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Everything posted by Ysmir.4986

  1. I doubt there was any match manipulation involved. From experience, match manipulation is a fairly minor phenomenon (contrary to what 95% people posting on the forum might be saying) which mainly has chance of happening in the upper upper bracket of a season ladder. Definitely not in a g2 game. This reeks of L2P issue. This might be a case of one smurf account carrying his whole team too, but that’s barely a smaller stretch than jumping to « match manipulation ».
  2. Because these are relatively new players who are discovering the game / game-mode.
  3. So following your logic, if you DuoQ'd you'd win what? 90% of the time? That's impressive. heavy eye-roll
  4. Having teammates that are obviously nowhere near your rating.
  5. Site where through the account name you can check all information relating to that account, including but not limited to: PvP stats with ladder position,AP with individual achievements,Titles,Hours played by profession / character,PvE and WvW stats.You wouldn’t need to go register, it would be connected straight with Anet servers and anyone can look up anyone individually.
  6. I'd wager it would probably be too much of a technical undertaking for the current team. There's also the idea that you can't moderate vocal and that people would get really toxic without Anet being able to persecute them. Although I think it would reduce toxicity, not increase it.
  7. As people said, plenty of core specs are viable, and I haven't seen anyone getting flamed for what they were playing really, aside from renegade and chronomancer maybe.
  8. It's always better to stick to one class (max 2) and get better on that, come hell or high water.
  9. The more I read the forums, the more I think about how much it's a nightmare for a PvP developer to decide how to balance the game mode. And it's not only due to the intricacies of balance and the different interactions you have in the game build wise, but also because the playerbase seems to be split down the middle in terms of the experiences they have in ranked q's. Let me preface by saying that I don't consider myself a good player, average on a regular day and average + on a good one. I have some 8000 games in PvP and I get put consistently at plat2 season after season. I play thief mostly, but I also play warrior and engi - mesmer when I forget how bad I am on that class. And even though I consider myself average, reading these forums feels like that I'm playing a completely different game mode from other players. You hear things like, "nerf this nerf that" and I go "really? who even plays that?" and general propositions such as "THIS is why the game mode is broken" and I go "what? when was that a problem?". Now of course, this might be due to a split between NA and EU, but I think it's especially because of the difference between plat1 (and upper) and lower tiers like g3 (and lower). And even though it's sometimes tempting to just commit to a "L2P" narrative, the latter group represents, without doubt, the vast majority of the playerbase. So even if their gripes seem to me ill-informed, should't the developer focus on their demands rather than those of a minority? After all, if the main problem with the game mode is the low population, isn't catering to the minority a sure way to put the nail in the coffin? TL:DR Should the developers listen to the minority (p1 and upper) or the majority (g3 and lower) in terms what the game mode needs as balance / content / changes?
  10. Deadeye is a viable choice in some scenarios. If the enemy team is stacked with rev, core mes and other thieves, deadeye will have trouble to roam and be effective. On the other hand, if we are talking about a slower enemy comp, with warriors, necros and engineers, deadeye will perform just fine. Your role is not to take 1v1s, it's to quickly burst down enemy targets, in teamfights and outnumbered fights. You shouldn't roam to much - e.g. decap far constantly - and focus on getting kills above all else. Pure roamer thief build is a d/p daredevil dasher, deadeye doesn't compare in terms of mobility but it does do a lot more damage. Potentially.
  11. I died to it once. Please nerf.
  12. Bunker scrapper ???? What game are you guys even playing
  13. So if I main thief I'm not qualified to comment on the class? Interesting logic.Ofc people are allowed to post any kind of bs but should I even mention that you are lying there? Should I ? So ye, not qualified.lol.
  14. Looooool what game are u playing gw2, mesmers can't one shot, mesmers have the lowest dmg of any class out there, they need to do alot of hits it's a combo but they can use it very fast that look like one shot Only situation a thief can one shot someone is where he specs in some meme trait line comp and you are wearing no armor and play on zerk.Thief main claims that thief cant oneshot unless enemies wear no armor, truly reliable source of information there. /sSo if I main thief I'm not qualified to comment on the class? Interesting logic. No, if someone gets one shotted by a thief it must be an out-side of meta circonstances. Based on your inane comments, I'm just going to file you under "irrelevant".
  15. Looooool what game are u playing gw2, mesmers can't one shot, mesmers have the lowest dmg of any class out there, they need to do alot of hits it's a combo but they can use it very fast that look like one shotOnly situation a thief can one shot someone is where he specs in some meme trait line comp and you are wearing no armor and play on zerk. But then you deserve to get obliterated, and most certainly anything will do the trick. Mesmers core shatter have higher burst potential than thieves. Don’t know what you are talking about but it’s certainly not factual.
  16. This has been said already, but yeah, duo q with someone that’s competent will get you a long way. More so if your specs are synergetic and you use vocal. Say two revs for example, you can move quickly around the map and burst down targets. But if you’re good, you should be able to climb out of silver and gold by yourself too. I never was there, but last night in unranked I was literally farming 3 guys outside of their spawn. Also accept that there are uncarryable situations. Good luck o/
  17. That will never happen, for various reasons I understand that, I'm just trying to grasp at anything at this point :(
  18. I don’t think it’s unreasonable for people finished with their matches to be able to spectate other games.
  19. I would agree to make daggerstorm not being able to cap / contest. I think that's reasonable.
  20. This has been pointed out by other players, but to reiterate, competitivity will always breed contention to some degree. Especially online where people are behind a veil of anonymity. Even having a system that cracks down on verbal abuse will not fully solve anything. You have toxicity in all instances where people in this game strive for efficiency and improvement, be it in sPvP, raids and fractals as well as WvW. Why do people play any game mode competitively? Because they have a goal, a clear sense of progression and feel fulfillment when they improve. Your proposal is simply ignoring those players needs. That has been Anets development philosophy for PvP all the way since e-sports and the game mode has been dying ever since. It's fine that you want to play just to have fun and get rewards, but it's short sighted to want to subject everyone to one way to play a game. The fact that there is a separation of unranked and ranked makes it possible for people that just want to have fun and play whatever to have their game mode, and people who actually want to try to win, to have theirs. Putting everyone in the same basket will actually make the experience more painful for everyone and truly kill off this game mode. All the problems that PvP has at the moment stem from a singular issue : lack of development investment from Anet. Balance, content updates, inconsistent schedule, all these things come from the fact that the company isn't interested in PvP and so have a small team working on it. Player population is then negatively affected and in turn negatively affects matchmaking and the overall quality of the experience. Saying that removing ranking will solve anything is just displacing the real issues, and frankly is a bit uneducated.
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