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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. Must say was dissapointed seeing new launcher but not a new character selectiom screen, feel like you guy did half the job... It lower my hype exitation a bit...
  2. Theirs no hype Im waiting. So far, to be honest, I got a bad vibe. The prologue feal not different at all from Ls4 wich is not a good thing. Im waiting, I want to be suprise of this so call, dlc stuff in living story, kind of content...
  3. If we speak about revive skill. Are we gonna talk about unfunction gyro? Is it gonna do something one day?
  4. This skill those not feel good anymore the range is far to short to be uselfull in any situation pve pvp wvw its not worth the 25% heat and visually yes its those look bad like they just scale it down and call it a day
  5. Hey guy! Guy you got all wrong dont you see? Core engi was good, now its garbage. Scrapper was godly when its release now its a piece of scrap. Holo is pretty good right now... so they are starting to make it a trash tier spec.
  6. If I had to take a guess I say would be trash
  7. I dont mind paying but 2 gears slots for free they are kiding at least 4 for free or even 5
  8. Ask for refund, this is unacceptable. Its is false advertising.
  9. I know it probably wont do any difference but I'll give it a try! Please vote so we may change the mind of Arenanet about the greatsword skill change specially the skill 4!!! Please dont change this fun skill!!!
  10. Why so fiew engineer... Look at the new balance batch you'll know why...
  11. Anet just want you to play guardian, warrior or mesmer the rest are getting trash on right now
  12. Ranger greatsword change are sad look way less fun to use the counter skill... its does remove a lot of gameplay option. Now its too much one way only... sword change look alright I guess... BringBackRangerGS
  13. Im an engineer main. So if I read correct, now that scrapper is dead you gonna nerf holo to the ground aswell, is that the plan?WTF... Im mad dont want to play this tasty yet fucking useless class...
  14. I think anet should review the whole reward system at this point. Its been way too long since the game didnt feel rewarding... A single skin here and there, is far from enought and those god rare, ultra, cashy loot do not count, they are faaaaar too rare the be consider. Why not add new weapons set on the loot table of new map, instead of BL ticket. Why not put those cheap ass, low effort mount skin in the loot table or hide in a spesific chest somewhere (like at the end of a jp). At this point we just need more skin. They can be cheap, just more and in different way, not just in vendor. And in a rng is fine, if its not awefully, mythically rare.
  15. if it was less rare I wouldd gladly grind for it, but I wont grind 100h for 1 rare every 2 hour... The chance is way too low to be fun, at this point I wont even try to, its on the point of bad design.
  16. Just bought a guild hall decoration for 300 and nothing nada, definitely bugged...
  17. If warrior complain about their down 3... may I introduce you to down 2 and 3 engineer?
  18. I want an option to hide other player skill FX (outside of group/squad) and yeah remove fx of other player too why not the visual noice is on critical level
  19. Agree with everything you said really really great update! Only thing the strike mission is way to easy and the jumping puzzle is bugy and weird in a raid like mission... But the open world jumping puzzle!!!! Thanks thank a lot for it!!!!
  20. Who want a new character selection screen and launcher? Im tired of the brown soft music... And Balty on the launcher its old thing this day... For my taste if you really wanna make icebrood saga feal like a new chapter, we need those change please! (Sorry for my bad english)
  21. Running simulator is not fun and getting one shot for a 16k hp pool from a mirage in stealth that cc me lock... no thank...
  22. Just want more rume and sigil with fun interesting bonus, more summon rune more on crit rune more on swap rune etc
  23. Why to people give a cherry about people sexuality?!? Its a fantasy story about a race struggling for their survival against a god like race (elder dragon) I dont want to hear romance tale, I want to hear the battle horn! the sound of swors crashing again one another! The tale of battle and glory! If they want to rob a stick or a kitty I could not give less of a fuck please... The kid these day
  24. As far as I know, we dont have any details on this matter, but I do hope that in build template we can change/store our armor
  25. As a engineer main and a wvw support those scrapper change look bad. The smoke field on f4 is a great tool in melee fight to reduce enemy zerk heal or to cleave body. And dont reduce the condi of pirge gyro its gonna make this skill so bad l, yes there is a problem and purge gyro is not, the problem is the antitoxin rune jjst had an icd. This rune is not baseline on the scrapper XD some dont use it and nerfing the skill instead of the rune would make the rune nearly a must. Overrall for the engineer its does not feel great, for me its a miss
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