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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. My review of the spear: Better than the shortbow/10
  2. I can, its easy, the old map were design for foot travel, while the new map are design for mount. Gw2 is having its own sort of crisis of car centric(mount) map vs walkable map. In other word, the new map are on the mount scale, while the old map are on character scale.
  3. Staff that can control a golem. I want to be a golemancer.
  4. Yo! Im out of the loop, didnt in play in a long while. But I saw the trailer today, look neat. Just want to know if the golem from the golemancer rune is back?
  5. You guys saw the new giga super ultra cool gundam looking omega energy shield skin in the store!?!?!?! I said I wouldnt buy a micro before you add BACK my golem from mu old rune... But then THIS IS the skin you release... god kitten it anet... this is low............. I want that skin........ (//<>\\)
  6. Im with you op, what broke me is the removal of golemancer rune and the borin badly design shortbow (im an engi main). Also they remove so many fun trait and skill/trait design for boring one. The actual dev are killing the mojo of this game. Also the story about emotion... thats kind of cringe...
  7. 12 also as a certain charm to it, it should be the new max. That said 14 is kinda looking sexy too.
  8. Seriously, I would have kept the rune system and just slap the relic on top, its not like anet care for power creep, a boon or a condi more wont change anything at this point... I miss my golem...
  9. But why play shortbow over mace + shield? Maybe for wvw but for pve, its an handicap for sure.
  10. I dont mind the content we have, but I would enjoy it more with my miss in action golem... That said, I would nt be against new system like housing or survival/horde mode for example.
  11. I do agree but the issue is more the silence of anet on the matter. But we both know anet do love to stay silent and let the water boil till it spit out.
  12. Ok I get it... hmm... what about we post it every patch instead? We would post it less often than now, but still let anet not forget about it. Is it a deal? :3
  13. But this is about removed fun stuff from the game, like the golem summon, not about adding stuff so its even more important. Anet made this problem for themself.
  14. Only way Ill stop posting about it, if its they put it back or I stop playing.
  15. Thank for keeping this thread up there. I miss my golem... if its to fight afk, dont punish player that actively play your game... The afk dont care if the rune is here or no, it didnt do anything for the necro infestation in living world map...
  16. Removing quickness from scrapper in wvw is still to this day the dumbest thing anet ever did. Dont change the fondemental of a trait between gamemode this is beyong noob game design... You learn this stuff in school...
  17. Sword had a cool and unique mechanic, arenanet nerf it into none existence, making sword super boring. Yeah thats modern anet for you. Remember when gw2 was praise for its amazing combat system? Arenanet is destroying it right now, everything get simplier and moreboring with each patch. Im seeing the deconstruction of thise once amazing game... anet is in a crusade to make this game boring for about 3 to 4 years...
  18. Everyone already said what I think, the skill was better before.
  19. Probably not really op on mech, "usable" would be a better term. For the rest tho, yeah agree.
  20. They said so: "With all these changes, it allowed us to expand the radii of short bow skills and play with the //shapes// of the skills. Finally, we added some shiny new toys to short bow, such as ways to apply protection and aegis."
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