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Everything posted by Sunchaser.9854

  1. I just wish there was better official communication on such a big event been waiting for weeks for a ls sale even though people got it last year for free on a ad I missed since gw2 has a very low advertising /mass awareness presence. But it feels very difficult to even get a date past silence on it. Last years some of the deals launched 8/7, what would have been 3-4 days ago to us now, but I know they're working on the steam launch but isn't usually raising up hype and giving dates sometimes good for pr and goodwill? Anyways I got a post deleted for a certain heavily disclaimed store page date as "data mining"... 😐😑😐, potentially subject to change or be inaccurate. anyways I'm not going to repost it but I assumed data leaking was for content not uh... Waiting for a anniversary sale we don't have much official information on yet. I just have spent the last few days waiting trying to make a schedule about when ls5/3 would unlock. I have no idea I'd it'll be within a week or month, hence the curiosity. No harm was intended but its kinda a bummer there's not any official announcement or much mainstream advertising on the event yet. It might be even longer than some weeks or appear months or tommarow. Who knows. Sigh.
  2. NPCS when the manly male guardian Armor changes and Makeover changes to become a feminine pretty princess in a tutu dress.
  3. Lots of people still run them for the runes though lots of people still don't like to run them. From what i've seen, finding a run that does all 3 Paths in 1 go can be a good easy source of like 300 Runes so that can actually knock out 300 in like 30 minutes, the problem with dungeons is it usually takes like a hour to find people to run a dungeon for 10 minutes. Most other mmorpgs have a automated dungeon finder, and self explanatory mechanics. Ascalonian Catacombs P1/P3 is a pretty fair path. P2 is still worth doing but the Ghost eater is a pretty much entirely UNEXPLAINED mechanic of a boss nobody really knows works past loose mentions of "I think you lift them into the air and suck them into traps?!?!?" and "The boss is invincible but sometimes you can do damage and it summons ghosts and sometimes you need to hit it when it becomes vulnerable which happens sometimes when you lift up the ghosts". Coming from Wow or other MMORPGs, it wasn't uncommon for there to be like complex mechanics, but usually a good explaination like. "The raid boss has split itself into 12 copies, the 1 copy all players can see is the real one, Use ventrilo to find it" from a raid leader was usually good enough. Most dungeons clear with people worrying incredibly about dps meters and quickness/alac, but tbh, most people aren't even clustered enough most of the time for the alac buffs to matter and 5k dps GROUP dps, not.. Individual is the bar to clear dungeon content. honestly. It's probably more of a worth just making sure everyone self heals since dungeons in gw2 often just have instakill traps spammed in one random tunnel of each dungeon and easily losable allies in a silent untalking mass that kills everything. Honestly it's really kinda a poor dungeon experience coming from other mmorpgs. The talking style story dialogue should have been in npc dialog since of the SKIP SKIP SKIP mentality, lots of content is either zerg and collect free loot or instakills galore (fractals seem to follow this as well), there will be random parts where the dungeon is interupted by jumping puzzles. Which while i don't mind.. I don't see why they want groups of people in a dungeon to come together for random jumping puzzles on models thinner than a Charr's pinky toe. But it shouldn't be too bad. You just kinda zerg it and if you see a P1,p2,p3. That can knock out half of your rune requirements in one 30 minute go. It's a shame. Anet does have some really good open world content and the LS at least have good quests. Their dungeon models could probably stay, but completing redoing the dialog to be in game, as well as maybe adding basic dungeon 101 tip bars like "Dodge the rocks and press the switch to disable these traps", and "Lift the ghosts so another ally can suck them towards the traps so you can damage the ghost eater!", etc. Could be really basic mmorpg design stuff to make the encounters more newbie / zergling swarms friendly imo. Dungeons are some of the most important part of most mmorpgs as well as group finders / dungeon finders and gw2 is uh.. Pretty lackluster.
  4. The base duration of Renegade's alacity is about 50%, which means you have to be around 200% boon uptime for it to start being "100%", which pretty much means getting out of all viper gear and a decently dramatic dps loss to run ritualist instead, while mechanist builds can still use a heavy amount of cheap berserkers in theirs. One of the common ideas was that you could run 2 Renegades to provide the alacity.. But i can't tell if it was from a old build or not, since all the builds mention 2 renegades per 10 people group instead of 2 renegades per 5 man group. And every time a group is looking for alac and i offer to swap and provide 50% they always respond they don't know any other class that does 50% so they'd rather prefer a whole one like a HAM or Alac Mechanist. But going full ritualists as well as concentration food and changing runes to go alac seems a viable way to make up for 50% duration to 100%, fair enough. But then the Alac Mechanist can still "provides its subgroup with permanent Alacrity, 25 stacks of Might and Fury whilst dealing as much Power Damage as possible." ( https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mechanist_-_Util_Alac_Mech ), So,... It's ... kinda a case where.. you still uh.. Catch up to one and they're still doing 25 stacks of might and fury and able to use the same autoshottie build and provide fury just as soon as you catch up to one. So.. 😕 .. And sometimes i hear some people sometimes have the pet start tanking sometimes too so. :./
  5. *WvW players feel hosed on skins* Argues why should players deserve better value, misses content not being made. Bud.... You know they don't even EXIST right now right? 😂.. You're asking and proclaiming the echo chamber gospel to a problem that doesn't even exist yet. Probably because wvw players either need to spend 3000 gems gambling for a mount they don't buy. Because a license costs 900 they might not buy. Because all models likely have a similar development cost and marketing companies typically might look for return per investment on monetization. (I literally work with a person who's job it is to monetize their 15000-27000 active player game lmao), sure things might not apply but you're trying to sell yourself as the gospel solution to... A problem they need to create to exist. Wvw players have less mount choices. Players complain enough about even the pve siege turtle being in strikes and a 5k dps meta failing 4-11 times in a row for them as is. A product that's designed to not give you what you want probably might not be deemed as great a success as not. Game model prices vary but say, 200$-1000$ for a rigged 3d model with dye channels and 5-30 people buying a specific model for 10$ for example might be like okay while another model might sell like 1000s. It's not us choosing what to model, anet decides what to model and if they decide to skip on development because not enough players buy war claw skins or care about war claw skins... You're spending money to add a mount to a gacha box that could very well lower the perceived value to masses over a box with a guaranteed mount they might use. I think I've seen even posts about skin complaints for warclaws or sky scale skins for wvwers before. I think I'd be more interested in mount specific gacha boxes than region themed ones though. If There's anything I've seen from the last threads. Mounts are a highly personal choice and some people literally only use one for everything. Especially single mount users. So there could probably be a open market waiting to be tapped on skyscale/warclaw/griffon /raptor /beetle boxes, if they so wanted, or just jackal skins for doge. Im going to save some time and just assume your next response will be to read 0% and just reply "Duh use mount select skin" and the response will still be the same. If the skins don't even exist or get developed in the first place, they literally aren't even rolls lol. Warclaw users as of now are the people who can't Get skins developed and its probably a fair chance that it may be lesser return on investment when pvpers don't seem like the cosmetic fashionscaping type usually on their 1 feet high Asura camo gnomes. "just buy license for mount that don't exist" yada yada.
  6. So in other words, spend money on development costs to make a monetization model that lowers the chance of a wvw player getting a 1/8 of the mount they want. and a 1/8 junk chance for other players. Spend more money making a model that makes it have less value to each consumer. Brilliant logic!!!
  7. Fs in chat for op when they find out about Rickroll being considered it's own YouTube music genre. 😂
  8. Which are 3x the price. Therefore adding warclaw skins to a pack for the 90% or more of players who don't actively use war claw actually puts the modelers and consumers in a odd position where adding unused skins for a user to a box that costs modeling fees might actually lower the value from a meta gaming perspective while another player wants more skins for em, etc. Not enough to be a major issue. But why would spending resources for a game format less than 10% of players might actively main to give a box a 1/8 chance to contain a skin you never use in pve add?
  9. For class balance. Imagine a job where for 100-600% the work, you could see players receive 40-102% the pay, with 98% of players making a median of like 40-80% the potential pay and 2% 80-95% of the pay. It only pays out more on paper or for the 0.5% but for dramatically more effort. Imagine if you had a option to replace yourself with a robot or a macro recording of yourself at your job, giving you only 98-100% of potential pay (37k ceiling vs 35k for light effort and 28k), and that as long as you were any location within 1200 miles of your job, you still got paid regardless of whether or not you were sleeping or not, etc. Then the first option while being "better" on paper only ends up in practice having 99% of people competing with a robot balanced around frame perfect rotations. Admit it, if you could leave your job to play golf and watch movies and get 98% of your pay or still end up with more. While any single trivial reason could dock 10-60% of your pay on the other spec. They'd only be balanced on paper for 99% of people, but afking and giving 10% of the effort for 98% the reward like only having to work for 10 minutes a day vs 9-5 would be better for most people. What makes one class good is it drastically outperforms 8 for fractions of effort while being able to stack and provide all boons. Which should really either be a global class thing or trimmed. What's the point of a specialist like a pizza cutter if scissors are 5x more useful and still cut pizza better than a person whose only role is to provide 50% as much alacrity... In their only dedicated alacrity role? Not even a lot of raid leaders want 50% alac. Its all 100% or bust. It takes two 50% alac specialists per 5 man to do what one ham or alac mech does for 5. its like being paid for TWO people's jobs for going golfing for 10% the effort. Its not balanced but who wouldn't?
  10. I fed some parts into Novel Ai to Recap the sums of what i remembered from the EOD story and im not disappointed lmao. Down below if anyone wants. EOD, Recapped by a AI lmao. (NovelAi)
  11. The horrible rng system for mounts is a pretty bad way to sell mounts without people getting something they won't use. It'd be nice if at least they had like, random Mount skins sold by like, Warclaw skin boxes at least, griffon boxes, etc. otherwise, you can only choose to buy from a raffle pack for a mount you might not even use.
  12. Imagine, a hypothetical scenario of Work vs effort. Of a job that has 600% more actions required per hour, to receive 2% more, while it's boss can also dock 20-90% of it's pay for any second that it is not currently doing a job, such as using a toilet, taking a rest on the hands, or did a task 80% correctly but resulted in 20% pay loss. Position A, is a job that CAN pay up to 25.50$ per hour. (2% more than 25$ a hour), but the boss can dock your pay 40-90% based on your activities per hour, so 98% of people working at Position A can be paid anywhere between 2$ a hour to 20$ in practice. Only 2% of people make above 20$ in practice, and only 0.5% of people working at Job A make over 25.01$ a hr. 20$ Is considered good pay, and 25.50$ being considered excellent pay, when you simultaneously perform 12 tasks at once like a octopus with laser focus and second precise precision. Your job will always be active and you must constantly be performing tasks 24/7, lest your pay be sapped. Position M, is a job that pays 25.00$ per hour. It is titled, say, "Master Executive Co-assistant Helper of Turning on Windows". (MECH Windows),Every day, once per 9-5 shift. You arrive at work and you turn on the boss's computer. If you want, you can also press 4 buttons per hour to turn on his google chrome as well. The position also comes with a gaming longue. You can also work from home or even leave the office to go golfing halfway through and nobody will notice. Because the effort to do your job can be accomplished so easily, you can walk away from your job, or even set up a bot to do it for you. Now, imagine you're the person slaving 9-5 away and every day, you work your butts off, and you see the person winning 3x more employee of the month rewards. Because position M is only available to people who like the same favorite sports team as the Boss. Sometimes the boss will randomly also raise other employee's wages down 20%, so that they can raise mechanist's pay 20%. And sometimes he has a robot that also turns on windows itself for himself. (automated mech abilities), but it's slightly slower, But he still pays the M position the same pay anyways. Would it seem fair and balanced to know, that 2% of people could make 2% more than the mech, but everyone else in practice is drastically having the boss dock 20-40% of their pay for even pressing a button 1/10th of a second off or not knowing there were hidden interval / autoattack interuption mechanics at play that could make you get paid less, even if you were putting in the same actions as the other guy. Because your office equipment was so obscurely designed, pressing the button 0.1 s off could somehow dock your pay(dps). because it canceled a invisible autoattack or Mallyx pulse trigger barrier that you didn't know you had to ration your keyboard for, just to get the pulses to line up with your energy ratios While the other dude routinely went golfing and filled up 9 employees of the month for turning on a computer while seeing other class's pay docked around you 20% a week? Would you be willing to do 600% of the work, to be the lucky 2%, who can get more pay of a robot at a job where 40-90% of your wage could be taken away if even your key presses were 0.1 off, and feel like it was rewarding? Sure you'll do well at other companies, but at that one, it would kinda seem a bit.. jarring.. wouldn't it? Seeing someone more rewarded, for less effort.. For a very basic task anyone could do. (autoattack or turn on a computer), yet rewarded quite decently well for it enough they could leave their job and still be paid for it. So every day, position A works. And they aren't the worst at position A, they're fair but it still seems sad, staring every day they're told both Position A and position M are fair on paper. But in practice. 98% of people doing the low effort job make more than the people with more tasks, and even when you tie, it's when you've had to work for hours to keep up with a Position M who slept in at work in the morning while watching 50 other people try to work with them. And it's called balance because you COULD be paid better than them. But in practice the pay for M is just tuned so high, and Position A's boss so eager to dock at least 10-40% of pay even for a top yearly vet. That you rarely if ever see the 98% pay beat just since you have to do 700% the work to match 2% the effort. So every group is just 10 afk mechanist players to one normal player in 50 maybe just managing to compete or show up with a list of 10 position M at them. So you try another group and another group and you literally had top 0.1% wow Mythic Raiding parses and picked a class because you loved the theme. And you're like Jesus this is way overtuned for a afk spec. Position A has all these weird clunky mechanics that lower dps. And you can be docked pay for breathing, not knowing hidden pulsing interactions, not having a mob live long enough for the condi to matter, not being able to switch targets from 1200 range away, not having a mech auto damage through 10-20% of the fight that's spent CCed as the bosses fly you into the air. You can make a decent living but you're just watching position M take over every job and be called 'balanced' on paper while in practice, it's just tuned so high 98% of the time. Position M in real world results ends up getting more results than 98% of the population for less efforts than 98% of the population. You wouldn't do 600% of the work IRl to have a boss that could dock you 40-90% of your pay at whim, if you weren't slaving away every second over a job that 'could' pay 2% more.. 2% of the time. Why would anyone pick Position A, when position M still makes more in practice than 98% of position A with 2% of the effort?
  13. Anet's social media presence/Marketing in an nutshell 2012: Releases in the MMORPG frenzy. (Buy once, own forever. DDO online, Rift, Star wars the old republic's branching story, Archeage the mmorpg that lets you build, Minecraft the open world moddable sandbox, A thousand dime a dozen mmorpgs that launch, and fail, etc. ) 2013: Advertises itself as a horror ad. Community: "what.. the actual... Crap.. Is your marketing team DOING!?!? isn't it pr 101 to not like uh. Say you're glad for the death of someone who died of kitten or something??" Blizzard: Hold my beer: Blizzard Proceeded to get into S____ harassment lawsuits, disables the use of mounts in every expansion. Scraps a raid tier and half of WoD's planned content to release a "selfie camera content patch" instead of a raid tier. leaves no content released for 1-2 years. Turns the most hyped up game character Arthas into a fart, Gets sued by the state of california, releases worse and worse content, loses 10M to 1M subs after removing flight without pathfinder. Increases FF14 population 10x and Gw2's 2x. So yeah i mean.. It's probably not the best team but hey i mean.. It's still the best on the market and even if it has minor faults it's still a good game. I mean. Even if it's dog paddling, when your competition is trying to drown itself (WoW), or replace mmorpg content with 15$ a month to sit in a house.. playing pattycake uh.. (???).. It's your choice of if you want to pay 15$ a month to afk in a house, or pay once, own forever, have aurene fanfic stories you need to spend $ to unlock y'know?
  14. If a glass cannon can't even cannon and involves a complex rotation that 2% of players play, it should be rewarded. If you go to dragon's end or most pugs, you'll see that the average level a player is at, doesn't match the average level they want their snowcrows "rotation" to bench at. If 98% of the population is doing below 2-20k dps. 98% of the population will have a 28k dps afk class do more damage than 98% of their peers for little effort. And even challenge mode speedrunners run mechanist just since the difference of raid dps to golem dps makes 1200 range for 100% uptime, beat +5% more dps, but -30% less uptime on a boss, resulting in 25% less damage. Most of the specs that are on snowcrows that beat mechanist also feature warning labels, such as "THIS SPEC ONLY WORKS ON CERTAIN BOSSES, IT DOES NOT WORK ON ALL OF THEM" is like a giant warning text on untamed being dependent on like bosses being able to knocked down, others will label themselves as the highest apm builds in the game that only a few can pilot, a couple will remark that they're glass dps cannons who cannot provide boons and lose dps between phase changes. Others will remark that any mistakes could easily drastically reduce performance 10-40% if keystrokes are missed or a boss isn't a static loot dispenser with invulnerability phases etc. Pretty much, while golems are a good show of potential, there's a reason a spec tuned to 95% of a frame perfect high apm build will be the highest dps for 98% of players, when the amount of people who pass 30k dps in a pug raid or group are like... 1 in 150 non mechanist people. But for mechanist, anyone who can press 4 buttons can hit 35k dps. So it's just a case where the average person playing mechanist will likely outdps 98% of their peers who do not bench 28k afk dps and 99.5% of players who don't bench 35k+ for the 4 button rotation. and 37k ranged dps for a tryhard mechanist rotation isn't bad at all. People who play mechanist just aren't that sweaty enough to start pressing triple the actions per minutes to do 3% more dps a minute. If they distribute it evenly to fix the problem of like, 98% of players being 2-10k VS 35k potential instead of afking/4 buttons to 28k-35k on one class though, that could fix tons of the damage disparity.
  15. The answer is. I should hope so. A company can gather lots of internal metrics about stuff like average playtime, average income per month, players this week vs last week, etc. as well as revenue numbers during certain sales weeks, etc. But then again, Anet's Marketing team is wonky, and while a good game and i've met one of the Anet developers ingame who seemed pretty nice. (a item modeler, not a balance dev), they seemed pretty nice. But you have to consider that the same team that nerfed warrior as the very makers of their game, gave the crit trait to the wrong warrior traitline. And also a few weeks ago had that reddit hot storm where they invited people to partake in the class "diversity" (7-9 mechs vs a couple classes, unique buffs, and a bannerslave warrior), that the main balance dev admitted that they didn't really know how most of the other classes worked and designed or mained mained mostly firebrand and mechanist engineer. Good for them. Now, they should have access to data, and i do think GW2 is a pretty legitimately good game on the mmorpg market next to declining wow and FF14. But some of it just might be not screwing up as much as WoW or being a housing focused... 'mmorpg' like... ff14... So uh.. It's kinda like being the best person in a swimming contest where one person is actively choosing to drown themselves(WoW), the other is setting up a cookie baking class for otters(ff14), and one is mildly dog paddling towards the end while occasionally doing cool tricks or buffing mechanist or calling a dead youtuber like Totalbisquit a 'blessing to be gone', etc. That people found in poor faith etc. But i mean. When you compare it to blizzard being involved in certain _____ harassment lawsuits, or just people spending 15$ a month to sit in a house idling in a house in ff14. Or killing the same dragon and doing the same solo content in 07 osrs Runescape for 15 years straight with 1 update a year being a fishing boss and a #nochanges xp rate movement.. Dog paddling a mmorpg isn't bad at all, because by the standards of the market, that's already like, actually pretty good and it has some really fun gameplay. {Even if it decides it wants to make afk gameplay the most rewarding because the dev plays it. Shrug. }
  16. Mechanist is like the equivilent of a spec that if it failed to study for a test, could just write A+ Over F all over it and succeed and actually change the system. It's just so much reward for so little effort. It's pretty much tuned to it's balanced if you're a aimbot, but when it takes 100% of the mechanist actions per minute to perform 33% as well on a ele, 600% of their actions per minute to do 95%, and it's also 1200 ranged, self healing, self mighting, gets downtime where other classes go down, and can easily be brought to flex for alac or healing or dps as needed. it'll see tons of use. Even take a look at griffin/beetle vs skyscale. Tons of people will say mechanist is balanced because for 600% the actions and frame perfect knowledge of frame perfect play, hidden attack clips, interval charges, you too can match the dps they get for going afk, while any slight delay or 1 second delay can quickly eat 10-40% of other spec's dps. Pressing shift on a beetle is almost about.. 1/34th the effort of a 34 part rotation repeated every 20 seconds... Guess which mount is the dominant mount for being pilotable on one button? XD Mechanist is pretty much like 99% of people thinking that they could be like the next MLB athlete, but then they just kinda want to sit and chew bubblegum and get the trophies. Fair for that, problem is it's pretty much like the equivilent of a aimbot spec. Where the level required for ANOTHER spec to pass 35k and not reading a snowcrows.. but doing in game.. I haven't actually met anyone in game of 100s to 500s who says they bench the complete 100% of a snowcrows bench. Maybe 80-85% average for a top player. Mechanist has a 4 button rotation to hit 97% of their snowcrow results. The snowcrow rotation only results in 1k dps from like 35k to 36k. If you ask people to put 600% the actions per minute required to get 3% of the same result, while adding in a catch that if you miss any one, it might chunk off 40% of the dps in practical results or play. People will gravitate to the easy to play spec, while thinking of themselves as a apmjesus while they bench 2-4k on non Engis on the golem
  17. I've heard a couple say FF14 had a grubhub special where if you spent 15$ on grubhub and entered a code, you'd be able to get a pizza eating emote in final fantasy 14. But They ran out of virtual pizza eating codes... in a virtual game that had the event made for them. Anyways, while FF14 had a pizza drama, WoW and activision was firing all their QA staff for stocks and then also got Sued by the state of california and still went on developing it as it did anyways. Last i heard, even the mechanics like griffon flight and dives that they're trying to rip off for the Dracthyr and mounts (The skyscale is a copy of the Wow mount but 50% speed, but can roll, the wow mounts are retroactively adding roll swoops, like a cirle), they're nerfing fun by making the dives slower and less exciting. A big part of other mmorpgs finding success is probably blizzard finding ways to make itself less fun honestly.
  18. The griffon had to sit still so it wouldn't fly out of frame in a single split of a second. 🙂, Fun mount!
  19. Escape button, character select, relog also clears it in like 2 seconds from anywhere if you activate the box. I had this happen and I just laughed it off. But its a bigger nuisance for me when someone in sc2 doesn't build detection on the trains mission and gets their entire base nuked 4x and when you say "Maybe you should... Build detection to see the units that need detection to see. It'll help with the ghosts.", they usually flip out or get insulted for putting a detector on them. But that's just me. Most video games usually have some kind of interaction with other players over a single player game. Some might be trolling like a Wow tauren with + size potion making their kodo block out a mailbox or a feral druid dancing on top. But without player interaction in a mmorpg its pretty much a zerg fest, and a very unorthodox but clearable by char select or box. Maybe they could just adopt the good ideas and abandon the bad ones of wow and just let you right click off novelty buffs. But its still just funny to see the gw2 community acts this heated over a gw2 vroom while the sc2 players are complaining their raynor ally WALKED into a nukes and then shot the wrong 'boss' when they killed their neighbors godzilla monster haha.
  20. Maybe the steam release got delayed or still needs more time on the dlc pages of steam for the expansions to work. The idea that the living seasons need expac content to play in gw2 fairly means that if you had to list ls4 on a sales page with pof as dlc, you'd have to list ls4 as dlc to dlc or sell the collection as default and f2p model on separate pages or something, who knows? But it'd still be nice to know a date for the ls sales and/or char slot sales.
  21. The birthday cake might eat expensive foods, but usually you don't need to use like 40 S food for like open world stuff. Most of it are feasts anyways for the people who might not, but i think if you manually click on the stuff you want to target first, that helps. I mean, if you're just doing open world content, i think it might depend on spec but like looking at the gear optimizers, sometimes you're trading like 2% more dps for like +10% more experience/karma stuff and magic find if it's open world. If you're doing cutting edge content or raiding, the feasts should usually be up, But one way to think of is. If you're 2% less efficient for 1 hour, that's only about a minute a hour wasted. So worrying for longer than 2 minutes might be a xploss. Unless raiding. . 😛 I mean it's more a filler items but when i don't want to bother with a food buff but probably wouldn't spend on one, it's not a bad filler. You can spend more on Omnomberry bars for farming but when it takes like a hour to loot 2s, really makes you wonder if the 1 silver pays off the 4 with it. +40 to All Attributes +10% Karma +15% Magic Find +15% Experience from Kills
  22. I got the aviator box on me when i was trying to loot a chest after a blackout event. After vrooming around with a T pose charr for a couple minutes and laughing, i just logged out and was surprised to see it disappear. It's not the kind of fun that hurts anyone, if someone really is so eggshell fragile that that making vroom sounds is the reason they'd quit a game. it's probably more than a camel's back or they probably would have been just as apt to leave if someone said their dps sucks or sent them a dye they didn't want or said hello.
  23. Come to think of it.. I actually wonder if playing gw2 on a phone with chrome Remote desktop would work. People in runescape used to do it for afkables which by runescape's 'terms' were often less than 1 action per 10 seconds. You could probably just set up a virtual keyboard to move your character around on w or autowalk while taking a jog on a phone, and then just completely unironically use a phone to mouse steer with the virtual keyboard's arrow keys, shoot and masteries for auto loot and literally play gw2 for about the same intensity as fletching yew bows in a bank in runescape. And it'd still be "peak performance". 🤣 Sometimes i joke to mechanists who bench under 18k. "You're playing it wrong, you're supposed to make less actions a minute so your dps will rise to 28k" and it'll rise up to like 20k and they're like "lmao that actually worked. Screw you LOL"
  24. You can still outdps them by knowing your class or just fail mechanics on parts of... Well.. Them having a greater tendency to enter raids before they know how to dodge aoe, avoid walking into fire. Standing in bone crusher one shots. Sometimes walking off the edge of meta events and off cliffs and making a raid leader yell at the eles to switch to taxi service. But yeah. It's a build that anyone who plays gw2 to the level that their ele or warrior does 2k dps will do at least 25-28k dps on a mechanist. Because 28k dps is just firing the rifle in ascended and 25k in 0.2 g berserker gear. 😛 People will fight and cherry pick over nonexistent specs that don't exist. But yeah. If you want to beat a video game without putting in any effort to learn a rotation, Mechanist is literally designed to do the snowcrow benches that might as well be a runescape build that afks to 95% 3 tick fishing sharks while cutfishing a barbarian spot and simultaneously tick perfect cooking and eating 3 karambwan, for the same exertion to play as setting up chrome remote desktop to move your character around once per 6 hours in nightmare zone would be for another gamer. In gw2, walking from boss to boss pressing 1 to loot "challenge modes" is a thing. Even sometimes people in the speedkill challenge run videos will just have their alac mechanist just sit there literally taking their fursona quiz and watching videos while the other 9 sweat, and they literally go afk because whether or not the healer does +- 2k dps to make a 0:52 sec challenge mode kill a slightly faster 0:52 seconds doesn't matter to em lol. It's pretty much the easy mode of video games even by most other game standards.
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