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Everything posted by Bunny.9834

  1. Unpopular Opinion: Ventari Vindicator. Run Ventari and Viktor Alliance. Spam dodge and natural harmony. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmgAEZllQmMK6kNRpsKClFSqsBqknsUV8H-zRJYqR1fZkZqWdV57BJU6t0+mFA-e
  2. PvE: Druid: - Druid’s healing is fine. - It would be better if they change Grace of the Land to Alacrity instead of Might. Soulbeast: - Daggers in general are boring, need more utility in them to be more competitive. - Fix Wolf Pack. Revert the interval to previous interval for the SB and keep the 1 second for the allies. Thief: - Acrobatics needs some HELP. Give it access to self-quickness. - Make sword AA ¼ second and apply vulnerability.
  3. All Healspecs should have access to either Alac or Quickness. Otherwise it will not see regular play. Unlike DPS roles, Heal specs without those meta boons will always be passed for Heal specs that has those boons no matter how strong that healing is. Doing this will also help steamline LFG. The simplest solution really is to give Alacrity to Healers and Quickness to DPS. Core classes like Warriors or Rangers should’ve not even gotten these boons. (banners and spirits). It would make more sense for them to go to the e-specs.
  4. It's really frustrating and unmotivating when you know you have no chance.
  5. This is the third beta now where I'm in an alliance with no actual WvW Guilds. It's Pugs against these alliances with multiple organized guilds.
  6. People have every reason to be skeptical and pessimistic because historically the balance them never listened to thief players the same way they listened to other classes. The fact that CmC and his team pulled back on that nerf range gave me hope. This is the balance team that actually listens to the playerbase.
  7. Just on stationary drakes at Bitterfrost. It keeps saying "Out of Range" I would do the standing test first, get as close to the target without hitting it. Then kneel and test that range. I can see the bullets going through the target lol. I also tested with different traits and got inconsistent results. Sometimes the range is correct, sometimes it's bugged.
  8. So, I started testing DE in PvE since the nerf range was "not introduced" this patch. I was trying to see if the range is actually the same. It looks like the nerfed range is still there regardless of the tool tip and the actual animation. I tested all the skills on both standing and kneel. The bullet animation on "kneel" skills are "visually" reaching the enemies but not actually hitting. Also the range indicator when you kneel (white circle around you) is gone.
  9. This really speaks to how they treat each class. But we already know that. 💀
  10. Flavor died when the main focus is now numbers and "balance". Everything now is focused on making sure everything and everyone can do every role. It went from Chess to Checkers.
  11. This. Where’s the actual update on Acrobatics? Cantrips are still trash. Meteor Shower gutted. Alac Tempest still lame cause they refuse to change the way they apply alacrity.
  12. And after this patch… It wont see the light of day. ☠️ Just rename it to Deadguy.
  13. Remember in the live stream when they said they want to make things fun??? What happened to that? Deadeye and Thief in general has been constantly castrated over the years. It’s so kitten at this point.
  14. meanwhile Deadeye about to have nerfed range to make it more "valuable."
  15. This change makes absolutely no sense. This is not going to help the state of Deadeye. At. All. Just add the "Crawl" and remove it if fails but don't touch the range of a "sniper" spec.
  16. It confuses me what they're trying to accomplish here by reducing the range of Kneel DE in exchange for crawling. If it's for the sake of highend encounters, it doesn't matter anyways because the whole end-game is focused on stacking in melee. Range has never been a viable option in end game because you need to be close to your team mates to get buff/boons. Let's just be honest here... DE is for Roleplaying as Sniper in OW. The only thing this change will do... is KILL THAT. 🤦‍♂️
  17. This is so bad.... What on earth are they thinking??? Why would you reduce the range of Kneel Rifle for basically being crippled????? Meanwhile ranger can run and still destroy you from more than 1500 range. Really really terrible decision here. Wow. Either buff it or leave it alone. Deadeye is for RP.
  18. Range in this game is more of an RP aspect at this point. The whole system is based on stacking closely and doesnt allow any other type of gameplay besides that. Moving forward, they just need to include mechanics that would be beneficial for a range class or even a high dps soloist to be valuable in a high end group content. idk.
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