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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. Buttons: There are more then enough. What would it accomplish to add filler utility #3 to the bar. Morpgs like guild wars and wow for that matter are hard enough on the normal person with average finger dexterity already. In PvP/WvW it would be a balancing nightmare. In PvE endgame it would just be a thing you learn once and becomes muscle memory after a while. In addition to make the game harder for newer players for no benefit. Class specific skills: The skill don't feel special because we have to little because we have to many. Everything becomes a blur in a perfect executed rotation. Mount skins: I too would like that. But GW2 has no sub fees, Mount skins are one of the more rewarding things to buy and least offensive to make money off. So I'm fine with that overall. Cast bars: Yes pls. I'm Human not an eagle. In PvP I would really like to see if mine or the opponents support guardian is using handwave #64 to give a minor heal or rezz a kitten player.
  2. Automated ban-> ready for abuse. There is no way a to make bulletproof system even with the best of intention and willingness to pure resources into it. If they can't put one human to monitor the couple thousand PvP player they sure as hell cant make an good enough automated system. The sad reality is PvP was never a focus for Anet and it is only getting worse over time. Which is a shame because GW2 combat really shines in small scale skirmishes. The PvP System team(guys who work on balanced) got merged with the normal system teams. I'am pretty sure that just meant the people who worked on PvP are relocated to do more PvE stuff. SO the pople who worked full time on PvP now only work halve time on PvP. Or looking at the PvP Patch notes maybe a week every 3 months.
  3. In addition to what is mentioned bring ascended food if nobody is already placing it. The value of one peppercorn feast buff over the birthday cake one is enormous.
  4. I assume you are not here for PvP or WvW. The obvious thing to do would be exploring some maps and finishing your story till Zhaitan. Then start Season 1 if you want to be guided. Another obvious thing would be daily's. They give you Wits https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Writ_of_Experience which can be used to skip the some tedious level as 60-80 wasn't much fun for me either. Speaking of skipping levels crafting can give you a bunch of levels too. You are supposed to have fun. We cant know what you like in MMO's so it would be helpful to know to guide you to what you like to do. Dou you like: Power Progression? Wealth Progression? Combat in General? PvP specifically? Social Aspect? Killing Stuff? Being part of something? Story? Fashion? Large Scale epic fights?
  5. That is what I'm saying the whole time. Are people so out for blood they lose all reading comprehension? That all started with some fool stating "going for that 1 extra second is the obvious thing all players would want to do eventually" and I disagreed with that. People keep quoting me and arguing a point I never made. I just provided math to make my point how pointless it is to optimize gathering. Does math confuse people? Do numbers trigger people?
  6. That does read kind of salty for someone basically agreeing with me besides semantics. Speaking of semantics: Gathering tools are account bound. Legendary Gear pre armory was account bound. Legendary gear post armory is account wide. Mounts are account wide. Gathering tools are not account wide. Even if you think they are synonyms I explained to you what i meant anyway.
  7. It seems like you need the ascended for fractals? If that is the case just keep playing fractals and you should be fine. Never buy infusions higher then +9. If you have already some "wrong" ascended gear you can stat swap it. Rings you get for really cheap from a fractal vendor. Ring can also be upgraded for extra infusion slots. Also fractal encryption is ton of liquid gold. If something is not clear I can provide links and explanation.
  8. Oh yeah that honestly looks like a nice, convenient setup. How long to you need to gather for these 3 shared slots to be efficient?:)
  9. They are account bound not account wide. You have to manually switch them is what I meant. Which cost time. Not much. But the Person I was replying to did value that 1 second faster animation soooo you have to do a lot of gathering to get that minute back:). If you like the convenience or like optimizing stuff for its own sake fine. I do that too. The idea of "unlimited" profit is nice. On a Side note: I just find it funny when someone states optimizing gathering is the clear choice when gathering itself is so unprofitable. You could have a map full of quartz nodes which are one of the more profitable Mining nodes, a Unbreakable Watch knight pick and fast skin but if the travel time between nodes is longer then 1 sec it better to just do echo wild meta. To make back the extra 300 gems from Unbreakable Watch knight, instead of the vanilla on, you have to gather 7 and a halve hours. Not go out an gather 7+ hours, actually let that animation roll for that amount of time. That are 5250 nodes you have to gather to go even. And as gathering isn't all that profitable that 5k nodes take ages to gather if you want to play "optimal".
  10. That is what i said.^^ That seems to be mostly the case i will update my post. Got thrown of by the fact some new Gathering tools are excluded from that trend and the robots one are actually really old.
  11. That's like your opinion maaaaan. Your are more interested in that, not the whole player base. Also if you care about efficiency you may should run the numbers of how long you have to gather to make back the gems, how much extra value you get out of that halve second speed up and how that compares with Opportunity cost of gathering. Combined that with the fact that tools are not account wide, funny robot or funny cactus people seems like a reasonable choice for many people who aren't enjoying optimizing the game for optimizing sake.
  12. Mount skins: Are divided by being normal and high quality. Normal 1600. High quality 2000. For you example skyscale has unique animations that skimmer lacks. Something that muddles the water is what Anet considered high quality changes with time. Mount packs with 3 skins are normally just the same skin with minor differences and no special effect so the whole set goes for 1600. Armor: People wanted parts of Outfits for a while and are willing to pay a premium for individual pieces so Anet provides. If you talking about head armor skins, they are clearly different level of care and effort put into them. Sunglasses (150) is different from a normal head(around 300) to something with particle effects or something else does need extra work like minimize clipping on all characters(500). Gathering tools: Watchnight Pick(useful glyph) has a boring animation. Vanilla unbreakable tools are actually cheaper then extra ones. The 1000 Gem price for the non vanilla gathering tools is a combinations of Animations + usefulness of the glyph. That's why the robots one you see often don't have glyphs, because they are cool enough to "justify" their price on their own. Some mid tier animations get bad glyphs and so on. Vanilla are cheaper then special one's. All Special are the same price. There is a little power creeps going on and Anet doesn't seem to see a reason to adjust prices for the underpowered one. Obviously in the skins department popularity does play role. The rather plain wedding attire is rather expansive. But overall pricing seems rather clear with small variations due to how liked some skins are. If someone can explain to me Build and traits loadout pricing that would be nice.
  13. To be fair that are the 2 most immobile classes in wow. A necro vs guard fight(pre eod) didn't look much different. GW2 is faster but not by as much as the clip would implicate. Back to topic: PvP at its core is great entirely by accident. Anet never cared much about PvP to begin with. Which is a shame as small scale combat is the only area in the game were you can really utilize your entire skill set. Personal skill, all your buttons and traits. Combat feels great everything else around combat is just bad and drags the game mode down.
  14. Did you know if you want to play football you have to pay for a Ball. Only conclusion: football is pay to win! A Gaming mouse with extra buttons does Make any MMO(or any game with many skills) easier to play. So by the definition proposed in this threat every game that has 10+ Abilities is pay to win. No exceptions.
  15. Like many stated before a in game Dps meter is pointless as Dps is context sensitive. With nothing to compare it to it isn't much use. For Single dps there is the raiding training which did get more accessible with the last patch which is a good step forward. Arcdps does everything someone could want besides not breaking after updates. There is also the classic dps meter of hitting mobs that are not affected by scaling and seeing how fast they die. As the chance of arcdps getting axed after they introduce their own Damage meter isn't zero, pls no dps meter besides arc.
  16. The power off getting tilted. Gold 3 to plat 1 is death valley. You can taste the difficulty going up by magnitudes.
  17. Just split for side nodes? Works good enough for me.
  18. Well you don't have to do anything🙂. So your rebuttal to my point is the main story isn't important so it is fine to lock it behind the cash shop without warning the customer that "experience the whole of Tyria" doesn't include the story mode? Because that is what your post boils down to without the fluff.
  19. It is called dragons end. The whole map shouts we are preparing. The story tells you the mother of all elder dragons in controlled by a eldritch void power. People have to be honest to themselves. What people need is more events in Prep time so they can follow a train for Profitable gold per hour and loot bags in their inventory to visualize their profit. People right now can experience the map just fine, gold per hour is just bad when you fail.
  20. For its time WoW was a more casual user friendly MMO. The Problem is their userbase is to active and without artificial grind they cant make content fast enough without the userbase consuming it in an instant. Then don't do it? They are not necessary to have fun, play the game or do top performance. There are here as a progression system for people who can do it. Every MMORPG needs a form of progression that is the core gameplay loop of the RPG part. No progression people leave the game. Like Warlords of Dreanor in WoW when people run out of things to do. Ascended is available to everyone. If you talk about Legendary armor... If you don't understand why trivializing all endgame content and devaluing Legendary equipment(Big part of vertical Progression) isn't good for the long-term health of the game either your self interest clouds your judgment or there is a reason you are a Game tester and not a game developer. You also overvaluing dps as a metric for success. As most current LI build can clear any content already with their dps. It is the actually mechanics of the fights that stop people.
  21. Nope they don't really fall of. Better player do better dps on similar builds like it should be. A good geared LI build does up to 20k dps which qualifies you for every content but CM. If you get kicked out of a group you either do NO dps or failed a mechanic. In Strikes highest dps routinely does double what the lowest dps does and no one bats an eye.
  22. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Corrosive_Poison_Cloud projektile hate. A core necro thing, obviously more annoying if an overpowered spec does it. I guess it should show you a block, probably a bug.
  23. Dude the year it will take for the dream scythe to be in the shop again might as well be forever. Same for the discounted Shared Inventory slots. Fomo is fear of missing out i don't see why you define it as forever gone. You can miss out on a sale as you can with a limited item. It does work on the same principle as sales. If you don't buy it now you have to wait a year to get the same discount/Skin again. You personally may buy less, but people in general will be encouraged to spend more money in the game. Added bonus thanks to the sudden appearance and disappearance of Gem store items, it increases the chance of real money spend, instead of Gold gems.
  24. It does. I'm right now considering buying gems for the extra inventory slots as they are discounted right now so I don't have to empty my gold on conversion. I wont buy the Scythe Staff skin in the shop right now, but it honestly does cost some mental energy to not get lured in if neat stuff is on timer.
  25. Warrior: Screams I gonna hit you, before he hits you. Rev: Warrior who replaced the air in their head with LSD. Thief: Takes your stuff the second you stop looking at it. Ranger: Literal furry. Engineer: Introvert shut-in, refuses to leave his point. Mesmer: 100% Lore accurate. Ele: The one mage in gaming who realized a thin robe and a fancy stick aren't sufficient for a battlefield. Guardian: Proof that god exists and he does care. Necro: And so does the devil.
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