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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. Guardian is op and you already increased your win chance by a lot. Kidding aside, look into the link already posted, but take the builds in them with a grain of salt and try to play with them if it doesn't work out. But you should always have at least 1 Stunbreak and condition cleanse in every build. Most builds online are made by really good players which doesn't translate well for people with average skill/or learning the game. For Example second best rated thief build is Power daredevil thief with dagger/pistol. But the build is frail and assumes you know how the game works. If you don't know when you can go in and when don't that is a pretty bad build. At the start I would always go for something resilient who doesn't relies on a class mechanic you have to manage. Core guard not much to manage = good. Holosmith engineer managing heat = bad. https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Guardian_-_Core_Shout_Support Best rated guardian build is pretty good because it is tanky and leaves room for errors. No extra mechanic to manage. BUT it is support so you slow and somewhat reliant on your teammates. Stuff to ignore: "Your role is to rotate wherever the teamfight is and keep your team alive." Rotating means nothing in low elo. Player will use the word but the have no ide what they are talking abou in 99% of cases. Rotating means moving "smart around the map". What smart is you will learn by playing the game. But some pointers. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Conquest Scoring: 1 point is gained every 2 seconds per location captured 5 points are awarded for each player kill (if someone dies they have to wait 15 seconds) You are holding a point and 2 people try to capture it, as tanky guardian your survive for 30s-60s and eventually die on point. You made15 - 30 points for your team, gave 5 points to the opponent. In these time frame your team played a 4 v3 for 30-60 seconds and now have to play at worst a 4v5 for 15 seconds. All in all a good "trade". You are holding a point and they ignore you. After 1 min you move from that point to do something. Your team had to 4v5 for a minute. Bad "trade". Your moving with 4 people mid and so does the other team. Your are a support they don't have one. Your team probably gonna win that fight. Good "trade". You run to the far capture point and try to capture it. But it is guarded by an opposing player and after 44 second you are alive but cant kill or bully the opponent of the point. So they still hold it, made 22 Points of that and your team is in a 4v4((without there support). You wasted 44 second + travel time(as core guard you are slow) for nothing. Bad trade. Your job in Conquest is to rotate around the map to make as many good trades as possible and avoid making bad trades. Try to avoid getting killed of course but don't stress to much about it, player overvalue kills anyway. Nobody under gold rank is going capitalize on your death if you made good trades before you died. Obviously getting killed in 2 seconds against 4 people is always a bad trade. If you lose people will find the error in you no matter what(can`t be them, it always the other who are bad). Don`t let it get to you. On the off chance they are right try to fixed that next game. PvP is fun. The combat is great and smooth as butter. But its is kind of deep and knowing what other classes to becomes more important as you go up the ranks. If People get too toxic you can always disable teamchat and whispers:D.
  2. Are you actual delusional? No high win rate player gets bronze player in there team. Maybe if your silver 1, but even then if you have high win rate you aren't silver 1 for long. Do people really believe such nonsense? Matchmaking needs to widen the net because less people play. That's it. No conspiracy. Plain and simple.
  3. No it wouldn't solve anything. There is only one short term solution(which isn't really a Solution): Give Top ranking player 20min-1h ques. Nothing what A-net could do in the short term fixes the fact that top 5 players dwarfs the ability of the rest of the top 250 Players. At the top the skill gap becomes to big between players. There is no new blood coming into high rated and the number of highly skilled player to compete goes down as people leave the game for one reason or another. And matches become way more uneven in favor of que times. There is only one solution: They need to do that, and dampen the toxicity of the game mode somehow. When fresh bloods rises in the ranks and Collides with toxic, battle harden and frankly try hard Veteran players, halve of them never gonna touch ranked again, even if they like it. The High rated player will gatekeep new players hard. In Spirit (flaming them to bits) and body (having a 5-10 year head start).
  4. They did that to decouple it from berserker spawn and make it ?viable? to everyone. If heal were based on power you would need to make the base healing even lower and so even more useless to everyone who doesn't run full berserk. REAL life steal exist in a couple of trait lines. Core thief has it in critical hit traits. Necro has a condi version and a Strike damage version on top of the normal leech. And they only felt comfortable giving the strike damage version to reaper with its shorter shroud. Spell breaker has it only with offhand dagger and only on crits. Thief is a frail class with the least amount of defensive options. Because it is game breaking. That is what makes it so much fun. RIP thief self heal, it was good having you. They don't hate life steal. We had Rev for years and that thing broke the game on a level that shouldn't be possible in any game. Your problem was you tried to double dib on leech(which it was designed to avoid) and forgot necro has normal life steal too. Also Arcdps doesn´t do leech and doesn't show the 1200 passive healing per second you would have given your teammates.
  5. Case in Point: Boneskinner Strike. I think movement orientated mechanics is they way to combat power creep. People still fail in whisper of jormag <with max boons> because they don't keep an eye on chains. People are so used to boons being the answer for everything it is hysterical. I joined LFGS where people standing in chains asked for more alac uptime after the wipe. The problem right now is that almost every mechanic in endgame content can be made significant more easy by max boons. Even kiting something is easier with Protection, Regen and superspeed.
  6. Only if you are healing, player skill varies way to much on these(besides maybe Raids) and you don't really notice if you are good at giving boons or teammates are good at playing. Arcdps is a great 3rd party tool you have to manually update each patch. Many players know boons are strong, but if you don't have a constant group to do the same content multiple times there is no way to get a feel for boons. Players could stop giving boons out for 30 seconds and observe how that changes the Strike encounter, but that doesn't seem to be a nice way to go about these things. On a Side note: Training grounds could really need some Dps NPC for things like Boon sharing, One wolf pack, venom sharing etc..
  7. Looking at the first link: Priority 1. Shrapnel grenade 2. Pistol 4 -> pistol 3 3. ... 4 Pistol 2 Of course it is viable. Take your thief to the Dps golem and do your normal Power Dps rotation. Equip Double Pistol press 3. Do 15% less Dps while simplifying your rotation an looking good. If you for some reason don't get enough might, Unload isn't even a Dps loss. And Pistol Dagger did so much golem Dps they nerfed it. If you wanna have fun in the game don't look at optimized rotations.
  8. You sadly can never do that. Player would just afk farm. That is true, but also not really exciting. In the mass of player you never feel the impact of your contribution. Except massrezzing people in tarir after they died to the traitor. You would need a solo instance with 4 reasonable strong NPC and no way to abuse it. With that you could gage what impact supporting has on a fight. Because right now you have to go hard on team content to even get a feel what impact boons have because the skill and gear of your teammates vary a lot.
  9. Which game mode you are playing? Because in PvE everything that is a 2-5% dps loss might as well be death for the hardcore gamers. Pretty hard to balance around such small margins. In PvP Stuff is a little more crazy especially in mid tiers. But even there weapon with blocks are quite popular and always be. Personally I play thief. And thief has only 1 weapon combination who isn't used P/P. Which seems fair not everything can be meta. Pew/Pew OW thief is funny. If you make everything Meta balanced you suck the fun and flavor our of every weapon. I'm sitting in ranked at exactly 1500 between gold and plat(Somewhat high tier). With some D/D meme build. Which is supremely inferior to all the meta build. But still good enough. Some things could of course be improved on. Ele stuff is to slow. Thief pistol without imitative might as well be unequipped. Soulbeast dagger is uninspired. But if you look at the game as a whole most weapons have a home somewhere, and we shouldn't suck there soul out of them to make them all viable for the top 5%.
  10. I Bolded Season of Dragons and I bolded free clearly indicating I was talking about the more or less free amulet. But here you are misinterpreting the point. Nobody here puts any effort in anything. Season of dragons is a free legendary. I could explain to you why I and others think it is free. But then people get angry at me again, for derailing the discussion" by using numbers". In the end of they day you want change, so YOU have to convince people you don't want free legendarys. Why to you need to play optimally? Besides 1 meta and 1 boss fight (less then 0.5% of open world) it isn't challenging. Why suck out the fun in persuade of playing optimal. Why are you campaigning for Legendary armor, when stat-swappable exotic gear would do the trick. Something like that could be easy implemented without the legendary grind people refuse to do. The game throws more then enough exotics gear and ascended trinkets at there players. You cant even learn an new elite spec without getting a free weapon. and a piece of gear. A bunch of clowns stating opinion as fact. But they see the other monkeys liking there "ideas" and keep on going. They want it. They think it betters the game if they get more rewards. They say it´s unfair they don´t get it. They think they are numerous enough so they just can demand it. And nothing else of worth was said. Thousand of words and not a single convincing argument was made. Even the guy who started that whole bloody mess to sell his insight has given up a long time ago. You don't even get gold out of these people. If anyone of the Anet-devs look into that 28 Pages long circus show of a discussion , Legendary armor for Open world players gets delayed another Year. Never. They rather have no Legendary armor then to put any effort into it. They are just to stupid to realize that.
  11. Thief actually uses pistol a lot. Pistol/dagger Core and Daredevil is a thing in PvP. Pistol/dagger Deadeye is the best solo build if you wanna face Strong singular mobs. And double Pistol is so good at leveling, it pretty much invalidates all other weapon till 80.
  12. Yeah and at least 1 of these trinkets should have already dropped for you right? And if you have already done the old story before hand LW Maps offer a multitude of ascended stat selectable gear. Why are you so hostile to a person trying to help you?
  13. Long personal reason why hard content is hard. Demanding more free legendarys. Ending with a thinly veiled character attack on the opposing side.
  14. Around 3-5. Which looking at the page number shows great restrain. It is mostly raid are hard memes. Still not very nice of them.
  15. Yes I did ask people to be specific. Because if you and other people are willing to put in the grind, that means the demand is there and it should be implemented. And with giving people a number, they can´t undermine your position by calling your entitled. Honestly I am kind of confused as your post reads very salty for someone seemingly of the same side as me. I like the idea of OW armor. OW player should get a way to Legendary armor.
  16. You do not. You can spawn "want armor" as much as you like. And if people are not specific in the Effort they are willing to do. They have no avenue to argue against these points. I just tried to explain to you, why the opposing side doesn't take you seriously. But you don't understand. And you don't seem to be interested to put effort into understanding. In fact, effort seems to be a foreign concept to you.
  17. Please at least put some effort in reading the whole text. You clearly misunderstood what I wrote. We wouldn't be agreeing, as you a clearly lying. Just repeat "want armor", you don't need my permission for that.
  18. Of course I can answer that question. So let me break it down for you and the others: Team "NO" is in two camps: No, because armor should be locked behind challenging content and require effort. No, because OW are entitled and want everything for free. Which they are against on principle. Or because it would crash the economy. And if people are not specific in the Effort they are willing to do. They have no avenue to argue against these points. And side points about player rendition are also meaningless if you don't be specific about the amount of effort for these things. If the effort would be zero so you would get anything just by clicking at it. People would be happy for a week and in a month halve the player base would disappear as there wouldn't be any point in playing the game. That is just how games like these work. Edit: Look I like the idea on principle. I really do. I purposed multiple solutions and alternatives. But Page after Page they prove team "No" right. Team "NO" has the stronger argument. I try to base my opinion on facts no self interest. And so should the rest.
  19. Why would anyone buy more then 1 set of runes. What would be the value of materials? Why would it be the go to choice for new players if Legendary is free/easy to get? How much less gold are you making after all that stuff lost its value?
  20. You think a discussion is here so people can agree to add Legendary armor for your game mode? So please tell me why do they not aggree?
  21. Which doesn't applies to armor why exactly? Maybe it is just personal preference. Why would it matter that in some corner case they are different. If they are so similar in all other regards?
  22. And calling player Toxic is worthwhile? You are team "change it". Change takes effort. To put effort into something needs a reason. A reason you have to provide. Team "keep it as it is" always has at least one clear and fair point they can make. It is fine as it is, why should we change the status quo. It is a game we are discussing in a forum on the internet. You cant annoy people to death here. You can`t intimidate other player. You can`t pressure them with insults till they give in. This isn't RL. They can just close the forum tab. Either you try making a point or nothing will change. You wanna sling dirt around? Fine do that just don't pretend you do it for the benefit of the game.
  23. Yet here you are another player seemingly in favor derailing the discussion. Recap: 1 Piece of Legendary armor should take around 1/3 or 1/2 of the effort of a weapon. Are you okay with that? Yes? Good lets talk about that. How is that gonna look. Should it take same resources as the weapons. Why? Why not? etc. No? Should it take less effort? If yes why? Someone pointed out it would crash the economy. The point was if everyone gets Legendary armor to fast/easy there is no need for other gear and everything becomes worthless. If you disagree: Why?
  24. You just have to play the game normally. Trinkets drop for sub tasks. If you do all of it you even get an as ascended weapon. I mean what ARE you doing when you start up the game?
  25. If we take the numbers posted above: 1 Weapon (4-6Months), 1 Armor piece(2-3 Months): For one average character for an average player: 3 Weapons (12-18 Months) 1 Armorset( 6-9) We are looking at a 18 Month to 27 month commitment for the average casual. While providing a neat carrot. Edit: Could of course be shorter with intense play. But that of course assumes that in 18 months is no need to gear an alt outside of the chosen weight class.
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