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Everything posted by Sunchaser.9854

  1. Oh dear god imagine the product placements for fantasy immersion next to the Chinese steampunk complaints. "Man, Joko Coca cola ads are like, so totally destroying my immersion man. I went to like fight the guy and then they replaced the miniboss with a zombified Pepsi man.. Like seriously PEPSIMAN?? Are they from the 90s? They could at least called it Joka Kola and been more immersion friendly but then they killed my character off in a unstoppable 30 second ad, as they sang 'PEPSI, THE THIRSTQUENCHINATOR!!!' had, and then killed my character in a cut scene. " "You think that's bad, one of the charr starting storylines literally got changed to be a Frosted flakes mascot. All your voice lines become 'theyrrrreee GGRRRReat!!', and then the maces and Shields tmog to mountain dew and a bag of Doritos. This game sucks. " ๐Ÿ˜‚
  2. The sarcasm of other builds on snowcrows having a 10 button opener, a 10 button mid fight rotation, a weapon swap, a range or cc swap, a alternating stance swap, 10-20 buttons on rotation to meet a 20-35k dps expectation while providing 5 man boons in a 5 man team flew over your head. If the hardest content in a raid is walking towards a boss to loot it. You're experiencing content designed to be challenging by picking a spec that automates every aspect and throws the challenge away for free loot. Like a game of rock paper scissors where rock beats rock, scissors and paper and wins every tie and is 4-5x more desirable in a raid despite a 20x smaller rotation log. Its like someone walking up to a kitchen and saying cooking a prime roast filet mignon with carved prosetto, farm raised romaine and a 50 ingredient demi glace is easy because you can microwave a hot pocket and have something to eat. But instead of laughing, Gordon Ramsey and his family are forced to kneel before you, give up their spot in the kitchen. Become unemployed, and then you become a national war hero of the sacred restaurant of microwave burritos. ๐Ÿ˜œ. When there's all reward for no work, you might as well play a coin flipping game where you win every time because if games were all about winning without ever being challenged, requiring strategy, or ways to become better at the game, rock paper scissors where rock beat everything including itself would have been the dominant game. But then people would just get bored.
  3. Alright my bad guys. Mechanist isn't a afk spec. It has to walk next to the boss and press f to loot it, my bad. Its perfectly balanced. ๐Ÿ˜œ
  4. Yeah, ignoring the fact that some of those builds have animation locks, literally remove their ability to dodge in content that can easily have one shot content if your dodge is missing... or builds that are more built to afk a golem than to have stunbreaks, teleports, usable raid dps, damage clipping on condi phase changing.. Or practical real world situations the golem ignores like a 0 boon dps build providing 0 benefits in a game where 5 people need to combine to give you those 25 might + alacity + Quickness + Healing + Fury boons -the game provides.. I'm sure if you slam 5 people who have a afk build that only dps's a golems with no dps boons, no fury, no alacity, no might, no quickness, and no dodge.. I"m SURE the magical boons will just appear out of no where right?... Wait.. No.. Only the golem gives free unlimited buffs. raid comps have to build groups that actually realistically provide boons if you smashed 7-9 vindicators / 7-9 no boons dps together? And with natural selection, the reason those specs aren't appearing when the raid leaders go "Do we have any alac? Do we have any quickness? Oh, 5-7 people brought a build unable to dodge past once or move outside of animation stunlocks on a boss with automated one shots?.. Great... Urgh, just great. Alright. Lets play with 7-9 Vindicators/No boon DPS Kick 6-7 of you so we can stack some mechanists because they can do every role while everyone else's specs get's one while also only needing fractions of apm for either one. " I've been in similar shoes where i had a arcane mage in WoW once at a time when it did 2-3x the dps of other specs for literally pressing the same arcane blast over and over. I remember thinking "wow, i'm so skilled because my dps number is so high", but then i realized it was mostly the spec carrying the performance, and part of a balance designer's goal should be to make so that you bring the player, not the class to raid. It's less of a "Lets make everyone suck like Ele too", But more. "Lets try and make the game balanced so all 9 classes are good. instead of just catering to 7-9x of 1/9" Thing is, often the point of a balance designer's job is often to see things from more than one class's point of view. They're meant to balance it for all players. If you play a selfish dps that assumes people provide boons so you can get a slice of results. But nobody wants that spec OR when they do, they need 4 boon dps to support one boonless dps to get their raid numbers. That's a spec that performs on a golem. Not in a group comp when it's dpsing with 0% alacity, 0% quickness, 0 stacks of might, and it's lying dead in a pit since it brought no healing or removed it's only dodge and got one shot by a mechanic or had it's golem rotation drastically reduced by boss one shots / uptime / phase changing / swapping time. For a mechanist, it's pretty easy to see golem dps as the same thing as raid dps.. because it's literally the same thing. For a mechanist. Turning a afk autoattack bench into a raid is afking or pressing 1-4 buttons without animation locks, clips. Condi clip or ramps. Power dps never has to experience 90% of their dots only doing 10% of the dps on a mob that needs to die within a single second, but need 5-15 seconds to apply their 10-15 second dots to apply damage. Another disparity between golem dps and raid dps. Is just because a selfish/0 boon dps class can get every boon in a golem menu. It doesn't mean raid leaders will know how to (AND) want to build 10 man comps around 0 boon players. When boons are commonly provided to 5 people, and you need 100% alacity, 100% quickness, 25 stacks of might, fury, as well as probably healing and vulnerability being quite nice. That might mean to support 1 selfish dps. You might often need 3-4 selfless players. And that's why often boon dps is a important role. For instance, if you want to support a single selfish dps with golem 100% alacity / quickness/ 25 might/ vulnerability /healing boons. That means you might need 2x 50% alacitys, 1 player just for quickness, 1 player/druid for 25 stacks of might. Already that's like 4/5 slots taken, that's like 3-4 spots of selfless dps needed per 1-2 spots for boonless dps open. And nobody is even assigned to fury/vulnerability/tanking duty. OR you can stack 7-9 mechanists with a firebrand and/or druid. And use one mechanist to provide 100% alacity, mechanists or a druid to provide 100% might, and one of the same alacity mechanists could be a healer or a dps. In other words. Why figure out 5 boons if i can smash 7-9 mechanists together and even challenge mode leaders can do the same? Do you see them running vindicators? Oh, so if you try to stack 7-9 of them, you just gotta kick out 6-8 of them and oh cherry on top, i forgot. Vindicator's bench has a quirk.. It's numbers are listed around building sized boon dps golems.. it actually LOSES 4-5k DPS if it's opponent HAS A smaller than large HITBOX(???) that isn't building sized while only having one dodge... That's like one other reason why setting a golem dps vs field dps isn't always realistic. It doesn't measure for 1 shot encounters, doesn't measure realistic spec's ability to provide the boons for a comp to form with 5 others to have same said boons, and also only can apply for 1 role vs 3-5. So, to afk without a mechanist, you just literally have to give up 1. Boon support: (No golem dps without 100% alacity, 100% quickness, Fury, 100% 25 might, probably full stacks of vulnerability as well, etc. ) 2. 1200 Range 3. Make the entire 4/5 group cater towards providing boon so you can play 1 selfish dps and probably kick the other vindicator out to play vindicator if you want to play multiple of them and cover boons with 5 man boons 4. Lose your ability to dodge twice for one shot mechanics in content that often has one shot mechanics to deal mediocre dps. 5. 4-5k dps on certain classes if the hitbox is wrong. -10-15 dps with a self damaging class if the low intensity is a meme build that takes self damage traits to afk 20-23k dps, Or is a build that can't dodge raid mechanics or perform it's 40k bench if the boss moves 2 feet, breaths. Rotates, or goes invincible and clears/clips all condi damage or makes you lose condition dmg on swap. Making a 10% golem advantage on paper become a -30%-40+% dps clipped on quickly killed adds/[Open world] sometimes in practice.. Sure, you can dps on the golem, but if you smash 7-9 vindicators together. They're not going to have the same results as 7-9 mechanists would. Having more available roles improves the chance that you will be able to fill a valuable role in a group. Some specs are VERY happy to get 1 (even if it requires 10-20++ buttons) while mechanist can provide 3-5 roles (Burst dps, Might + [Jade dynamo Self quickness] 35k-37k instant power dps, , 100% Alac dps [ >= 2x 50% alac dps], Ranged DPS, Healing Alac dps, ) So basically.. "Do you really want a reward from the balance team, to put 4x more work, to achieving 50% less result into 50% less alacity, 50-75% less range, and having endgame content be challenging and balance the game, so all 9 classes are useful. Not 1/9th of the classes stacked 7-9 times with a druid or firebrand? " Yes.. I think that's kinda the point of a balance team that had diversity as a goal.. isn't it? Cata was nerfed since 0.01% of players could stack 4-5 of them for a challenge mode. Now mechanists are being stacked to the 4-7 range in nearly all content from 10% a month ago just since they break the effort = reward curve so much, people feel pressured to abandon their level 80s just to reroll because class balance feels abandoned for the others. Good if you're a mechanist. but bad for the other 80% of classes. Some of which are way worse off than others. It's less of a "I want every class to be miserable and suffer like ele", more like. "If my class can only provide 1 of 3 of the roles Mechanist can provide by afking.. How come it doesn't even do that 1/3rd role better.. When i have to perform 2-4x the rotation buttons.. And it still gives 50% the result?? How is that rewarding, putting 20 button rotations with 300-400g armor just to make my spec viable, gathering harder affix.. And.. I can only provide (HALF) the alacity? 2-4x more effort. For half the reward. And who in their right mind takes 50% alacity over 100% alacity? Do you want half of a core raid buff, or 100% of one? Many mmorpgs want to design all their specs to shine, good balance is leaving everyone with a good usable niche, no matter HOW niche. Removing spec unique buffs to turn it into 7-9 mechanist stacks was about the opposite of diversity i was hoping for from a "class diversity patch." ๐Ÿ˜ฆ It's like playing a game of Rock paper scissors where Rock kills paper, Crushes Scissors, and when rock plays itself, both win 2x in a tie. What point would there to even play the other classes when rock exists? Sure, you could still argue scissors beats paper. But Rock kills everyone fine, it doesn't have any weaknesses. They removed it's own weaknesses, Nerfed scissors and paper another 20% a few times just to be sure, and then buffed rock by the Rock paper scissor's balance designer. What point would there be playing other classes? When one playstyle beats all other 3 for fractions of effort.. and gets buffed anyways by the 'balance' designer who admits his favorite main is rock. Is. it really "balance"? Some players would argue a rock paper scissors game where rock always wins would be awesome, because everyone would be winners! But.. If there's no strategy, depth, or skills to aim for in a game. Won't players just get bored of playing rock over and over again.. Try playing a coinflip game where no matter what you roll. You win! That's great. Except there's literally no skill curve, there's no mind games. It's fun the first time, but the 10th and 20th? Wouldn't it become boring having a effortless game because it'd be so easy to declare yourself a 'winner' every time. Never even having any incentive to try other gameplay styles, even eventually? You just gotta be real here lmao. And i don't mean any ill. I'm just saying.. When it takes 4-5x more effort/friction to achieve the same results as stacking one class 4-7x.. That's a balance issue only the balance devs can design. There are 8 classes in the game that aren't mechanist. The goal of a balance team, at least imo, should be to help make every class viable, even if each has a unique niche. Or to make it so you bring the player, while having a fresh meta to spice things up while keeping the game fun. Balance should make every class viable. Not make one class stack replace 9 and do every job better for fractions of effort.
  5. Yeah honestly i get people want everything perfect in a game for free and people advocating for better f2p practices is always great, but i remember as a kid i always wanted games to be super f2p but the ones that went super f2p no monetization would sometimes just flat out die or bankrupt a few laters. Or sell themselves out to a worse investor who'd cannibalize the game etc. I still am not really the fan of the Living world model's monetization pretty being akin to taking scissors to cut chapters out of a book and making certain stat affixs like Viper's for condi drastically locked to being unobtainable from laurels/fractals, kinda forcing certain living world combinations to be obtained for some players. But funding the game off cosmetics i think is what a lot of other mmorpg players see and ask for which i think a lot of gw2 players would realize if they played more than one game or mmorpg. That said, even if you want to spend money there's a pretty iffy system in place. There might be like only 3 outfits in 200 you maybe would be tempted to buy, but 99% of the time, the outfits spend their times not even available for sale. It's like a grocery store that's always out of stock on 95% of items. Imagine if you went to a grocery store and wanted to buy milk, bread, and a flaming outfit and a cool flying tiger mount maybe, but mostly wanted to buy the living seasons on sale first. And you were told you had to wait 50 months of unspecified waiting without alerts to buy bread, eggs were last available for sale 10 weeks ago, and the only way to get a tiger was to spend 20$ on lottery tickets that also unavailable to buy. Sure, gw2 is very adamant about doing things however it feels like. But i mean. a store that doesn't even offer a cosmetic product you might want more than 1% of the time is just a store that puts too much friction to spend. I like that most products are qol and don't break the game missing. But it seems like in other games, whales don't typically want to have limits spent on waiting. A store that doesn't even offer the products you're willing to buy 99% of the time is a store you're gonna skip going to 99% of the time to me. But maybe some people are different and camp it, idk if there's market research or if they just did it randomly like their advertising team's awol nonexistance. Or inventing stat selectable gear in a game with like 98% useless gear affix, and then refusing to have a personal affix loot system or more sources of untradable personal loots/ affix preference like wow etc. At least letting viper stats be able to be selectably dropped more often from HOT or vice aversa could be nice. It's kinda silly all the other affix are 40s to craft but viper has to be 18g of 7g insignia and 10g oil for some weird reason.
  6. Modern game companies trying to compete for the worst game company of the year rewards rn like it's a competitive title. ๐Ÿคฃ
  7. If you ever get tired of a game after 10 years, that's probably natural and burnout is a common cause even with other good games or other things. Just play stuff you enjoy or go search for it, maybe if you take a break, it'll be fun again for you and vice aversa. Find some games you want to try, dishonored, l4d2, tf2 saxton hale or some rocket jump maps, sc2 coop +- arcade mods for tower defense or hero games, etc. Maybe watch a show you enjoy, etc If you want to watch another show while you play windowed too like runescape, there can be some good shows around. Netflix has the witcher, Disney has marvel, simpsons, old disney show, mandalorian, star wars visions, etc. Crunchyroll has the famous anime but is a pretty good free show service and black clover is one of my favorites after you pass the first 10 for episode to episode action as it drops the filler to have lots of events per 20 min episode. Just find your jam and enjoy it, gw2 doesn't have a sub so you can always take a break as long or short as you want and not feel like 15$ a month or your past purchases for 1 login are wasted.
  8. I don't think ads would cover the cost of any 3d game or even some 2d GPT 3 Ai games like AiDungeons or Novelai TBH. I think they did something like a ad has a 0.1 cent payment if they make a person watch a 30 second video, 1 cent if they click it, and like the last game i remember having ads was in like f2p runescape in the like 2000s-2005s, not a paid product, and that was a web app. Even then, i think they discontinued the practice after a few years. saying that ultimately, the ad revenue never paid enough to develop the game and even the few turn offs or judging for having ads was more than it was worth.
  9. What if they just removed the 3.8G gold cost to making AR to +7-9, and just let the +1 essences be bought out, but still left it in place for +10 and the +5 stat essences? I mean, 90% of the cost of a 4g essence is literally 3.8g vendor gold and 256 +1 agony essences that cost 20s. Sure, it takes 256 runs for 256 +1 essences. But. It's the vendor cost, not the +1 cost that (currently) holds costs up.
  10. Griffon Enjoyers vs Skyscale users drama flashbacks intensify
  11. I had to spend 300g for my viper gear, as well as spend 40-60g on leveling the professions, as well as solo a champion bounty that took 10 tries to achieve solo to get a spec weapon to get 1/3 bows. Mechanists also having access to 0.2g best in slot affix gear that drops off a auction house and being dirt cheap and 2-20g to fully gear up in exotic vs 200-300g for exotic viper vs 300g for ascended is it's own seperate thing.. Just because your gear was basically free doesn't mean 300g-400g to get viper's was anything either.. You can't earnestly be saying, something like, raiding is unrewarding, because my gear's affix is practically near free anyways too, so that makes raiding unrewarding(???????) I mean, that'd be like complaining they were like born with a golden spoon in their mouth and a 5000$ bill handed to them, and thought it was boring. ๐Ÿ˜ถ You get to save tons on gear, you can't earnestly say that's a downside right? ๐Ÿค” You do know how expensive and slow it can be for a new account to grind 300g from 10g as well as 250g for a griffon and new living seasons from scratch... Right(???) As well as like the 500 random items you have to even find to level crafting anyways right? I had to google like lists of 60 different insignias, find a list of like 300 different items, just to save 5g on the 20-50g crafting fees. A raid or strike even providing a few pieces of gear even if it was only 2 pieces of 6 was amazing. Because at one point after i found out viper rings and accessories weren't even stocked in fractals or laurels i found out they were pretty nigh unobtainable past 1/2 copies from bitterfrost until i went to farm dragon's fall for nearly 5-10 hours to get near 250-370 motes just to be able to obtain my affix.. Some "interaction" that sure was over buying it off a vendor shop and complaining even gearing was too easy.๐Ÿ˜• I thought you guys would be happy you saved time, not complain it was too easy they got everything for free that it made raiding for gear boring.. You realize like other classes literally might not even have the potential to do 70-100% of their damage before they spend 200g-300g on affixes to do condi, right? It was pretty much 18g for viper gear or 15-30g for ascended gear. The viper gear cost is hard gated by a 7-8 g mat cost to make the insignia, and 10g of oil to craft. You can't even undercut it that much or craft your own set to give yourself a discount past 1g of 18g... And then each rune of 6 took near a hour to find a group since the only source was dungeons which were pretty much considered 'dead content' and only ran like once a day. And sometimes just randomly broke or had unexplained mechanics like groups that'd fail because the vacuums came with 0 explaination and the group was silent or instantly complete on enter because the 4 man group silently zerged the entire dungeon without speaking a single word the entire time by the time you could walk there in a game that seemed to insist on no dungeon tp finder and manual waypoint unlocks.
  12. Already the major cost of Agony resistance is just the vendor cost to convert it. I got bored so i looked into making my own AR +9/7 after i was waiting around on the ah a few moments. I took a look at gw2 efficency. For a +9 AR or something, it was like 4.10g to buy, 3.95g to make from scratch or something. I took a look at the cost and it was something like 0.15g for 256 +1 agonies and 3.8g for a vendor. I was already at the fractal area anyways so i just made it for funsies. Sure it's a bit of a unneeded gate but the main cost of 90% of agony resist's cost is literally the vendor fee of 3.8g / 4g for agony resistance. Ascended gear often costs 15-30g to craft anyways, but those +5 stats man.. Those things are Ridic pricy.
  13. Sure. next to all the bladesworn doing 42k dps in pug raids because a boss had a vulnerability phase or they walked and it wasn't a immobile golem they could hit with 1200 range so they did 10k-20k dps instead of 40k while the mechanist afked 20-30k. It's probably not novel but i've been in strike groups, i've seen plenty of 20k-30k mechanists in raids to 10k-20k being the first non mechanist to appear in a strike, and keep in mind, these are the players who organize the raids, coordinate alacity, who have a couple years experience. Autoing to 25k-35k dps is what takes other classes 10-20 button rotations as WELL as double or even triple weapon/stance swaps and under 100 ms latency and avoiding weapon clipping to do to accomplish what one does with autos. Whether or not it can provide three roles at once that are all highly desireable in raids by simply switching from rifle to mace is pretty trivial. For raiding content, 15-20k raid dps is pretty generous for what accessibility needs. I don't have a issue with builds making raid content accessible, except accessible to raids is probably like 10-20k raid dps, not 25k-35k for autoing or using 1-4 buttons and 36.5k for the full rotation. Im fine if they keep 36.5k for the full rotation but they should have to put in the same effort to achieve results as the other classes, or bring the other 8/9 up if they want to have a afk spec perform at near aimbot or 90% of a top 0.1% player level instead of 90% of a average raiding level. If it's truly about accessibility, it would be a good step to start buffing or closing the floor of some of the other classes's. As right now, only giving this level of performance to 11% of classes, 1 in 9, means that 8/9 players won't have the same access to the 'accessible spec'. Now, there's nothing wrong with making players being able to enter content. The problem is when a afk rotation is literally tuned to be 90% of a top 0.1% frame perfect snowcrows build, and only given to 11.1% of classes and the bar to dps them is about 5x the effort for 80-105% the result, it just completely warps the meta. https://youtu.be/EitZRLt2G3w?t=260 Players may have reduced motivation to learn rotations, or challenge their skill or progression when they can get 90-95% of a top 0.1% player's results for.. afking, or pressing 4 buttons. I remember one person in a pve game talking about how they installed a aimbot because they used to snipe people as a kid, but as they got older their reflexes slowed. So they installed a aimbot to automatically lock onto people's heads and aimshot them. Obviously that went over with hillarious banter. But that's pretty much the level the mech is at. It's not tuned to 90% of a average player. It's tuned to 95% of a 0.1% snowcrow's golem to the point even some people are stacking 8-9 mechanists and a druid or two together for challenge modes. Extra credits did a short on this, where they had a example. "If ability B, is 10% stronger than ability A, but requires 300% more effort or skill to execute, then Ability B is only better for the majorities if you're a robot." Like figure out what's going on with like 50-80% of pug players doing mediocre 2-8k dps, like trimming out completely dead weapons to at least be 50-60% optimal instead of 10%, trim or buff abilities that are dps only abilities that are losses over auto attacks that have no reason to exist, buff underperforming specs. Wow has some questionable monetization, but they often had goals where most specs could have a single target raid spec within 10% of each other that was achievable by most players. Though of course knowing how to gear and apm and rotations could play a big role, it was usually a 70% vs 100% difference. Not this 5% vs 100% stuff. There can be plenty of skill expression for a 70% vs 100% gap. Why on earth are they having literal 2k-8k pug to 40k snowcrow dps gaps with some specs for average pug misplay gaps instead of making specs auto attack to 28k-35.4k dps snowcrow results when 10k-20k dps is like, generously decent raider dps and mech's 28k is autoing? Shouldn't they improve the underperforming specs or embrace their uniqueness of the fun weapons to get people into gw2? Where having the weapon you pick change your playstyle experience be a advertising point that gets you a 5-10% dps fail class that only works open world and plays like a 2-8k dps dumpster fire in group content or for the arcdps-less? Snowcrows represents frame perfect play, mechanist afks play that's practically makes raid slots have humans compete for the equivilent of a aimbot on a sniping team. (Imo), The level mechanist is tuned to and balanced to aren't average human or raider levels, but 95% of frame perfect play while camping 100% on rotations. When bosses have immunity phases that clip DoTs, that 10% golem advantage can easily have -10-30% eaten away. When melee classes have Bosses that fling them away from melee range for 20-50% of the fight or instakill for standing in mechanics, that can easily eat 20-30% of their dps away. When you have to put 2-5x more work, to achieve 70-105% of the same results. the game feels incredibly warped. While your class might also only have 1 viable spec, you have to fight for mechanist for 3. While it can afk each for free and sometimes even provide 2x the boons such as 100% dps alac vs 50% dps alac.. Whether or not it's a rifle, mace, or shield doesn't matter. (Other specs literally need 2-3 weapon swaps like Demon swap + shortbow swap + 4-10 button rotation opener + stance swap weapon swap + mace axe abiility + axe or staff for cc +- legend swap to provide stability or staff ability to provide break bar or change gear from viper to ritualist to provide 50%-> 70% alacity and lose 30k to 20k dps.. While the mech.. gives 100% alacity.. and still has a pet do 60% of the damage as they afk or use 1-4 buttons to 28k dps while achieving twice the alacity for fractions of effort. The main point is that mech is only available to 11.1% of classes or players who just lucked into it. This is a game with limited 5/5 character slots that makes you delete lvl 80s if you want to reroll. )
  14. The legendary weapons just seem like the gold dumps in a mmorpg. You need some kind of useful dump to avoid hyperinflation to keep like the same 1g item costing 10g a year later just when gold has no use but is accumulated. But finding a good sink people are willing to pay for, that doesn't just tax 10g new players 2g like death bills but the people with 1000s of gold a bit is fair, like 2500G legendaries. Still, the fact that this game has like a setup where like 5/8 stats can be completely dead and irrelevant to a spec is a bit jarring. Even the power on a condi build is jarring. When you enter it into a sim, it's like 6k dps of 37k sim dps is power, the rest is condi on some builds, while others are 35k/35k power. Thing is, balancing around a sim or a golem with no mechanics, no movement. no "i am invincible and all dots will now clip, making those 16 second duration dots do 0", are kinda ignored. It's kinda like balancing a pvp game like tf2 with a pyro and a aimbot sniper to have the same dps. Except the gap between a literal aimbot and human player can be astronomically, hillariously huge as with a bot designed to do 95% of the results of a top 0.1% raider in top glass cannon gear. So the inability to experiment with specs or switch might mean more players than we even reckon might be wearing healer boon gear on their dps warrior since concentration healing power sounds like a good dps stat.. And dear lord the practical gameplay balance in this game is more like 90% of players doing 2-8k dps in gear they have no idea wearing, while 2x 5 year old vets or rotation practicers do 15k-25k raid dps, while a dead mechanist who died during the raid 7 times got 20k dps because their mech auto attacked and got lost during the next raid sooner than learning how to deal even 10-30k dps with any other class but mech..
  15. I'm not sure how to describe it in a fourm friendly manner. But basically there were robots that were.. Well, in my mind they kinda looked like the wrong sort of robot you'd want in a video game. But anyways they made them look more like people and edited some bits just like how Sucubuses were remade from wow to be more family appropriate for families to play. Except imo, the new reworked models actually look more human to me with better overall faces and arm models, the complaints are probably the chests that were like the equivilent of putting a basketball on a car with scotch tape and replacing it with something nicer imo. Or at least, more human being looking. It's just a model change that makes it more family friendly and human, basically.
  16. Its... a.. ROBOT.. Who cares if the models get changed? Sure, i was sad when the Hearthstone cards with the Sucubuses that were known for cards that did low damage but healed you were changed to more pr.. Satyr in a warlock class (despite warlocks having sucubuses as WoW pets, which was a lore thing that satyrs just of all things felt out of place). But.. a robot. A metal, unsapient creature made to imitate a being having stuff no one cares about? Who's life is in CRITICAL urgent medical attention if a robot's chest model is changed? :P, it's not even a playable race. There's still the very odd question of charr anatomy popping up from time to time since players have 0, one random npc model has male pecs. It's a video game, we swing swords. It's a pg13 rated game, who cares? It's not lifechanging for my enjoyment of dungeons or raiding or game balance to have 'censored' robots so to speak. Unless Bender from futurama is playing the game, i don't see why it should be a big deal to anyone. ๐Ÿ˜›
  17. New update: auto bot software has now been added to all professions who have access to engineering skills. Simply press one button and your mechanics van now be set to auto cast, control player movement and can now be set to auto join raids and m1 and auto join metas for the work of active play, without the play! Offer not included to any other class mains. We are happy to bring you the raid diversity update that this balance patch was designed for when next week we reveal our bot farming skins that allow you to afk in style. The next update will add /sleep emote full dps rotation supports and also allow you to install aim bot 3000 to automatically headshot targets for you next in all your other fps games? After all, why learn to play the game, when a robot can enable aimbot for you! ๐Ÿ˜˜
  18. Consider a hypothetical scenario. A game has a grandmaster league where the top 0.1% of players compete. The average sniper, is 10x worse than the elite 0.1% sniper who can instantly kill anyone for 450 damage with a instant headshot in 0.1s for the Grandmaster players. The upper 10% of players take about 0.2 seconds for a headshot, the lower 90% are anywhere from 1 second a headshot to never landing one. The dev sees this, and decides to make it so players who join his favorite sports team get a auto aiming headshot rifle that automatically headshots 95% of the time at 0.105 s speeds while dealing triple headshot damage. He releases a community endorsed aimbot. Slowly the game turns from 10% aimbot into 70% aimbots in this hypothetical. I don't have a problem with low intensity players providing like 90% of the results but a thing people miss is i have arcdps and.. It's hard not to feel that the level mechanists are balanced around feel a bit overturned. When i enter a group of 50 players. I will see one non mechanist do about 15k-25k dps. Then i will see 9 mechanists in a group of 50 dealing 25k-35k. I enter another group. it's the same thing. Slowly a class that was 10% of population before is slowly becoming 40% to 70% of some groups and you're seeing top meters become just literal hoards of 25k-35k afk mechanists. The 35k dps is the 4 button rotation, the 36k-37k is the full kit. Many people overestimate their own abilities, and think they are doing 30k-40k dps and i thought so to. But the truth is a vast majority of people in those 50 men squad are between 2-8k dps. And a fair amount of them are somehow even lower at 0.5k-2k dps for the bottom 20 of 50. It's hard not to feel like mechanist is balanced at not around, 90% of a average player's rotation. which would probably be a pretty nice comfy 20k-30k for the upper 5-10%. But it's balanced to be 90% of a 0.1% player rotation, which gets hard not to feel like it's pretty much a 90% of a aimbot's level of performance. Sure, a highly skilled player with 0.09 second reflexes could beat a aimbot.. But it's pretty much balanced around automatic top 2-5% pug player Performance. But maybe that'd be a misnomer, since 90% of groups, it's not a exageration to say if you see 10 mechanists in a 50 man dragon's end, you can work your tail off to be the highest non mechanist dps.. only for the top 11 dps to be just one person and 10 mechanists.
  19. The thing is, class balance is more about giving up one thing in a class up, and more about a sum of parts. When i was a kid, i was in both shoes, there was a class that i played as a kid that could do literally 2-3x the dps of most other players, all just for pressing 1-3 buttons. It was arcane mages. I had been playing wow for a long time tired of being ganked by rogues and silenced by priests. But the build literally let you kill people in 3 seconds in pvp by waiting for someone to cast a spell, counterspell them to silence them for 4 seconds, cast one arcane blast and then trigger a rune for a second instant blast that'd LITERALLY 2-3 shot other players in a silence. To say it was balanced was a understatement, yet the wow dps gap of practical results was more like +50%, like 10k-13k WoW dps vs 15k arcane mage dps. And it had a mechanic where each time it was cast, it pretty much doubled the damage but tripled the mana cost. it was a spec balanced around the mana costs of the next Expansion, and all i'd say is "but mage is squishy, or we have trade offs. it costs more mana each time!" (But, we had so much mana, as well as a 60% mana regeneration ability, as well as a raid trinket that could provide near 100% nonstop mana discounts and free casting it didn't really matter. When other classes talk about balance, it can be easy to think of it as "THEY WANT TO make my class weaker! I have to defend it, why shouldn't i be rewarded, i do top dps, so it's therefore skilled gameplay, etc!", and while it can be true performing high can be a sign of good play. The problem is, many players who perform 2-4k on other specs can literally perform at 28k-35k levels. The spec basically plays itself, just like a infamous meme of the 'faceroll' origin. Where a arcane mage in wow keybound every button to arcane blast by outdpsing most practical peers. Gw2 takes that one step further by adding ridicolous hidden features past break bars. Invisible cast time cancels that clip your dps on specs. Mechanist is literally balanced around afking to 35k-37k dps results while providing might and potential for 100% alacity while having 4 button rotations and often practical raid results putting 20-25k dps as a top raider with years raiding, 25k dps as a afk mechanist autoing, and 35k-37k for a mechanist using 4 buttons. And 30k-39k for specs that often provide no group boons, are melee range, and often practically drop to 10k-15k raid dps due to mechanics or downtime or the fight having adds or invulnerability / boss swap phases where all condi damage gets clipped. When 90% of your damage is dots that take 10-15 seconds to deal damage, and mobs can be shot from 1200 range away for instant power damage. Often times that 39k on a golem becomes 5-10k when the 39k over 10 seconds becomes a 4k in 1 second clip. There are 8 other classes in the game, and all have to compete with mechanist literally afking itself to top raider results while providing might, 100% alacity vs 50% of other specs. Accessibilty itself isn't a problem, balancing it is. In overwatch for instance, certain characters like Winston, Tombjorn and symmetra are given auto aiming abilities to help any player do decent damage and contribute. However, the OW devs are well aware that balancing auto aimed classes around 0.1% of gameplay would have greatly warped consequences. Imagine if a tf2 pyro, for instance, could headshot you with a flamethrower 100 miles away for pressing w+m1, at 95% of the dps of a tf2 aimbot. Sure, the 'aimbot' would have higher dps. But it'd warp the meta because one class would achieve 95% of a 0.1%'s results for 0-20% of the effort. One of the reasons tombjorn's turret was never buffed to say, be as strong as a Bastion or Tf2 turret was they just didn't want gameplay to revolve around a person pressing one button, going afk. and requiring 5x more effort put in than to counter a afk player. When people compare rewards without costs, they compare stuff like other classes have to give significant portions of dps as well as perform a 10-20 button rotation to provide 50% alacity or one boon. While mechanists can often provide: Might, 2x more alacity (100% vs 50% in a dps alac role OR healing role), which means they flat out just have 2x the payoff. While still keeping most of their dps or barely changing a rotation. Some of the low intensity builds listed on youtube also can make impractical trade off just to auto or use 1-4 buttons for 18k-23k dps, such as abilities that literally self damage themselves that would self down themselves without regeneration boons, or removing their only dodge for 1 dps ability (vindicator). The trade offs people are talking about aren't having every piece of cake in a set, but having boons on top of stellar dps and support while also having 1200 range which means in practical terms, nearly every open world arcdps is filled with screens of 1 player in the top 10 being a non mechanist in the 20k range. while 90% of top 10s are.. afk mechanists in the 25k-35k autoattack range. Mechanist by design, is balanced on 0.1% player benchmarks on a immobile golem that 90% of gw2 players are drastically below. (The average player, does about 2-4k bottom 25%, 4-10k middle 50%, 10-20k upper 20%, 20-30k upper 5%. 30-35k top 1%) Mechanist literally afks to the routine top #1-10 of every 50 man squad while one lone player might stand out. That's 2% of the population being next to mechanist's autos on a soo won meta.. That's just ridiculous. Now before you say skill issue, i've seen plenty of the same 2-4k dps players switch to mechanist and literally have 25k-35k dps instant results with mechanist. It's the spec, not the player that makes it so powerful. Because it nigh nearly plays itself off autos that often outdpses 10 average Dragon End's open world players doing 2-4k dps. IMO Auto attacking should be balanced around 90% of the average players, not the 0.1% if they wanted to balance the spec. If they wanted to keep the 35k dps on a high effort rotation so it could afk to maybe 15k-20k and do a 5-10 button rotation to 25-35k, that'd be fair. And if they wanted to avoid nerfing core engi, they could easily nerf the mech itself or strip away it's option to provide 100% alacity to 50% to equalize it with other builds, or buff other 50% alacity dps specs to 100%. I think that'd be fair design. But right now, the afk power and performance seem a bit overtuned imo for a 35k dps 1-4 button build with free might and 100% alacity dps builds that provide twice as much alacity for half the effort. But as of right now, mechanist is a build tailored to autoattack at the benches of the top 1% of other specs.. for 0-20% of the effort. Just like wow arcane mage could be by spamming one button. But it didn't also double it's group's damage by +25% as well too while being able to autocast itself too if it wanted.
  20. If anyone wants to relive the sub experience, while hillariously missing the point. You can force yourself to mandatedly spend 15$ on the game each month, if you fail, you have to unsubscribe and be unable to play the game until the next time you pay 15$ a month. No dungeons, no chatting with friends, just log out, unsub. Sure i wish there were a couple more free skins.. and i don't get why haircuts have to be currency ground.. and i kinda miss transmutation charges. well, being near free to change anytime but. It's more the hate of nickle and diming. As with like unlimited phonecall plans, people will often spend more on a 50$ a month unlimited data plan they'll never use that might add up to like 600$ a year for a phone they use for like 5 calls a year. Meanwhile, if you charge a person 83$ for the same 5 calls in a single bill, it feels like a huge ripoff.
  21. The thing about snowcrows comparisons, is that often, snowcrows benchmarks are balanced around the top 0.1% of players who often do frame perfect play, and that if actions are even off by say, 1/10th of a human second for reaction time or a 150-200 ms connection to a server, or hidden complications, you can perform almost the exact same rotation, same abilities, same cycle, and still run into only about, 60-70% of the dps appearing while the golem also is a completely mechanicless encounter that doesn't adjust for downtime, boss invincibility phases, condi rampup that results in it doing 5-15k instead of the 35k the mechanists afk towards autoshotting from 1200 range while others are melee or arbitrary limited to like a effective 300-600 range on a 'range class'. while it also can provide twice as much alacity and achieve 2x the results for 4 vs 20 buttons, or sometimes 0. The golem is a good show of potential, but balancing mech to actually be near like 35-36k dps by using 4 buttons or 28k dps by autoing when there are 20 button specs that.. are in the 23k-32k range is jarring. Even the specs that are 39k in a golem often end up being 8-15k in practical raid encounters where the top dps are 7 mechanists with a dps meter that looks like this. 50 person squad: #1: 4 button mechanist: 30-35k dps #2. 33k: Mechanist #3 28k Mechanist #4 27k Mechanist #5 26k Mechanist #6 25k Alacity mechanist #7 23k Healing alacity mechanist #8 10k-25k top non mechanist of a player group of 50. #9 18k A mechanist who died but had his bot afk the whole fight. #10 17k A mechanist who got lost finding their way to the boss, but eventually autoshot it anyways. #11-20 assorted 5k-15k dps players #20-50 30 players who think they're doing 40k dps, but are actually doing 2-6k dps. Or even less. I'd like to challenge most players to go to the special training area to try their personal rotation and bench 35k and upload a log and hit the snowcrows rotation, 35k dps is the mechanist 4 button rotation dps. And i can assure you, there's a lot of people who deal 2-4k dps in strikes and raids who think they're actually doing 10x more than they are.. But instead of being a skill issue, often what happens is they are pressing abilities. but even performing the same actions in sequence doesn't let you even know if there are absurdly hidden things like moves animation canceling each other or canceling attacks for using them... In fact in the open world, many of the same '40k' snowcrow benchmark specs, routinely are seen getting only 10-20k practical dps in strikes and raids to the 25-35k afked dps of a mechanist, meaning there's no reward payoff for 99.9% of players because mechanist is literally balanced to autoattack or use 4 buttons to match a 20 button frame perfect snowcrows rotation that doesn't account for mobs moving. Even coordinated multi years raiders saying they're lucky to see even 50-80% of it in a raid. Even most people in raids and strikes who have years of experience are mostly being seen in the only 15k-25k range, so having a spec autoattack to 28k or use 4 buttons to 35k with 1200 range is a signifcant gap. It's pretty common for someone who pressed 20 buttons on a ele or bladesworn for 4-15k dps to marvel that they can 'press 4 buttons' to 25k-35k raid dps very easily. while going. 'This is just ridicolous, it's half or a quarter of the apm or effort for nearly double or triple the damage i was working off before). Mind you, try the golem on a non mechanist before you trash a 15k raid dps ele player. Some specs just aren't built equal at all for reward. Balancing mechanist around 0.1% benchmarks where 80% is considered to be a good raider and mech afks to 95% dps while being able to provide 100% alacity vs 50% is.. just a huge gap. It's literally 2x more alacity on a auto attack spec. And who in their right mind will take 50% alac for 20 buttons and stance swaps over 100% alak for afking? Anyone not a mech can feel free to test their dps at the golem if they'd like, (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Special_Forces_Training_Area ), you can enter it from the south lion arch portal area or from strikes/arborstone if you purchase a tp there for about 50 s. (I think most players would be more surprised that 90% of players don't do 30-40k dps like they thought, but pretty much 2k-10k for someone running their build blind spamming cds is the norm for some specs, while autoattacking on others will auto bench 20k-35k. )
  22. I think they made dx11 default over dx9 which was drastically higher fps for most modern hardware. I think I was already on dx11 so I don't think I remember seeing much change with dx11 already on. But I remember dx11 being like twice the frame rate of dx9.
  23. Last names are usually pretty good too. Lots of first names in morphs get taken. But it's pretty easy for a last name (or variation) to go through.
  24. There's a certain irony of teleporting to the pvp bank to bank the portable bank every time i log in and get one. XD
  25. I mean.. It's just the design balance is. AFK mechanist: Can provide 100% alacity and a 35k and 4 button rotation. Can also enter raids as AFK range dps, spec into 100% alacity vs 50% alac on other dps specs. I guess it's less of a player issue, but just wanting to see rewards for the content you play rewarded. I think a lot of people who rerolled to mechanist in our guild have either been sad to see how much less reward there are for 10-20 button rotation specs than the 4 button one. Sure, buttons are buttons, but all that time, those players put in a lot more rewards and just assumed they were getting some reward, instead of dealing half the dps for a autoattack. If the aim was to perform underperforming specs or even classes across the board. Couldn't they just do buffs to the underperforming abilities/cds etc? The moves that are actually dps losses. I wouldn't mind if it was say, a 70-90% gap. But the fact that it was balanced about dealing about 95% of snowcrow's top damage for afking, while 80-90% of snowcrow's dps is usually considered a highly experienced player, means they also often practically dps most encounters by design. Even on many players i've seen who've been raiding or playing for years in gw2. In their balance philosophy, they said they wanted to increase build diversity by removing unique boons and nerfing some overly complicated classes. And i guess that's fair if.. they buffed some of the other options. But i look and apparently a year ago, my class was nerfed to 10 people 50% alac to.. 5 people 50% alac, while mechanist got 5 people 100% alac. In this case, i am doing more rotations to achieve half the results and boon uptime. It seems to be a paradox. Do twice as much work for half the achievable result and being punished for just picking a fun class on a character selection screen? tl;dr: When one class afks to twice the results for half the work. It can kinda feels like the game punishes you for playing the classes that you want to play. (And effort doesn't even always mean reward, or even let you achieve the same result. 100% alacity + Might for afking Beats 50% alac with 20 buttons. 2x the rewards. For. Going afk. ๐Ÿ˜• I get at least achieving the same result or at least 10% better or equal.. But why do they get to have 100% alacity on a auto afk 35k dps builg? They have 3 prime choices in one spec, all fueled by a auto attack robot that hits for most of their dps. The best of every world.. while everyone else pays the cost to achieve half of what they provide automatically.)
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