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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. Got a solution for them, relic of the golemancer. When above 10 might stack, summon a golem that last 60 sec, cooldown 60 sec. The summoned golem always target your own target. See, its fix, it interact with the boon system XD. Also When it was still there, I always try to push my might generation near him so he could get benefit from it. They could also make him affected by alac for its whirwhilm skill. If they really dont like him having cc they could change his skill or just remove it, I would rather they let him have a skill but but hey.
  2. That would be lame, what is so hard to understand that some folk like having pet/summon in game? I rather have my golem running with me perma without much control other than tell him who to attack via the skill 1 like it use to be.
  3. A second relic slot could be wild, specialy if the bring back old rune effect. (Im ok for them to prevent same effect stacking)
  4. Really a rando dev could just say: "Yes were aware that you miss your old rune effect, dont worry were working on it to bring them back to you, including the summon one." And everyone would shoutup and be happy. But anet love to stay silence and let the water boiled.
  5. That true that even in pve it would hurt performance in meta/world boss, didnt think about it. Still, I dont ask for every skill animatiom to be unique, but at least a couple new here and there. Or redo the old simple one. Honestly I dont mind the reuse of animation but the reuse of vfx, thats a rought cookie. And vfx do have the same probleme as animation, but vfx data is way less heavy if its not used/in runtime. May make loading time because of a fatter vfx pool, but wont have that huge of an impact on fps. Thats said, I dont know how gw2 is coded and wont pretend to.
  6. Eod release mech wad really cool! (It was op but they could have just nerf the number, no need to butchered the mechanic). Rifle qas even hit in the crossfire...
  7. Its been a while so I think its time for a little reminder that you still didnt bring back the golem from the rune. 🙂 Feel free to comment the rune effect you want back.
  8. As I said, if it was the main game mode ok. But handicaping the whole game for a niche one is kinda not a good idea. I mean how % of the player base actually enjoy wvw? Not bashing just curious, I fail to see it higher than 15%. If anyone has data on that I would appreciate.
  9. Engi shortbow have literaly 2 animation... the auto and 2 to 4... the auto is not even a chain its just 1 cheap animation looping...
  10. That such a bad excuse, suuuuuuuuch a bad excuse. If it was the primary gamemode ok. But making the rest of the game lame for a niche game mode is really not great design. Did I said this was a stupid excuse?
  11. Its already inconsistent, I think it would be less jarring. The way they did in SoTo is the worst they could have done for me.
  12. They could also keep the gliding skill were they were and just flip the skill 1 when you have a throwable item...
  13. Yes and its annoy me so much. If its a bug, they sure take their bloody time to fix it. If its a design choice, thats really weird and frankly stupid.
  14. If they dont put back the golem Im not buying any stuff from them.
  15. Lol were never having underwater mech. Dont get me wrong I would love too. But were talking about engi, anet dont care enought to give us a proprer new weapon, so cancel rework on mech. The only rework on mech I can see, is them nerfing the hell out of our healing variant by removing the barrier generation and putting alac on the engi jumping when at 180 unit of the mech or something stupid like this.
  16. Did you saw the new shortbow? Sword is never getting love lol.
  17. Because were the engi class. What did you excpect? Something good? Something worth it?
  18. Sad but true... Anet butcher mechanist, butcher rifle auto and now shortbow is just a meme... And they remove the golem... Not engi specific but thats still lame...
  19. Sadly your right... They tend to remove every flavor and fun interaction when they rewoek something... And it always end up in something lackluster and boring...
  20. For me the reason I log waaaaaaaay less than before, is how poorly theyve manage my classes(engi) example mechanist is kinda lame compare to eod release (not talking about number, but about mechanic) it use to shoot laser, have animation on rocjet punch, been able to shoot rocket, now none of this work and all its animation bug with quickness... The butchering of the rifle auto attack, they added a cool battlerifle from Halo and now its a weird slowass 2 shot that look and sound weird... The removal of the golem, that one hurt... and the new shortbow look super lame, Im not gonna play with it if it release that awefull... I have nothing to look forward and they actively made thing that was cool, worst for me... I always defended anet but since last years... They disapointed me over and over... Soto map was cool and the story was nice but yeah, all the rest is getting average at best...
  21. I rather they bring back the release version of mechanist with nerfed number than the abomination we have now... Also bring back the 3x burst auto on rifle, and bring back the golem... Also shortbow lol, I dont need to say more...
  22. I main engi, I know our aquatic weapon is actually fun, was more a joke about the "new" shortbow XD
  23. Engineer would probably get a speargun with a slow auto attack and skill 2 to 5 with ground aoe... :,)
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