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Everything posted by Ysmir.4986

  1. I honestly think that gw2 should have an Armory system like in WoW. Everytime I see a thread like this, I'm just baffled because I think to myself "Wait a second, those one trick pony builds are widely known to be gimmicky trash that people only play in unranked because that's the only place they can make them work." And then I come to the conclusion that people crying about stuff like that are probably the same people stuck in s3/g1 that think that playing thief with no stunbreak and shadow signet ("need that mobility and the 10 stacks of vulnerability are value bruh") is viable and get upset when they are faced with a build that was actually designed by people that know their shit. But I really would like to support that theory with facts. sigh What's more problematic with threads like this is that they displace the real balancing issues. Most of them know those already but lets recap them: Firebrand support capabilities and the FB+Scourge duo, Mirage still exists (great idea to have a class that can cast skills while dodging),Holosmith is overtuned in terms of damage and sustain,Build variety is and keeps being neutered by power creep and baffling design decisions. Chronomancer is semi viable? Let's dump it in the garbage bin. Druid? Poof gone. You liked playing d/p roamer thief? Too bad, only s/d for you now! Not to mention some specs that were never viable in pvp to begin with ahem Renegade ahem.Again power creep. At this point everything is so fast in terms of dishing out damage, the game has degenerated in ways that it hasn't before. You would need to tone EVERYTHING down. Let's just focus on stuff that's really important and stop crying whenever you get killed by a meme build because you're wood tier.
  2. More like,Fool me once, shame on me,Fool me twice, go fuck yourself.
  3. Actually make a ladder for servers? What reason is there for a guild / server to try hard to t1? Nobody cares, there’s no prestige rewards, no seasons, no anything. People in t1 don’t get anything different from people in t5. The only reason to care about any of this stuff is if you want to fight a particular server or a group. But then again you don’t do this for rewards, but for ANY challenging / interesting content.
  4. Because Piken is notorious for being barren and people there play extremely casually? They don’t zerg, don’t join a raiding guild and Piken has no gvg group? Just some ideas.
  5. Delete warclaw EDIT: This has been said before, but I’m going to anticipate people crying out against it. Warclaw addition is a business decision, not game design one. Warclaw doesn’t bring anything positive to the game mode. You’re adding more mobility in this game with extra healthbar and dodges (which encourages cheesy ranged builds for roaming) and basically reducing the size of the maps making distances less impactful. You’ve put the nail in the coffin for solo roamers that like to 1vX because there is now 0 disengagement possibility (unless you stack stealth or manage to out run far enough to get on a mount), as well as reducing the importance of regrouping for zergs. Before when you roamed to north camp on an alpine bl it was a time investment and there was more impact to you dying. Now you slashed that impact in half. And for what? Oh that’s right. Gem store mount skins. Ty.
  6. How is the current state of lag in WvW is ok? How is this acceptable in any shape, way of form? This game is currently on sale, you're promoting it, and yet 1.5 out of 3 game modes are unplayable. PvP population wise is dead and is receiving almost no meaningful content (no, I don't consider new titles or new armor sets "meaningful content") and you have WvW which becomes unplayable when 40 people are in the same spot. When its 90, it's even worse, beyond what is considered even to be broken. This is absolutely shameful. I know that you said "you're working on it", but it's been almost a month and a half and this is STILL A THING. When on other games server maintenace takes more than 2 days its already considered too long but here anything goes I guess! I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt. I really do. But we don't hear anything, no real communication. We don't know what the issue is, what is your progress on it, so we just assume that you don't care about the people that play that game mode! The one guy in the back of the room indeed. Absolutely shameful. I have no words.
  7. lol, you call them kitten of course they didnt like it Well it wasn't meant seriously, the intro has a sarcastic tone, but I guess still a no-no
  8. Hey, glad you enjoyed the video, I made it for fun. But Anet deleted the original post so I don’t think they like this vid. Just keep in mind that your comment/thread might get removed if you post it.
  9. https://clips.twitch.tv/BlueGlamorousAyeayeNotLikeThis
  10. I think it’s asmongold that made this great analogy. It’s like if your dog ran away and you’re waiting for him to come back. Where is Spook? Day 2 Spook not here. Day 4 where is Spook? Spook still not here. Now 3 years have passed and Spook still have not showed up. And at this point, I don’t think Spook is ever coming back home and we just have to accept this.
  11. Considering the absolutely dismal amount of people actually playing pvp, I can see no worse idea than splitting the playerbase.
  12. People thinking that alliances are actually going to come out any day is kind of hilarious.
  13. When I solo q, and this has become more the case from season to season, as soon as I attain my regular rating season of plat 2, I start to fight with my team as much as the enemy team. Apparently, even though this game has been out for 7 years now, some people still think that running a thief build with shadow signet or no stun breaks is a good idea.. Now of course, no one is at fault for being new at the game. It is frustrating though that such players find themselves in my games, where I expect not to have a ranger camping beast 25s before spawn while his team is fighting on mid. And so duoQ is a way for me to guarantee that at least another person on my team knows what he's doing. Now, I don't feel like I'm manipulating any games, although I won't deny that I'm looking for an advantage here. Same thing for people on ladder that specifically q only at late hours so they can easily carry their team. Those players have every right to chose when they play the game, and saying it's match manipulation just comes off as being salty. The real problem that I see is not duoQ, it's low player population that keeps shrinking specifically due to : Lack of additional content in sPvP, State of balance in the game; Other reasons (you name them). DuoQs, for people who do them, is a system that makes it possible to cope with the atrocious matchmaking born from low pvp population. You remove that and what's going to happen is that a lot of people will just stop playing the game mode all together. This has happened in a past season and that's why Anet brought it back (partly, I'm guessing). But all this has been said repeatedly in the past.
  14. F U N D E T E C T E D [...] [...] E X T E R M I N A T E !
  15. Mounts are just a new convenience system that they've been adding in the game to cater to the casual playerbase. Mounts in wvw reduce the sense of importance of distance (think after a wipe and needing to return to the zerg). This might have been a good addition for people liking convenience and those who log into wvw for 1 hour every day to grab their daily, but it's awful design choice for the dedicated playerbase. Giving players what they want, not what they need.
  16. In the spirit of breaking away from the usual discussions / rants about why sPvP currently sucks, I’d like to write down a couple of features or lack of those that do not necessarily ruin completely my experience in PvP, but do confuse and irritate me. I’m sure that some of you feel the same way and maybe there will be some that will say that I’m just being a little conceited b*tch. But I’d like to know nonetheless what you think of this. Sometimes kick from HotM after leaving a ranked / unranked q (solo), port to your original zone,Leaving q for ranked and unranked upon entering custom arena,The second match ready window pop up being obnoxious: can’t dismiss like the first one, can’t even move it like the encumbered window, When you’re trying to enter your own custom arena that is pw protected, having to type the pw. Not being able to join a pw protected custom arena through “join friend”, Why can’t we have build templates. Why can’t we have character dependent key bindings. Why can’t we have a tutorial for people new to PvP so we can avoid those people coming into the game mode, getting shouted at and 1) leaving and never coming back or (worse) 2) keep playing how they play and not listening to anyone.Can we have Q.A. with balance team developers? Just put them in front of the camera, have them drink something and let them answer handpicked questions (not really a feature but something really bothering me), Porting from combat to HotM and arriving in down state. Port spots.I’m sure that some of you will think of other stuff, but ye, all that has been bothering me in pvp concerning some basic features. It is weird to me that the game has been progressively catering to the more casual audience and has been making convenience utilities (LFG system, on the fly trait swap, tomes of knowledge, wardrobe system etc. etc. etc.), but this stuff is still here / missing.
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