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Everything posted by shion.2084

  1. " we’ll be updating the Champion Brawler title awarded for winning 10,000 rated arena games to a colored version." They are...?
  2. I know siayan runs an alt, but he tries on both accounts. Just one he's more anal about, the other he plays looser to have fun with. Sometimes his alt is higher than his main and vice versa. For him it seems legit to me, because to do well you are disincetivzed to play too much, so having an alt account lets you actually play the game more. But the key difference is, he isn't abusing MMR to help a duo get better match placement... he's actually just got one account he can play continuously throughout the season and another he picks the right times to play and minimises play on when it makes sense to for ranking purpose.
  3. Disagree, a lot of times you see one on their main and the other on their alt, and then they swap. If they were really doing it to just practice builds and preserve their main account rank.. they their buddy wouldn't be running their main while his duo practices new things. It's done to take advantage of fooling the MMR. Also you see them purposefully tanking their MMR between sessions with their friends main to reset to a low level.
  4. who needs movement when you can make your opponent walk away! or just walk really freezey slow towards you 🙂
  5. I will answer for everyone and say "my main does".
  6. If we look at holo, it has access to a capable melee kit and in its meta form it has access to photon wall for reflect/anti projectile. Those are some of the things that hammer provides over rifle. It can do very nice and quick damage from range with static discharge and surprise shot and the blind from photon. If you want you can swap the rifle turret for tool kit which gives another mele block and a pull. So the combos with it are things like (if you have tool kit), pull, prybar, wrench toolkit, overcharge shot to push away, leap, photon forge CC, Blind/static discharge on the photon wall toolbelt... leaving you with immob and the leap on photon forge to get away. Also photon wall if things went south. Its sort of insane single person damage good for roaming.
  7. Rifle scrapper is not generally effective. I was specifically talking about Holo using rifle. On scrapper it's hard not to favour hammer cause it compounds on the scrappers strengths. I don't see anyone running rifle scrapper that's near top tier. I do know someone who triggers aim assisted rocket with the Elixir Gun Kit on scrapper. That's Alien's build. But few can pull his setup off well.
  8. Holo's still typically use rifle over hammer. Rifle is generally a faster weapon and pairs well with the CC burst juggle that holo puts out. The auto is ranged so you have some answer to scenarios that need a ranged attack if you want to use the holo elite. At higher levels you'll find rocket charge, which locks you into a long animation with repeated points of non-evade, will be a liability in many scenarios. You'll literally be one shot and downed in the middle of your rocket charge. It also takes 1 and 3/4 to activate vs. the much more precise 1 second of rifle's leap which is much easier to use tactically to reposition and is actually a jump. I prefer hammer cause I use scrapper, it seems like it's an all round superior weapon having blocks and big hits. Rifle has speed and tactical positioning advantages and is useful with something like holo that can leverage the quick skills it has and combine with static discharge attacks when the opponent is disabled. It also fills a ranged need if you don' want to take mortar but use the reasonably good holo elite. When you fight something like a spell breaker... think about all the heavy committed skills hammer forces you into when you don't want to trigger full counter. Then think about the more precise skills you get to use when having rifle.
  9. Yes folks who hide anonymously behind keyboards will basically just troll any statement. Whether they are actually bigots and believe it or not. You'll also get similar responses if you write in some religious ideology. Sometimes interesting conversation does come from it, that wouldn't have if people hadn't been giving troll responses. I actually learn some things.
  10. @bethekey.8314 You know what... good on you. Everyone told you your opinion was wrong because you hadn't tried, challenged you to try.... and you did. I wish everyone whining about other classes was wiling to put their effort where their mouth was. And 11k... that's.... impressive.
  11. Yeah like ports, and invulns where you can do tons of damage, and tons of stab and stun breaks... no trade-offs there.
  12. power chrono can hurt a scrapper. 1 stun break, 15 - 18k health, no toughness.... so yeah. However scrapper isn't meta so I'm not sure that's saying much :). I do prefer having to deal with power chromo's then to mirage and virt these days. I mean at least as a class you have other very good options.
  13. I'm a combat healer! But I generally try not to let it go to my head.
  14. I main scrapper and I don't find holo to be nearly the hardest thing to deal with out there. I'm not sure what your main is... in any case against a holo they need to be pretty close to get off their two toolbelts and actually hit with them. So they have to somewhat close. They also have no stability and one stun break. To get 22% damage from lasers edge they have to be in holo mode. When my window does open I need to land two large hits to do enough damage to take their health out. See that's what you call trade-offs. So there's a couple of ways I deal with it... I have grenades that blind on first hit after a roll (and a flash grenade that just blinds), forcing them to use up their photon wall cause IF they want to do top damage with their two attacks they are locked out of their defensive weapon options while trying to go on the offensive in holo mode. The I have the old electro whirl to reflect projectiles while I can swap to nade git and hit them with blind. Ok now the fun part you drop function gyro and bounce around in it with rocket charge... and they almost have those short cooldowns back up... so you drop defensive barrier (the anti projectile dome) and now drop thunder clap... they get stunned again and you have electro whirl back and grenade barrage.... Essentially those guys to be offensive have to burn a cleanse whether they need it or not. So they don't have a lot left to deal with the condi I put on them. their only other cleanses on the toolbelt are their stun break (yeah cause you want to burn that for just a cleanse) and their heal toolbelt. Meaning really just their heal toolbelt. To get rid of more condi they have to come out of forge... which lowers their damage by 22%. They have to be roughly in nade range of me to attack me and certainly within mortar range. Since they only have two tool belts that do good range damage, they have to fill the middle with something so they will use the one range forge gives them and then try to close with leap.... which is really what I want... OR they run away at which point I pelt them with nades and mortar as they go and we both reset. Now there are a few holo's out there that can beat me.... but not too many... and those ones only cause they out skill me greatly. Wanna know what's hard to deal with.... fricken warrior. Those guys I can tag 10 times in a row with nades and they have enough invuln and block to chain that they'll get to heal full up. They land one CC on me that I can't stun break... or I break right into another CC and I insta die. Fighting those guys is like a retro video game boss fight. A condi reaper with pistol is a fricken horror..... A good sword whatever theif.... Certain double mace ranger builds built defensive... can literally eat everything I throw at them and you can't get in mele with them or they stun chain the crud out of you. Then theirs the vindi rev... I have no idea what build shidai uses but it has a huge amount of defensive up time with an insane damage spike.
  15. I do have to say that over-pinging on the map is annoying. Its easy enough to disregard chat.
  16. Oh Oh, can we give them only one stun break, 15 - 18k health, and only give them their damage boost when they're in this clunky mode that disallows them from using some of their skills? Now in case they still have a chance, lets make those two cool skills they have b neutralised by any projectile denial.
  17. Mobility Creep. Making the Zerg viable because everyone has insanely power crept movement speed now significantly reduced the strategy in PvP. Start with mobility creep. Make those classes that got big damage and big invuln's/CC/defence slow as rocks.
  18. Generally by the time one team can sit at spawn and contain the other team the match is over and they're all just stuck there waiting for the time to run out. You want to keep all the nodes capped so you can hit the 500 mark quicker... and the players on the losing team can go out and fight a bit for entertainment, with their eventual deaths feeding into the 500 threshold. It is also a reasonable strategy in a non-game over scenario. Sometimes you get these bunkers that once they get on a point you can't get them off.... so if you just invested the effort in getting the fricken dude off a point they are sometimes more susceptible if you can take them out when they make their bee line to the point. So your high damage ranger or Dead Eye will run to somewhere near there home and watch if they come out solo and start immediate heading back to point. This is kind of necessary, cause some classes if entrenched you need a dedicated 2 people to get rid of. So spawn camping is either speeding the inevitable up, or in some limited cases a valid strategic decision to eliminate either a key bunker resource or a super glass that can do ridiculous damage into mele if allowed to do so. Its generally not an easy thing to do in a real game, because your out of position and waiting around, your normally better off to rotate and help your team take a numbers advantage elsewhere on the map with that 15 seconds grace.
  19. Started watching this match... seems to me that soul beast is really doing well at having great side node tankiness with great damage potential. Watching the 34 min match. And one of the ones before it (the collegium one). If anything it seems like ranger is really providing extraordinary value in both cases.
  20. Agreed, I didn't need more time... It's not like .15 seconds gives me the extra dodge I need from having dodged the giant bolder, the super leap, the...... the issue wasn't the time to respond for any solid player... it's the fact you ain't got no dodges left cause one hit from any of the CC and your in a chain of dead.
  21. what was the MAT make-up that won? I didn't see it. were there lots of War's in general?
  22. Cause Cjay's duo of staff warriors is farming ranked with warriors not revs 🙂. Basically its not that they're not ridiculous, its that there are other things that are more egregiously so.
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