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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. Never love alchemy, would be disapointed if it was the theme...
  2. I really don't understand why so many people want a golemancer for engineer....we already have a Asuran themed elite spec with Holosmith. Why giving us another?And the alchemical side of engineering is completely unexplored by elite specs yet. It simple because what is the most Asuran thing? The golem but sadly we dont really have any way to have golem (we have racial skill but lets be honest here... its more a joke than anything). We do have a rune that summon a golem tho and its not a bad rune in fact, but I want MORE O.oTrue that Holosmith feel asuran that the spec I use in fact for tgis very reason!
  3. Engineer: staff 1200 long range. I would LOVE!!!! it to be a golemancer, summoning different type of golem zo could be only skill animation not real IA or we could have kind of a "ranger pet" but its a golem
  4. Omg omg omg!!! Alright my 100 box is ready when you are! Cant wait! I see light once more! -sniff-
  5. I think grenade and mortar are too similar and sadly not fun to play, each skill do almost the samething except with a different color flavor. Yes the old mortar was kind of issssh but I prefer those skill. For bomb well its on the same level boring to play and not that great design wise. I would not mind a total rework of those 3 kits Mortal could become more of a rocket launcher with an auto attack that shoot auto guided rockect kind of, some missle barrage, maybe a laser, etc. Grenade is not half bad but his skill could use some more variety. Bomb welp bomb is just trash dont know what to do with it, maybe more of a mine setter/bomb hybrid.
  6. Engineer, this is my experience. I love my build, how its play. Balance patch (mainly a nerf engineer as always just nerf) ok now my build doenot work because they remove chane xyz. Find a new build I enjoy, blance patch, samething they remove/change something. Its the same over and over and over. Im sick of it dont want to try anymore... I dont even use meta build, I make them myself... Engineer is only a succession of disapointment...
  7. Wait a minute, lets first see and try the content before praising it. Still it does look good.
  8. Would be nice if we could have some proper ranged DPS weapon choices to go with it, tho.Hitting someone with Grenades or the Mortar at that range can be challenging, Elixir Gun does not work for DPS at range either. And rifle is mostly melee as well.If we would have a power ranged weapon choice to compliment Aim Assisted Rocket, then it would feel much better to use. Yop excatly what Im thinking, thats why I find it strange having this on engi
  9. This patch just kill the fiew build diversity we had. Holosmith have next to no synergy with the engineer. Class start to be less and less fun to play. Whats the piint of balance is the game feel dull
  10. I know but why you choose this one over 200 ferocity, wich holo can use to a certain extend.
  11. Hate the new visual, why not just bring back the original one, the were less annoying but still visual, and they were much more nice to look at.
  12. I like the new change but can we please remove the 450 distance check. After some testint and experimenting, I can say it feel weard to play around. Removing the distance check would not chanhe anything really for this trait, you want damage you go for the mid trait and for support/tank you go for the low one. Engineer as always been a mid to close range in general. Having this trait change so it can only be use in long range, will never see play. Id least thats what I think. P.S. sorry for my english not my first language ^.^
  13. Meta i guardian in everygame mode by a looooooooong strech people that say otherwise dont understand the fundamental of the game. Stun break check, condi cleanse double check, CC check, damage both power and condi godly check, stab up time check, support boon up time check, ease of gameplay check, heal output check, etc. It can do everything and pretty well at that.
  14. The new aura are boring to look at why not bring back the pre-Hot one? They did the job peefectly for me, and I find them to be more fiting with the game visual
  15. I love everything about it except the 450 feel bad to work around.
  16. The aim assit change is nice. But the 450 distance feel bad to play around on a mainly melee spec... and I miss cake barel the new trait is better yes but way less tasty... all in all I guess its a good one since emgi still got is toys strip away from him...
  17. You did keep the aim assit 450 range... bad deaign, nobody gonna run this skill. Its does not work on engineer, we have no reliable range weapons mostly grenade wich are really unfun to play with (mortar is a bad weapons set and basically clone of the grenade). I agree that damage needed to be tuned down but, remove orbital strike, mime sweep and hidding aim asst behind this 450 thingy... Once again Im sad with youre engineer change...
  18. No change to aim assit rocket 450 distance requirement... Really sad your tacking out 2 traits I use to love and enjoy on my sword shield holo. The new trait look awesome except I wont be able to use it cause engi is a melee class. Grenade and mortar are not fun or even well design distance weapons. Remove the 450 it make no sence on engineer to have a trait for distance combat. If you stick with it, this patch will take out such a lot from my build... Its small but for my its a huge detail. Please remove the 450 distance thing.
  19. Engineer aim assit rocket, must be 450 range or greater? Really did I read well? So you take out my cake bomb, my mine sweap, and now your making aim assit and orbital strike umcompatible with holosmith and scrapper? Ok... It must be a typo right guy? I meam surely you dont want me to spam rifle 1-1-1-1, etc or force me to play with this akward poorly design not fun mortar, to have my toys back? Surely its a troll... Oh and why corona wont give stab anymore? I mean its not like engineer can give itself a lot of stab? Did you ever play with an engineer, ok you mist since you design the game. But really?
  20. I seriously loved that trait reworked until the "at least 450 distance from the target" part. This is a Power Engi Trait, and Power Engi Builds are mostly at MELEE range because of Holoforge COMPELLING you to become at melee Range. Engineer isn't a very popular class already, please for the sake of all Engis Mains who still out there: remove the Range limit of that trait. Could not agree more our range weapons suck:pistol (lol) and rifle wich is mostly a melee weapons at this point I couldnt disagree more. If the range is 450minimum it oculd be a fun range trait for sure. What engineer needs is more ways to deal reliable range dmg, not more melee kitten, thats what u got 2 elite specs for.Why not both, make it a flexible trait that can be use on 2 playstyle. Because right now its gonna see almost no play, or very fiew. I would not mind if we had more fun toys to use at distance, but like I said, we dont really (sure we do mortar, rifle, etc). But mortar is more condi and offer a really braindead gameplay, really not fun (or good).
  21. I seriously loved that trait reworked until the "at least 450 distance from the target" part. This is a Power Engi Trait, and Power Engi Builds are mostly at MELEE range because of Holoforge COMPELLING you to become at melee Range. Engineer isn't a very popular class already, please for the sake of all Engis Mains who still out there: remove the Range limit of that trait. Could not agree more our range weapons suck:pistol (lol) and rifle wich is mostly a melee weapons at this point
  22. Im sad for loosing mimesweaper and my barel cake. But the new explosion while entering combat seem nice. I love the new aim assit rocket but the at least 450 distance... Im sure its gonna feel cluncky engineer is fun to play in a melee setup pretty boring at range, rifle is somewhat an ok weapons, but the rest either they are pretty bad (pistol, mortar) or really unfun as hell (grenade). I would rather have no distance check (well with a max of 1200 or so) or treshold of 0 to 450.
  23. Is it 0 to 450 distance or 450 to 1200 the wording is weird Im not sure? "Aim Assisted Rocket (REWORK): Rockets are now only fired on critical hits. Rocket recharge reduced from 10 seconds to 3 seconds. Rockets now require the engineer to be at least 450 distance from the target to fire. Every 5th rocket instead calls an orbital strike."
  24. You've peaked my interest, what about these data-mined icons and NPC foreshadowing? :open_mouth: Jhavi is a necro in the vanilla game, but here she use a shield. For the icon Ive seen them on reddit and facebook a while ago. If you google them you may be able to find them. Edit: here the icon https://i.redd.it/35jv3b25q1j31.jpg
  25. Did you guys saw the new holiday weapons set? At this point, they dont even do the bare minimum, I'll keep an eyes for "new stuff" but I may never really log again.
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