned above , excellent kiter with great sustain and very long range , but as quickness provider it falls down behind his fellow herald , harbringer etc... Specter need a lot of training to get big value of , the fact that you can target your allies to overload them with a barrier can be a gamechanging mechanic (saving someone from from a sniper shot on KO , soften damage up on a VG green splosions , ...) And indeed the king of cc , fully unload pistol 4 coupled with venom elite can just wreck cc bar so hard , add to that some other cc , specter shroud 3 and 5 , magnetic bomb , ...
  25. "I am not here to help you ... i want my easy champion lootbag" "Godammit , when is that kitten behind me gonna help me , this boss take ages to kill .... freaking troll is just gonna last hit it to kitten me off"
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