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Everything posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. That's one problem here , you just look a video to copy paste what the guy does , just read the skills , that's like ppl who just copy paste builds from snowcrow without even comprehending how the traits work or how the build manage to work , comprehension is better than just parroting things , most parrots are idiots who just copy , but some of them are smart because they react to a situation , that's what you should do is comprehend how those skill work. Also do you have Exalted Markings mastery unlocked ? because if not your Power Surge (skill 1 from the race) won't work properly. And remind every checkpoint reload your 3 race skills , so be smart about using them properly , cause between each flag you have only one ammo. The one think ppl seem to not understand is that Power Surge need to be used for dashing towards shiny marks , if not you ll mostly fall to your death , doing so will make you jump far , and it's actually mandatory to end the adventure I don't even know why i am writing this, Op has surely already uninstalled the game .. seems to me the kind of person who rant whenever he encounter the slightest difficulty and think everything should be easy , able to be played with one hand or be done in the first atempt ... kind of guy who tryed elden ring for 5 min. and uninstall after encountering the tutorial boss...
  2. I don't like the druid with the alacrity rework forcing you to use CA for alac uptime and not for actual healing , could heal people afar being kite , but now if you do that the alac uptime on the main group is gonna suffer , but people seems to enjoy it this way , so it's more of a personal taste about me , but a nerf ? it's fine the way it is (i don't like it personnaly , but not every spec has to suit mine or your own taste) , but it is far from being the best condi cleanse of the game , or the best downtime saver , many healers have their own pros and cons , for condi cleanse i think nothing beat the hscg with a condi cleanse on 3 sec cd , and barrier cleansing 1 condi , making it maybe a 1sec condi cleanse all time , fb still the god of fractals with aegis and stab , druid has his insane long range godlike healing output , herald can stab like no tomorrow ... and htemp ... well it's htemp ... the only thing that should be changed on druid is his condi dps mechanic , it's pretty hard to fill yoru celestial power with no healing output and your regen not counting cause your main healer has better regen power and output , so something like Eclipse should just switch the damage filling CA from 0.75% to 1.5% and vice versa for healing , after all if you take eclipse it's for damage , not for healing , would help condi having right uptime on CA. Also would help if Op specify in which mode he is actually speaking , pvp , wvw and pve are very differents in the term of meta and how you actually play. My take was on pve mostly endgame.
  3. Op is talking about challenge , and that's your answer ... i don't know if i have to laugh or to cry ... the problem if you add bosses with no timing or not a kind of dps check , ppl can just play safe with 4 healers , that's what we actually do in my guild on the first dhumm statue , this boss is a counter dps check and punish you for doing to much deeps , so we just play with 3-4 healers and this go fine without anybody messing up . With all the powercreep the game has been trough dps checks on many old bosses are trivial now , it will only take in consideration if you run with some beginners who obviously will be more focused on the survivability and the mechanics of the boss than on the dps part , but with some dedicated players who can reach a decent dps bench it is pretty easy , no raiders whatsoever remind here how to do the Gorseval updraft , neither i , heck i know my guild and i will wipe if this happen and will be staring at each other like dead chickens like wth happened , didn't know gorseval did that ... ty powercreep !
  4. That's nice but you know when you choose a spec with the lowest armor and the lowest hp you expect to deal more damage than a 22k hp spec who is easier to play ... or else what justify the lower armor and the lower hp ? And there are dps spec who give a lot to the group with not hindering their effectiveness , firebrand has good uptime on prot. and résolution , scourge can add up barrier and cleanse condi pretty easily , herald full dps can add up might and some other boons pretty effectively , and all the others who bring countless cc like virtuoso , reaper , harb , etc etc ... So there is indeed an unbalance in pve , especially for endgame , as many said wingman isn't maybe the 100% traduction of what playrate there is in endgame , but those who add their logs to teh wingman are mostly dedicated players , and for some (obvious) reason they choose to not mostly play specific specs , it's kind of disturbing the mech was at a 33 % playrate when he was op and now you have virtuoso and herald slowly taking the cake ... curious ? do the mainstream raiders plays what is fun to them , or do they play what is effective , for me its' pretty simple , being ineffective isn't fun , so i've chosen.
  5. Huh i think you forgot ele hasn't 4 weapon switch , we ain't talking about the possibilities , we are talking about the possibilities in real time fight , not theorical from whole spec , and even as weaver you want to switch as often as possible , making a lot of those cc not available when needed. virtuoso condi plays with dagger/sword dagger/focus , making it possible to use every skill 4 for cc any time , that makes 1 with the weapon switch cd , f3 is available 100% of time and blades fill up so fast youd don't have to spare it for dps , changing the ult who only make 10 stacks of bleed (even less than focus 5) for moa is literally 1k-500 dps loss , tahts nothing , and if that's still not enough you can use one of your sigil who deals 300 breakbar damage , all those skills combined can go up to 1200 1400 cc damage , thats huge ! Weaver in any configuration with 0 cd on all his attunement will never reach such a big number (you can play with ice bow and storm hammer if you want but that's counter productiv as hell and wouldn't result in a 500-1k dps loss more like 4-5k dps loss). So your argument here has literally no sense at all and is out of context. You should probably try those two classes against huge cc bar boss alone and see the difference , the theory is good , but when you have 0 practice , theory is useless. Reminder the cc bar last like 5-7 secs on every boss , i don't think you will have time to do the 32 options of weaver cc .... lol , i didn't remind the weaver has a weapon swap though ... your post is a "duuuhhh" post.
  6. Basically all endgame enjoyer has , personnaly wingman reflects my own experience of the endgame , no ele whatsoever , a lot of virtuoso ... but that's not crowd control accountable only it's a tiny part of it or else you would never see a vindicator for he has horrible cc too. Weaver is not bad at cc it has pretty good ones , on a fairly low cd , but the problem is his strict rotation not permitting to have skill x or y available for the cc. Virtuoso indeed is a monster , i play it non stop with harb on condi encounters and it's easy , do very good damage with low effort , bring tremendous hard cc and has insane survivability. Aliam suggested a f5 doing basically do Unravel , that sort of idea should be seen by anet and put into the game , that only would make weaver able to cc whenever he wants problem is anet is balancing arounds benchmarks who do not reflect the % playrate or the encounter pressure ... everything that goes above 42-43k is nerfed , be it difficult to play , has no cc , is melee only , no ! They simply don't allow such benchmark and sadly that was ele only real strong point , going above the dps with classes like mirage , but being very difficult to put out , now the glass canon are doing as much damage as 22k hp builds , who has indeed more cc and are way easier to play. But that's the way anet decide to balance the game And for those who say catalyst bring a lot of boons and is not selfish , i kindly remind you we have this aberration who is called herald , who don't need any BD and upkeep might , prot , regen ... etc etc , and has a boon extension with can by burn for a +3 secs all party boon expend , so as long as such abomination as virtuoso or herald exist , there will be no room for other specs to shine. So cc should indeed be part of the balance , we had a Htemp on kannaxai cm , not saying but we failed 50% of the cc , guess why ? Htemp ain't a necro with golem , 2x 2sec of fear , and torch blow doing 150 breakbar ... nor a chicken virtuoso with the 600 breakbar elite skill , nor a specter who can blow a cc bar alone for +- 1200 damage with pistol 4 spam+ rock venom and the shroud . Thats 100% true , i have always said if snowcrow , discretize fake out dps and builds anet would maybe follow blindly , i just want them to do it once just to see if anets falls into the trap , would be funny to have weaver doing only 20k and see all his skills having a ratio in condi and power almost doubled, or they should show a 6 soulbeast (+support) doing Mursaat in 5 minutes , they seem to care a lot about this "pinata" boss and nerf every ball of spec doing it in less than 1 minute.
  7. Ctrl Shift + H 😁 , sorry can't see another option
  8. Firebrand is just a habit and trivialize the content so hard , ppl want it for confort , a good firebrand can make you ignore 50-75% of the encounter mechanic , it's largely because of his strong access to stab and aegis wich none other class has(except revenant for stab) , if you don't have one you just have to dodge more or be more sensitive to mechanics. This is why you don't see it often in raids , cause aegis and stab are more niche for some content and don't require so much application in raids/strikes. Hfb is not broken atm , his strong point are aegis and stab , but his key boon are a bit weird in term of range (360 in front of you and 180 around you for mantras , kind of weird), i still remember when the heal gave allies aegis ... that was completely broken.
  9. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_Rune . Sincerly i would recommend you to wait a bit if you need to buy the materials to craft them , with anet announcing any account owning 1 leg. rune will get the legendary relic for free if crafted before the next huge patch in 30 days , the price of component have sky rocket atm , so maybe wait a bit the price goes lower because i think it more than doubled.
  10. yeah i reread the note and now i kind of get the point you all say i didn't saw , basically it's a 2 x 12 cd skill instead of being a 12 cd skill with another 10 sec skill not shared cooldown, making it if you use the two ammo a 24 sec cd skill for the two ammunition instead of a 12 and 10 seperate cd skill ? i am also a bit confused reading the note , not gonna lie, just tell me if i am right , if no i'd love some insights.
  11. This is done for player to play condi with axe/torch and pistol/pistol next , before that it was really hard to switch to a non torch weapon set and get value of that trait at 100% , now with an ammo system you can fully release it when you want and not be dependent on a 10 sec internal cd on a critical strike proc. it's a nerf to non torch user , but a real good commodity for torch user who use another weapon than torch in the other set of weapon.
  12. Me opening my dagda cm chest and having 2 non id gold cm does not give enough reward at all , the eod is fine , you get the crappy chest who will loot non id gold 95% of the time but also 1 antic summoning stone. They should add a chest with 1 selectable reward choice : 1 méta reward from one of the maps of soto worth the 250 money from maps , the pouch of stars , the electric cage or the bag of screams i don't know the name, then it would be worth to into cm , but atm doing dagda cm , only give +2 golds and one chest with 95% of the time crap inside... And for the insights 250 vault money is equal 8 gold ... you can bypass on that easily , as many ppl said they need to do more stuff than that , rewards for hard content is never worth it (only fractals cm's and daylis seems really money wise worth)
  13. Co cm is considered the easiest cm off all strikes , first time doing it we going into almost blind and we succeeded after 3 tries of 7-8 minutes ... but we had some hard carries with us , hscg can almost trivialized this content by mass porting ppl in danger while downed. And i do really hope Tof will be more difficult than that , the normal mode has a very interesting mechanic with involving the choice of which add we must kill to not improve boss mechanic x or y.
  14. That's already done , Emboldened mode for raids , strikes in story mode (even easier with aurene node), strike normal , then cm. An easy mode for all raids should be really appreciated indeed (with a cm for those who lack one) but let's face it , anet isn't going into raid withrisking the spaghetti code mess it will imply , we have enough bugs with every content update.. If you know the fight in normal , you know 75% of the fight in cm , bosses have just more hp, has maybe 2 more mechanics , and some older mechanics are deadlier or faster , just as example you know the difference between dhumm normal and cm ? cm has this : boss with 20% more hp , a mini dhuum running around catching people and killing them over time , reapers does not benefit from +xxx % extra healing , that's all .... And raids are not dying , as always and as i repeat it endlessly : it's a guild and static thing , people don't like it cause you have to find 9 ppl with dedicated specific roles , you don't have those problems with a guild or a static , my guild does a full clear almost every week , and we have beginners with us. Why do you think other stuff is easy to fill ? fractals require 1 heal ,1 supp , 3 dps . Then you have qadim 1 , we require : 1 tank boonhealer , 1 qadim kite , 1dps lamp , 1 boonheal , 2 support who complements the two boonheal , 1 portal and focus 4 grab mesmer (cause ppl don't want to do the puzzle jump) and the rest dps power cause we ain't doing resolution firepilar... not easy to find ...
  15. the answer is freaking simple : -Get a static -Get a guild who accept beginners training on 'gatekeeped' content. If you don't want to apply to one of those easyt tasks , you will always be gatekeeped. Totally agree , trust is good but control is better , a lot of ppl are lying and sneak their way trough content without even watching a video or asking about the mechanics , i tried Co Cm with randoms for the 250 vault money , and what a nightmare , first try we die from the cc not being done ( i was virt with Moa + f3 + sword 4 + focus 4) , then one random dies from the green arrow , then we had 3 ppl staying in the red puddle at 75% and wondering why they died (i mean you have a glowing red puddle pulsing storm who looks like you gonna have all kinds of deadly viruses of the world and you stay in...) , we had a dps doing less damage than the healer ... ppl say it is quite teh experience to play with toxic elitist ppl , i will say it's quite the experience to play with ppl who say they own the whole game but doesnt know kitten, it's cringe but it becomes intoxicating at some point (maybe that's why we became toxic ?) And some ppl are here wondering why some of us gatekeep these content , i will say it : because some ppl are lazy, self entitled (waste time of maybe 9 ppl who knows), are lyers and leechers. And com is entitled to ask whatever he wants , even 6969 bananas if he feels so, you don't approve ? then make your own training group , wait 1 hour for it to fill , fail once , look 3 ppl leave (cause they thought they would be carried or doesnt feel like carrying) and fail it all day long... I will say it again : get a guild or static ... freaking simple ! I mean , fella just up my comment has even an invitation for raiding ... so don't tell me ther is no guild recruiting newbies for endgame , you have one just up your noose. want to raid, but don't have a clue? join sigh; you still won't have a clue, but at least you'll raid! here so you cannot miss it .... ty SoftFootpaws.9134 , good call and funny.
  16. I agree with you on this totally , but i think ppl here are referring to the actual state of tempest in pvp/wvw not in pve where it is indeed bulls***. Those modes are completely different from each other , while i can see the absolute efficiency of auras is wvw/pvp , the effects of those are near useless in pve just as an example ( a zerg blob shooting all projectiles together on the tempest while mag aura is active or shared to some fellas , yum ❤️ ) , so quite a thing to balance in a gamemode mode without breaking the other gamemode.
  17. You ask for a meat burger and get a vegan one ... no ! It would be way more efficient to have a system who can make you join squads with your role stated and which wing , like in Final fantasy , you get automaticlly added to a squad requesting this role /this kp /this wing , but such a tool would be hard to implement , and i rather won't image all the bugs who will come with it , but definitly not randoms , going random roles , going random raids... would be a cluster**** Just imagine you need an alacheal and Todd who knows nothing about raids comes up with his "dps quickness with 25% quickness uptime" hell no. I have played with guys like that in fractals ... having 25% quickness uptime really s**** and make you feel like a slug... Raids are not dead , it's mostly a static or a guild thing , cause so you don't have to waist time on lfg . But the proposition from OP could just be an option , but not implemented for the whole lfg . Like an encounter is easy for your party and you can afford the chance to have a beginner for this content. But if people want to raid/strike/fractals often , join a guild who accept beginners , you get trained by ppl knowing the stuff and get yourself pretty quickly in the state off 100% raid clear a week, waiting in the lfg 2 hours for having a training session adn maybe wiping all day on an encounter is indeed a bumer of a day.
  18. Jeez i didn't even notice that , you are right they should slap that to mech f1 proc , for traits and relics. And also vigor and régén , you basically loose protection , vigor and régén uptime if you go shortbow atm , they just should add these boons in the combo fields of shortbow for it to be relevant, infusion bomb from médkit is slightly too off cd to upkeep it .
  19. a lot of ppl here are just saying ele is fine , proof ? i bring up specific details on why he is not fine , and you stumble around saying he is fine , because he is fine , definition of a rock ? it's a rock , great statement , you can't answer the question with the question... and we have ppl talking about ele facetanking open world bosses ... waouw , that's says long about those people experience in the hard content endgame content ... out of context. So by definition ele is bad in endgame content , ty , was that hard to reiterate ? add strike cm's to the list. Haha ! Curse you Aliam , i spit my coffee on my screen cause to you 🤣. Here you have it someone who knows and has actually played the ele to a certain extend and can talk about his flaws and strong points (still waiting those btw). Ppl will say i am an elitist but those franckly saying ele is fine show us some high level gameplay of it in hard content plz , i have proof of my own knowledge of the game. All the others well you can stop lying , don't forget we got amazing tools like killproof me to check your own knowledge , trust is good control is better , calling me a liar .... look yourself in the mirror .. we have ppl with no kp.me (afraid to show your true account maybe, or has never ever done a single endgame content or doesnt even know this tool exist , any dedicated endgame enjoyer knows it , so by definition those people who doesnt know it are not endgame players) and ppl who haven't even done a single strike cm talking about how ele is fine in endgame content... and stop comparing open world with endgame , open world is a cakewalk and should be talked in a separate way as wvw and pvp , i am gonna do a video of me playing pew pew mech soloing bosses while my mech is tanking , wooooooo quick nerf engi rifle and mech he is op , he can solo bosses in open world , what a circus ... And again i am waiting from ppl calling ele fine and meta a list of his strong points , i brought up his weak points , now to you all to proof your point of view , and don't answer with vague , elusive answers , i am a data guy i only trust what i see , i don't believe in unicorns... it's not because ppl read forums and see a lot of ppl complain about ele that this whole spec represent 1% of playrate in endgame , and btw how many ppl of the game goes into the forum ? i always see the same people here ... so the forum is not a global view of the highest % of playrate , but the data i showed is from people being +- somewhat dedicated to endgame content, and those people mostly choose to not play the whole ele class , why . I can undertsand balance is hard for every 27 e-specs , but at least 1-e spec from every class should be balanced around every content of teh game , you never gonna see me talking about wvw or pvp , cause i don't know those , so ele is maybe strong there or not , i don't know , but i know pve a lot.
  20. Not at all , don't worry i like making points with other people , but i understand your point , i always feel salty when counterargumenting points but i am not, i just like to bring ppl in front of facts. But you are right it goes over the edge of the forum topic , cya.
  21. Well you should , ele is definitly fun to play , but the longer you will stay to the game and try other classes , you will maybe come to the conclusion it's not worth the investement , the numbers in % i showed above in wingman are about pve endgame (fractals, raids and strikes) it doesnt count the open world situation , so have fun playing it anyway. I am not making assumption here , but i know a variaty of player who started with ele and like me when the hitted the endgame section of the game , they fell down a lot of times and the dps wasn't quite what they expected, and feelign like a burden to your group isn't particularly fun. But maybe you will be the 0,2% of ppl who can dunk the charts of ele , who knows.
  22. That ain't the answer , where are the strong points ? if you say he can solo champs , i have a clue for you my celestial reaper can do it too , my vendicator too , my herald too ... every class can do that ... and i said i agree we rant a lot about ele on forums (i could not deny that i am a serial ranting machine)i could not agree or disagree with the rest you said , cause you bring no points on why is ele worth playing vs x or y on efficiency, answer the question plz, on fun i agree i was thrilled when i started the agme seing i cna ttune to any elements , but when i hitted the endgame section of the game where nobody cares about your versatility i just threw my ele to the garbage can. That's how i feel , and people who start the game must know the truth , you will have fun with your ele in open world/pvp/wvw but once you hit the endgame section (fractals higher tiers , raids and strike cm) as a new player you will feel the pain adn the cold reality that you need to read perfectly what the encounter will need you to do cause you have way lesser room for failure than any other class in the game, withotu any reason cause you ain't more efficient than any other class. my mindset is clear i have +5000 hours on my ele and all i see is this class being always unbalance , i predicted a nerf to the condi hammer cata the 26/12 on the frenchy forum and guess what ? we have burning duration on skills going from 9 sec to 3 sec and sovort , 45k for a complicated class is good , it's not too high , if ele performs as well a sother , why do you have to sustain the lesser hp pool or the lightest armor ? why ? Anet proof once again they base their view and a freaking golem for balance , ele will become meta definign they say ... well they didn't bust their ***** to nerf the pew pew mech when this class was doing 33k afk for almost 2 months ...
  23. i hope they do not design all new added yearly fractals like this one , filled with bugs at launch and still undoable achievements 4 months later ... the endgame content in this game is starting to feel really undone , first silent surf then dagda really boring cm.... i have great hopes for Serus though.
  24. Agreed , then tell me about ele strong points ? keep in mind i will bring every other spec who do the point you will bring better , that's the problem i have tried all specs off the game in literally all their option (not the funky ones like bladesworn heal for example). I came to the conclusion some classes are not for me with the matter of taste , i really don't like the druid reworked with alac slapped to his avatar , but i can deny he is efficient now with access to stab and aegis , with still strong 1200 range healing. But for the example of healers i can't see why people take tempest (if it isn't just for rebound ulti) for efficiency , i can understand they like the class , but all other meta healers are far better than him , anet missed the spot to make alacrity come from 2nd traitline and allowing ppl to keep bastion of elements ... -Alacrity bend to 4sec(2.8 with quick) cast time , allowing you to do nothing else while overloading, or have severe punishment on your boon uptime if cancelled -Lowest hp and armor , for no obvious reason. -Cluncky way to give mainstream boons , might and especially fury , just tell me what you do if in your group if you have a scrapper quickness and 3 reaper ? you take air traitline instead of arcane just for Zephyr's Boon fury coverage , and don't tell me you use dagger air 2 into heat sync just for covering fury , kitten other spec do it so easily. -Healing coming just from 1 attunement and your healing skill : either you play staff and then better have a herald in your group for might coverage , cause ppl won't stay in your tiny 180 aoe fire overload for 7 secs just to have 20 might... either you play dagger/sword with warhorn and end up with literally 0 range of healing (don't talk about the ice bow , 60 sec cooldwon for a weapon swap ... we all know conjuration need a solid revamp rework to the root to be on pair with other skills today and signet of water is just laughable ... 5% rez ...). You are right ele community is all about rant , i know it i rant weekly about it , cause this class is just a boredom for pve endgame. But if you want solutions , i have a couple about the htemp. -Overload 4 sec only to be allowed vs 5 sec before (counterpart 20% overlaod access instead of 33% for Transcendent Tempest) -Alac slapped to Invigorating Torrents with regen or vigor kept. -Make peculiar traitline a specific way to interact with players as a support : air for solid super speed uptime (super speed proc on aura share), fire having more than just one support trait (make one trait rework like x% power converted into healing and firefields heals allys like guardian symbols) , earth being the most tanky , slap barrier to aura sharing somewhere. -Give stability baseline with Hardy Conduit and increase the protection efficiency , tempest must be able to tank when overloading blows who would normally bring low hp down (not in pvp or wvw ofc , this would be largely op), or in my wet dreams : allow tempest to have a single dodge while overloading without interrupting the overload. -Remove might from Elemental Attunement and give fury instead , allow some skills (like staff air 2 and dagger air 2) to give and share fury. -make earth and fire overload boonssharing 360 not 180 , that's too tiny ... i mean c'mon herald do it passively with 0 apm involved and in a 600 range ... And for what you said , i played healscourge way before teapot came up with in one of his stream. And ppl didn't waited teapot to come with a scourge build when his f2 stacked 2 burns . Same for herald nobody cared about this spec before his access to quickness , and teapot said it was one of stongest build but nobody played it ... and now with quickness access it's the golden support dps every healalac dream about, also teapot refer to catalyst as one of the hardest hitting dps dealer of the game , but nobody plays it ... why ? So ppl still make their own decision , and for what you and i said i think it's mixed : ppl don't wanna try ele cause they see how ppl talk about in the forums and ppl like me who tried and see only flaws in his gameplay design, it's 50/50 , but i know many players who tried ele and tried his counterpart (herald for quickness or healscoureg for alacheal being just two example) and now as me their ele is just parked at kaineng puzzle jump chest to earn the daily jade runsetone.
  25. Your point is understandable , especially with the fact that relics are tied to a character and not account wide , i suppose anet made it that way to emphasis ppl in the fact they will need the leg relic for ultimate convenience , and not knowing what is needed make ppl farm what they guess will be needed . but the wine comparison you did is a bit too harsh , i will simply say it's not the same brand of whine you asked for and is randomly better or worse than the one you asked for 😁.
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