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Everything posted by Ysmir.4986

  1. This paragraph is one sentence. Let that sink in.
  2. Talking about teammates and not enemy team. Thought that was common sense. This would increase quality of matches regardless. You're not skilled bc you can see the firebrand has signet so you know theyre support. Stop it. This applies to teammates as well as enemies. And it doesn’t mean that you’re skilled, it just means that you understand classes and what they do based on weapons and active skills.
  3. Why the fuck would you trade arguably one of the best roaming specs in the game (core s/d) for something that is a mediocre duelist / team fighter and does less damage on +1s. Most thieves are not Sindrener so you just see them spam all initiative into thin air and then get ganked by a rev.
  4. Being able to identify a players build by simply looking at them is a skill check. Bad enough anet put elite specs icons in team panel. Stop it.
  5. I think we should have multiple passive proc traits that give you different immunities at 75, 50 and 25% health pool. We must take into account players that just want to have fun playing what they want to play and still have a chance of killing anything in pvp.
  6. I’ll petition for stealth putting all your skills on 20s cd, make you immobile, and last no more than 3 seconds, with no possibility of stacking. Then the game will be balanced for sure.
  7. It’s funny. Sindrener was literally joking while playing this meme build on stream « imagine some gold plebs go on forum now and ask to nerf s/p ». Actually hilarious.
  8. Add voice chat in pvp. Most people playing video games are social degenerates. It is easy to insult or be toxic via chat when you have a veil of anonymity, as well as seeing other players as just nameplates. With voice chat there is a more personal contact between players and you invest more of yourself in an interaction. This inhibits behavior, since there is more of a sense of social responsibility. It will improve match quality as well, since there will be a higher chance of effective team communication.
  9. Cant as on my thief I had withdrawl and shafowsteps for easy stunbreak but unfortunately part of the mirages combo is putting them all on forced CD's resulting in them being unusable till ur basically dead. So ur imobilizes,stunned and ur stunbreaks on forced cd, sonwas wondering if anyone had any good strategies after being hit with the combo since dodge,stunbreak and cleanses are taken out of the equation do to imobilize,stun and forced CD's being afflicted? that's gw2 balance in a nutshell lolI guess if mirages burst took like 25% max of ur health wouldn't be so bad but lack of counter play would still be relevant but it's made worse when they can burst such high amounts to I guess.Guess just try and avoid it at range I guess by pre dodging lol. Core s/d thief (really the only viable build at high tier atm) hard counters mirage as long as you get steal on them. Then it's just glob spam and face tanking until they're dead. You shouldn't have any trouble because of prot, resistance, block and stability coverage you get.
  10. It depends on what you mean by cyber-bullying. I think there are too extremes to this: some people just assume that toxicity is part of any competitive game mode and only the most extreme stuff should get you banned (i.e. racial / homophobic / sexist slurs) and some people consider that targeting your team-mate is already being toxic (regardless of the intention behind the targeting). It's a big spectrum and that's why you'll have trouble finding a middle ground on which everyone will agree. My general advice is to take anything said with a degree of levity but also self-inspection. Levity as in, people who whisper you in game and say "you are trash, kill yourself you fucking degenerate" are probably people with low social competence that don't deserve your time or attention. Having spent enough time in online communities, those kind of messages just make me smile slightly. And self-inspection as in, if you constantly keep getting whispers after each game there's probably a reason behind this. Try to determine why that is and if something you are doing is worth changing. For example, if you are playing full signet warrior and keep feeding mid, you are more likely to get flamed than if you play a meta build and try to do your role during a match.
  11. I’m starting to be convinced that all these « staff thief is op » threads are part of a conspiracy organised by a select group of players to make gold plebs play it in ranked so they get farmed by the people posting this drivel on the forums.
  12. Cheese is something that’s low effort / risk and high reward. Plenty builds / mechanics in the game like that. And they are for middle aged cat ladies so they can feel powerful and special too. And we know there are a lot of these in gw2.
  13. How about, for example ; For poison, you remove damage and keep the healing debuff,For chill, you only get higher cd (movement is redundant with cripple)Burn is the only condition that can “burst down” a target,Confusion only damages on skill activation,Torment only damages on movement.
  14. Holy Shit. What is this? Communication from Anet?! And adressing issues in the game?!?!? OIAHndiafksbfnuoiajbfvuoavniaonioasianhHioBCIOShn
  15. I want a PvE debuff for players on servers that do poorly in WvW and no transfers.
  16. This guy is really smart. Or maybe he just has a brain and sees the situation clearly. One of those two. Thing is, Anet currently is struggling to give content even to people they say matter to them, the PvE crowd. It's clear that after so many people left or got booted from the company, the idea shifted to just keep this game profitable by appealing to the gem store and the super casual players who would rather pay for something than actually earning stuff. PvP is dead and it's not coming back, WvW has probably something like 5 developers working on it, if even that, and the company is SOOOOOO disconnected (or they don't care, doesn't matter) from what the more "competitive" playerbase wants that there is no way this can go any way other than it already has been - downwards.
  17. Oh shit! I know this one! Give me a sec... Because this is a casual game and it allows all the cat ladies that suck at this game to still be able to kill something and feel good about themselves.
  18. Read the title, expected QQ about DuoQ. Was not disappointed.
  19. Stats seem a bit approximative to me, but still I think we can all agree that there are a lot of people fooling around and throwing in the games, even people that are straight out afk. Bots are another issue, it's obviously something that's not ok and should be addressed. But why do people afk and throw and don't tryhard in ranked? It's because no one cares anymore. There's no real incentive to win or to get better at the game mode because it progressively shedding more and more players, in part of mismanagement of the game mode on anets part. Most people I'd wager just come for the chests, get their marks and leave. I don't know really anyone who tryhards the game mode anymore. And so people don't care and just do whatever. But what are you going to do? Ban them? If you start banning people that go afk you would lose half of pvp populations then. Good luck with the 15 minute q's on "primetime" after that.
  20. Because , probably you have no direct experience of what you talk ....just some facts. I actually have a lot of experience on Piken. Even led there a couple of times. And then I transferred to greener pastures and life has never been better in WvW. Still trash overall, but still better than on Piken.
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