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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. Can Scrapper drone skills look a bit more decent, at least vanilla standard... And can we finaly get a true mortar skin, not the one that anet said it was placeholder... like 5 years ago...
  2. The new visual must be placeholder like the mortar skin, when they change it 5 years ago... Meanwhile thief got a redesign on trap, that no one ask, that look freaking kitten... oh poor engineer...
  3. As the title say. Since they change it, their visual look so weak and almost feal like butched job. Dont get me wrong they are way more, mechanically, better but the look... oh boy they look amateur... Ps: sorry for my bad english.
  4. Yes please yes!!! Make it permenant!!! Its the best combat tonic ever!!!
  5. The systeme is fine as it is. That said I will be in favor for adding new base class spec, with the addition of more elite spec. The only 4th line of specialisation I want to see, is a racial one, let us choose wich race we want to have the skill (I care for the lore but I would rather have more tool to play with, even if it cost some unlore friendly mechanic, example asura using norn shape shift.)
  6. Worst meta achivement. Its gonna be the first one I wont bother with, since lw season 2. I start playing after lw s1. Not gonna bang my head against those timer and Im not gonna farm expensive weapons set for the heck of it. If anet want hardcore gamer, fine by me, but hey if Im not the public they want anymore, I just gonna put my money elsewhere. EoD really gonna be the make or break for this game for what Im concern... Sad... Use to adore this game... oh well
  7. 3 because the map look good. I would have put 2 but since the prologue was so good I'll jump one number. But oh my god the champion stuff is awefull.... And the new meta is the worst, so freaking grindy, probably gonna be the first meta achivement ever I wont do, I have no willingness to farm those awefull grindy boring achivement.
  8. I want a golemancer with minion like any asura engi main. But your elite feel too necro and not enough engi, I dont think fear belong on engi.
  9. They feel cheap. Im down with no new map, if its mean they can have better story/content. But this aint none, its just some vanilla open world event, but in a instance.
  10. Sadly this content is grindy and gameplay wise a bit boring. The story, seem intresring, but I dont want to farm the story... Even the reward are meh...
  11. it's so funny, you're a hell of a joker Guild wars 2 was or should never be about raid. Its was an experiment the major part of the community does not give a f. about raid. Stop whinning and move on, there are plenty of other mmo focus on raiding. It's so arrogant to say that.And why arena could not satisfy several types of players, the raiders AND the casuals players? Casus have 99% of the game made for them so I don't see the hassle of creating HM content sometimesFor example for the next extension (cantha), they can create lots of maps for casuals players and 2 raids for hm players (urgoz and the abyss like during gw1 faction) ..Yeah sorry it was kind if arrogant, was in a bad mood when I write this, nothing personal, again sorry. But I do think, that raiding will join the dungeon club in the long run, they are kind of expensif to make, if my memory serve me well a dev speak about it during season 4. And seeing the already thin content release, spreading it more would just hurt the game bottom. Sadly I do think raider are not where the money is. And for personal opinion instance content does not belong in a mmo. But thats my taste.
  12. Guild wars 2 was or should never be about raid. Its was an experiment the major part of the community does not give a f. about raid. Stop whinning and move on, there are plenty of other mmo focus on raiding.
  13. Agreed. It doesn't bother me personally but it can't possibly hurt anyone to add it. Except for loss of ability to show prestige I guess, but it would only be some people turning off the most obnoxious effects, so prestige isn't a good argument Nothing is prestige in swinging a credit card for a over expansif ugly glow fest :/
  14. Roller beetle is the best because its soooooooo cute!!! :3
  15. To be honest I did like HoT and I did like PoF, so I'll probably like EoD. As long as they dont focus on elitist content like raid or pvp. And if I can get an golemancer elite spec for my main engineero-o-heavy breath-
  16. Lol WvW is just dead content XDBut for a real answer yeah the visual cancer of this game is way out of track. Therent really something you can do about it, its just to taxing on the brain. but hes actually right trolling or not :P sPvP and WvW should be the real endgame content.. cus fighting people with a brain is harder then fighting same hardcoded npc's 100 times am i right? Right or not the pvp is not less a visual cluster than the pve at this point.
  17. Lol WvW is just dead content XDBut for a real answer yeah the visual cancer of this game is way out of track. Therent really something you can do about it, its just to taxing on the brain.
  18. Yes yes I want a elite spec minion master with golem!!!! If the spec would give us staff and boon support I would be more than happy!!!
  19. If with skeleton you mean the 3d mesh that already exist as you can see in the armor preview window.If you mean that the stats are somehow hardcoded, i dont think that because you can change the appaerance of a leggendary with the skin of a lvl 1 armor and that don't affect the stats. Skeleton and mesh are 2 really different thing, skeleton are what animation file use and what proc are bount too, mesh is just the 3D visual nothing more.
  20. Yes please yes lets us hide effect of player that are not in our party/group. Not just infusion skill effect too.
  21. Those particular things have not changed a bit, sadly. Thats disappointing, as I really loved the PVP in this game. It was simple, but fun.Pvp is far from simple now day. Its layer of mechanic over layer of mechanic, with counter to counter, to counter the counter, oh and condi... condi till the eyes can see.
  22. The cast time is longer if I remember and easly interupt. Also only cleanse 1 condi vs the 2 of the turret. Average its a aleight kit for support, but not really that great for self heal.
  23. Quick question do you have a golemancer rune on your aqua breather aswell? Yep! I even double check before posting, just in case. Weird i used to have these runes and it used to spawn underwater. I wonder if the ogre runes with the rock dog still do. Its use to indeed! It stoped working when they did the big rune rework/update Well that sucks that literally makes the last part of the runes useless underwater.Excatly! Since its my rune of predilaction, (Yes yes I know, its not the best one, far from kt, but its a golem!!!! :3 ) and they seem to want more underwater content thats why I point it.
  24. Quick question do you have a golemancer rune on your aqua breather aswell? Yep! I even double check before posting, just in case. Weird i used to have these runes and it used to spawn underwater. I wonder if the ogre runes with the rock dog still do.Its use to indeed! It stoped working when they did the big rune rework/update
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