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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. Dungeon too hard?!? Defintly look like a skill issue, also full vitality gear? Thats kind of grieffing no?
  2. The could rework the whole weapon around the lightning chain concept and just dont make the canister thing. Just give 5 DPS skill that do some kind of chain lightning among enemy you tag with the weaponl, donno, anything but 4 clunky aoe.
  3. Dont insult the poor bot. Im pretty sure chatgpt could up with a 100x better idea than a poorly done clunkier and slower mortar kit 2.0...
  4. Better than what we got... Anything is better than what we got... When the supposed new toys is just a reskin of mortar kit with other class VFX and a clunky mechanic slap onto it, you know they dont give a crap...
  5. Engi shortbow is the worst... We dont even have new gameplay, its the same boring aoe spam as mortar kit... we dont even have our own VFX... its all reuse stuff from other class... Im a main engi player (support at that) shortbow is a solid minus F. I feal like shortbow was glue togheter one day before the trailer... Its clunky, boring and useless...
  6. Honestly, ele player have it still way better than engi... the shortbow is a disater... a clunkier, slower, mortar kit 2.0... It does not even bring new gameplay... Its lazy and lame...
  7. Not a fan of ypur concept but that said, it still 10x better than what we got...
  8. I fear your right it so like anet to nerf stuff that are balance for the sake of pushing us toward their new idea... But this time no, I dont want to play with another mortar kit (shortbow) on my bar... I really dont... I dont care if we have our shortbow 3 months after everyone but this need to be redesign from the ground up... This thing is not fun, unwanted, and seriouly feel super lazy compare to every other new weapons... Im myself is a game dev, and I generaly defend anet, but this is super lazy, it must not as been hard to code... I cant see how it was...
  9. Yeah shortbow is nearly in the garbage bin but sadly it felt on the side floor and nobody bother to pick it up...
  10. Mech and rifle was fun at eod lunch, now its just lame and most of the mech animation bug out with quickness... The shortbow... well sorry anet but its garbage... Most of our fun trait like barrel cake or triple mine are gone... replace by stat boost wich is always the lamest perk in rpg... I think anet dont want engi player in their mmo... engi feel like the unwanted child... They even took out the golem wich was mostly use by engineer player...
  11. Im with you on this. I was already on the edge with the removal of the Golem, the removal of the 3x burst on rifle, the overnerf of power mech... But now with this sorry excuse of a supossed "new tool"... I dont know... my love for the game is at critical HP... Anet need to heal me up or Im done.
  12. The only good thing anet could do with this is either dont give engi new weapons XD Or scrap that kitten and make an actual real weapon mthat can work in gw2.
  13. Im a engi main, support at that, even in pve this is utter garbage.
  14. Its not like we dont have tone of choice for our weapons...
  15. Its so bad that I dont even think anyone would notice if anet didnt release it. My better opinion literaly ctrl+c, ctrl+v revenant shortbow and reuse gyros model instead of portal.
  16. Maybe but will it be fun? Not in my opinion... Even if it was bug free and not total garbage, it would still be the most unfun weapon of the game... its just a more clunkier mortar kit...
  17. Honestly its useless, sure if you want to handicap yourself go for it. But this weapon is not fixable, its flaw in its base design. They cant fix it, even if the number were overpower, its just super unfun to play with. And the what this weapon bring to the table we already have it perma or in tone elswhere. So yeah, anet could not release it and nothing would change. They need to redesign it from the ground up. Lets check what it does: -A small amount of heal (engi aint missing heal at all) -A tiny amount of barrier (its not like we cant cap it already on mech and scrapper lol) -Condi cleanse (were the class that have the most amount of condi cleanse in our kit) -Super speed (scrapper exist) -Might (really, do I have to explain) -Some soft cc condi wich are nice I guess -1 explosion combo...
  18. Im en engi main, and a healer main at that... I dont see any situation were I would pick this joke over an actual weapon set, specialy mace + shield... ANET DONT NERF MACE + SHIELD, rework from the groundup the shortbow and make an actual real weapon please.
  19. I hope this is a joke because its ridiculous, anyone with half a brain could come up with a better idea in 30 sec... We dont even have our own animation, its all reuse from other class... And it does not even look usefull? Its full of stuff engineer already do pretty well, anet dont bother, just dont release it.
  20. Why is would I drop mace + shield for that? I was excpecting kitten... but even there they manage to disapoint, like wtf. Just admit you dont want an engi class in your game, refund me and delete it. I lost my golem for that? You expect me to buy another expansion after that? Really, that the best you can do? Wtf anet... Shortbow 0/10
  21. Honestly engineer in wvw is kinda trash not gonna lie.
  22. Theirs the adventure box rifle that does a piew piew, but 2x burst are weird and lame so I didnt try it...
  23. As yes unique, we dont have any kit thats only aoe ground target -cough- grenade, -cough- mortar...
  24. Or anet could make all our skill ground targeted. Engi should only have aoe. No more animation, no more variety, ONLY AOE... thats the vibe the new shortbow give me... If shortbow is only a mortar 2.0... can we at least have weapon swap... also, give me back my golem...
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